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by James Martin (jim@mama.com.au)

Rated: R   Genre: Comedy   User Review: ****
One Bang Deserves Another is an romantic comedy about an unscrupulous property developer who underestimates the creative intelligence of kilt wearing gay guy.

This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.



The end of another advertising award ceremony. The last of
the tipsy advertising stragglers cling to each other on the
dance floor for physical and emotional support. The lyrics
of George Michael's "Fast Love" echo through the night.
"Looking for some education, made my way into the night, all
the bullshit conversation well baby can't you read the
signs". Jack Diamond CEO of Ad Agency Bang Creative is full
of booze and bad manners. Staggering his way across the
dance floor with an equally intoxicated female.
Come on let's check out the gym.
                       GIRL #1
Isn't it a bit late for a workout.
Well it's the only way i can hear
heavy breathing again.
Interior of Gym, dim lights and some dumb bells are
scattered on the floor.
                       GIRL #1
Ouch, that hurt.
Some dope left the dumb bells out
on the floor.
                       GIRL #1
Oooh. Oooh. There you are.
Hurt badly.
                       GIRL #1
I'll survive.
Maybe this will help.
                       GIRL #1
Hmmm, nice, nice. That's not so
nice. Slow down.


Since when did sex have a speed
                       GIRL #1
Just a couple of speed bumps, ooh,
that your hands are feeling.
Nice speed bumps.
                       GIRL #1
That's it. That's it.
Suddenly the door to the gymnasium opens. Two gay men enter
the dark room.
                       GAY #1
Hullo! Hullo! Is anyone there?
                       GAY #2
It's alright, come on. Come to
Harry, you big brute.
Fuck! Fuck!
                       GAY #1
Who's there?
There's a scuffle as Jack and his lady friend race to put on
their clothes. The zipper on Jack's trousers gets snapped
up. A moment of silence.
Shit! Oh Bloody shit!
                       GAY #1
What happened!
It was my dick being caught in my
fly, arsehole.
                       GAY #2
Oh! Want any help sweetie.
Fuck off!
The mystery lady laughs uncontrollably and disappears into
the night.


Jack follows and searches everywhere. He finally gives up
the search. It's cold, his groin aches; he hobbles towards
the exit to grab a taxi.
Intercut, split screen. Location one, Reception Bang
Creative, a busy funky reception area.
Good morning, Bang Creative. Hello
Mr. Goldstein.
Rosie, Bang Creative receptionist, is a Pam Anderson look
Intercut, split screen. Location two, Sam Goldstein at his
architect's office.
Hello Rosie.
Sam Goldstein is a property developer. A Danny Devito on
steroids. Short, nasty and stutters when he is either
extremely nervous or angry. His emotional prop, his
attentive dog, Bow Bow, a British Bull Terrier.
How are you Mr. Goldstein?
Any fitter and I would be
What's your secret?
Just keep breathing.
How can I help you Mr. Goldstein?
Has Jack arrived yet?
He's been on a conference call
since he arrived early this
morning, Mr. Goldstein.


Really. An hour and half on the
phone. Rosie, tell that dead-beat
to call me when he arrives, I'm at
the architect's office 555 39 89
Goldstein is sitting across the boardroom table at his
architect's office. A scale model of a residential tower is
in front of them.
I can never get that bastard
Diamond when I want him.
He could be busy.
Amanda Storey, budding architect, is a super sexy
"Rockwellier" with lips, tits and hips. Honest, loyal and
with a great sense of fair play.
Busy my arse. He's probably been
on the piss all night, again.
A real player?
He'll screw anything with two
Sounds like he doesn't want to
limit his options.
I suspect he practices a lot on
his own.
Amanda laughs. Bow Bow takes opportunity to attach himself
to her leg and starts humping it again. Amanda tries to
shake the dog off, but he is very intent, as usual.
      (tugging on the
       dog leash)
Cut it out Bow Bow.Did you send the perspectives and
building brief to the Ad Agency?


Middle of last week.
I want you at the presentation
with me.
      (standing to leave
       Amanda's office)
I'll get back to you as soon as I
get hold of Diamond.
See you soon.
Fades to black.
Good morning Rosie.
Good morning Jack, how are you?
I feel like shit, but thanks for
Big night?
So the function went well?
Too bloody well!
Coffee? .. strong black?
Please. My head feels like a
cockatoo's been tap dancing on my
brain and he just finished the
night off by shitting on my


                       JACK (cont'd)
Sounds delightful. Here's your
Any messages?
Sam Goldstein. Trying to track you
down, he has called three times
and he sounds pissed off.
What's new? He stutters when he's
pissed off or nervous, was he….?
      (mimics Sam's
Fuck yes!
A while ago, Goldstein ran out of
cigarettes. He asked this really
attractive chick – he said, Please
may I have a fffffff ..she slapped
his face and walked off before he
could finish the word "fag".
Good morning Bang Creative,
transferring you now. One moment
please. Jack.
The number cruncher wants to sees
you. He says it's urgent.
Sounds serious. Thanks.
How are things?


Worrying. Things don't look good.
Sounds ominous.
Very ominous. We lost those big
accounts recently. Clients are not
paying us on time and cash flow is
shit house.
We are already down to skeleton
staff. We are working on a few
pitches at the moment.
If you don't pull something out
the bag we are going down.
Shit, how do we get out of this
Get more billable clients or win
I like my chances of winning lotto
                                         JACK LEAVES JAMES'
                       MALE STAFF
Morning Jack.
Morning Pete, have you seen Ceril?
                       MALE STAFF
He's in the bathroom.
Jack enters the bathroom. Ceril, facing the urinal, is
pushing the pleats into line. Ceril is dressed in his kilt
and ruffled shirt (his signature daily attire even though he
is not Scottish).


Ceril Artes, is Senior Creative Director of Bang Creative.
Deliciously gay, very clever, quick witted, over the edge
creative talent with an acid tongue. Jack's confidant.
Good morning Ceril. Finished
shaking hands with the great
MY! My! Don't you look a treat,
big night?
Ugh Ugh.
Meet anyone interesting?
Ugh Ugh.
The love of your life.
And who pray might that be?
What was Harry doing?
You mean who was Harry doing
Fucking around as usual.
My god! You can be SO brutal.
Harry is so far in the closet he
could be Narnina.


Bitchy – Bitchy. So was anyone
attracted to your charming,
magnetic personality?
She wasn't by any chance carrying
a white cane?
Well, I'm waiting.
What for?
Did you score?
I got lucky. I was the only
heterosexual with a pulse left
I know your sex life has been
going through a drought, but your
fascination about my fornication.
I love to know how you straights
play the field. So..
Well the spirit was willing, but
the flesh was weak.
You had an erectile malfunction?
Malfunction? More like


So who was she?
Ugh, don't know.
Not even her first name?
Disappointed, I think.
So where is "miss disappointed"?
Away with the fairies.
That's positive. Don't you want to
Sorry. The brain has gone into
No shit.
Talking about shit, what's
happening today?
We are working on the brief for
Sam Goldstein's new project.
That environmental rapist.
More like a serial rapist, he's
such a sweetie.
The sweetie who was rejected at
birth by his natural parents and
raised by wolves.


The same.
So what's he up to this time?
Same old shit just a better
Haven't we heard that one before.
The Bang Creative Boardroom has top notch designer
furniture, industry awards all over the walls and
state-of-the-art plasma and sound system. On the boardroom
table are the briefing notes, rough layouts and conceptual
design work for their review.
Ugh! Ugh!
Who are the schmucks he’s
targeting this time?
The schmucks, with a lot of money.
That target market are no
schmucks, I’m amazed he’s brave
enough to try.
It’s not his style! He always go
for the lower demographic.
Are we talking about the right Sam
Unbelievable but true.
What’s he calling it?


When it rains it pours, "rain"?
      (camping it up)
No like the Queen's rule, REIGN.
Different .. its got potential
I like it.
Its got water views.
Knowing Sam – you’ll have to
stretch your head out of the
window to see the water views.
Beautiful breezes.
That’s if someone farts.
Cynical! Cynical! Very cynical
this morning.
      (grabs his groin)
Sorry, a lot on my mind.
Ceril unrolls the set of architectural plans across the
boardroom table.
It’s a very smart building, smart
design, smart technology and smart
floor plans – good finishes!
How the hell did he do it. I'm
So am I.


I always thought Goldstein did for
the development industry what the
Titanic did for winter cruising.
You've got to admit the
architecture is stunning.
Ceril pulls the artist perspectives of the building out of a
tub rolling it out on the table before Jack.
Who’s the architect?
Someone new.A.S. Designs. Sounds like a small
Why doesn’t that surprise me?
Goldstein always employs someone
he can screw right down in price.
Remember the last poor bastard.
Why wouldn't I, he was such a
beautiful boy.
He was such a cowboy. He didn’t
know his arse from his head.
Oh! I think he did.
      (Laughing hard)
Sorry I asked. What’s the budget?
Not fixed yet. Wants our
He wants results – without
spending any money. That’s the
Goldstein budget guideline.


My gut feeling is its going to be
different this time.
Any research commissioned?
Goldstein is either the world’s
greatest living optimist or he’s
severely shortsighted.
Ceril nods in agreement.
So what are we working with?
Upscale, empty nesters, high net
worth, married and this will
probably be the fourth or fifth
apartment they will buy.
Are these the thoughts on the
Yep. These are some rough layouts,
storyboards and digital concepts.
What do you think?
      (Pausing to
       consider the work
       before him)
These are good. Fuck, these are
Different -
Very different.
Intercut spilt screen. Location one. The telephone rings in
the boardroom, it's an internal call from Rosie.


Yes Rosie.
      (puts his hand
       over the receiver)
It's the colon on two legs
That's the one. The arsehole wants
to speak to you.
You can handle him.
Thanks Jack, thanks a lot! Put
him through Rosie.
Hello, Ceril Artes speaking.
Intercut spilt screen. Location Two Exterior Day:
Sam Goldstein in his chauffeur driven car, which is slowly
motoring down the same street as Bang Creative's offices.

Interior car: Sam Goldstein with salivating dog, Bow Bow.
Sam is speaking on his cell phone.
I know who’s fucking speaking,
where’s that arsehole Diamond?
He’s not in at the moment.
Ooh bullshit! I’m on cell phone
and I can see his bloody Porsche
in your car park.
It’s broken down, he’s using a
In that case why is one of the
staff driving it out of the space


Big fucking oohh! Don’t bullshit a
      (Sam pulls at the
       dog chain and the
       dog yelps.)
Tell that sniveling advertising
wanker that I'm going to be
spending a lot of money on the
campaign. I want a campaign that
sells, something with balls. None
of this arty farty crap he's been
dishing up in the past.
That's so anal.
Little wonder, it made my piles
Oh Yuck!
I’ll be in on Friday 3.00pm with
the architect.
3pm will be fine.
That should give Diamond enough
time to pull his head out of his
arse and give me something decent.
Yes Mr. Goldstein.
And for once in his life tell him
to be there on time.
Anything else?


Drop the skirt for Friday, buy a
suit, see you then.
      (Hangs up)
That bastard. I don't wear a skirt
it's my best "Pringle" kilt. He
is such a fucking shit. Excuse my
Forget him. He’s full of shit.
He’s been putting suppositories in
the wrong end of his anatomy for
I wish one of them would explode!
Image the mess. When's D-Day?
3pm Friday.
Let’s get to work.
The boardroom is like a creative war zone. All the creative
arsenal has been set up to win, bamboozle and impress the

Jack Diamond looks sharp. Picture book ad man with an
Armani suit, crisp white shirt and cross over tie.
Ceril Artes has lost the kilt. Looks very stylish in John
Paul Gaultier suit. And very nervous about the presentation.
      (entering the room)
Everything okay?
Yeah! Do you think I should be
Why not?


You know Goldstein has got a thing
against gender blenders.
You mean because you are gay?
What oh what gave it away?!
You are staying, if he doesn’t
like it .. fuck him.
Thanks for the offer, but no
I don’t know what he’s got against
Whatever it is it’s not very big.
That’s why he spends so much of
his time building those phallic
I wish he would accept your
He’s emotionally out to lunch on
whatever I do.
You've pulled him out of the shit
so many times.
He's an ungrateful son of a bitch.
God gave him a spiritual bypass.
More like a lobotomy!
Intercut spilt screen. Location one.
Boardroom telephone rings. Jack answers the internal call.
Intercut spilt screen. Location two - reception.


Hello Mr. Diamond, Mr Goldstein is
here to see you.
Send him in.
Sam enters the boardroom with Bow Bow (his dog) in tow. He
drops the leash.

Bow Bow trots over to the potted plant in the boardroom,
cocks his leg and relieves on the plant. Not much but enough
to mark his territory.

No one says anything about it.
Hello Jack.
How have you been doing?
Been doing - doing just fine!
You remember Ceril.
How could I forget. Good to see
you lost the dress.
You mean my fornication garment.
Where’s your architect?
She’s obviously running late. Did
you get all the information on the
It's impressive. Very impressive,
we used the working drawings to
develop our concepts.
I'm all ears.


We have come up with a campaign
that is engaging, memorable and
above all else, its created to
sell your development.
How? By sticking to one clear
idea, that will cut through the
clutter and transcend from press
to television to the internet.
It emotionally connects with the
consumer, yet powerful enough to
touch their lives and motivate
them to buy.
Your target market is the upscale
NEOs, stressed out, time poor and
sick of the fluff that advertising
The name REIGN gives your
development a point of difference.
Here is the execution of the
      (Jack flicks the
       remote to play
       the television
       commercial on the
       wall mounted
       plasma screen)

Camera pans across the water and stops at a point where it
appears that something is about to emerge. Slowly you see
the head and shoulders of a beautiful woman aged around 30
years very Elle MacPherson in appearance. The dress clings
to her wet body as she emerges from the water and starts to
walk towards the shoreline. The building is shown in the
foreground, the talent is heading towards the building.

Amid the hypnotic beauty of the waterfront we have created a
new world of opulence designed for those with a taste for
consummate luxury and style. Welcome to the world of Reign.

Camera pans up and around the scale model of the building
and showcases the waterfront location and surrounding views.



Residences that take you to a new level of sophistication.
Reign is a tall steel and glass edifice that rises about the
shores of this city’s most prominent neighbourhood.

Camera pans through the virtual apartments with the talent
walking through. She is disrobing as she moves.

Here you can indulge yourself in the most sumptuous

Camera tracks talent moving into the private spa retreat of
the virtual apartment.

Where every possible luxury has been integrated into your
penthouse. An expedition into a world of sensory arousal,
tracking along a vein of authenticity and provenance. A
world of private entertainment and indulgences awaits you

Talent now nude is standing with back to camera is looking
out to sea. Camera captures the beauty of the naked female
and the spectacular views.

Saviour the moment … live the dream … Reign supreme

Screen goes black. Visual presentation ends.

Back to the people in the boardroom.
I like it!
      (When Sam starts
       to sound elated
       the dog starts to
This was Ceril’s concept.


The conception was immaculate.
Will it work?
I’m positive it will.
The market is tough.
We excel in tough markets.
Are you sure?
Of course I’m sure.
How sure?
Bullet proof.
You are talking out of your arse.
That too. If you think I'm going
to spend $50 million on a
campaign, just on your say so,
you've got to be kidding.
So, what do you suggest?
Bottom line media, internet,
direct mail, you know, low budget
Tight arse. Last time you tried
this you nearly went belly up.


Look Jack, you are probably right,
but I feel uncomfortable spending
that sort of money. If it goes
pear shaped the only bastard who
makes any money is you.
So what is the problem?
So, blow it out of your arse.
Okay, how about a deal.
I'm all ears.
I'll pay for the campaign –
production, media placements,
in-house costs, you know, the
Go on.
When it works, let's us at 30%
sales achieved, that's when you
get the bank finance kicking in,
you pay me double of all campaign
expenses to date.
That sounds feasible - double or
Don't look at me.
Double or nothing.
It's financial suicide, you can't
afford it, Jack.


Okay, it's a deal.
Jack it’s far too risky.
Remember the time the hooker told
you, your organ was too small and
you said “I didn’t know I was
going to be playing the
cathedral”! That was small time
shit, compared to this, now you
want to play in the Vatican. It’s
a big risk.
The risk is not taking any risk at
Ceril holds his hand over his mouth while whispering into
Jack's ear.
It’s a sucker’s deal -
It’s all in Sam’s court.
Ceril, shut the fuck up!!
      (Bow Bow growls at
Piss off you ugly bastard.
Okay Sam. It's a deal.
Tragic. Oh Jack dont you
understand why Rusian Roulette
never caught on as a mainstream
I’ll have my attorneys draw up the
Okay. Done.
When can you get the campaign up
and running?


Four weeks.
Intercut spilt screen. Location one.
Boardroom telephone rings. It is an internal call from
Rosie. Ceril answers the phone.
Yes Rosie. There's an Amanda
Storey here.
Amanda Storey struts into the boardroom.
Hello Bow Bow!
      (Bow Bow runs over
       to Amanda and
       starts to hump
       her leg.)
Off - Bow Bow.
Hello I'm Ceril Artes, creative
Amanda, is the architect on the
Nice to meet you Ceril. Sorry, I’m
so late, the traffic was dreadful,
road works on Main Street.
      (Pointing to the
       dog, who is still
       trying to hump
       her leg)
You seem to have Bow Bow well
Sam picks up the leash and wrenches Bow Bow off Amanda.
Hi Sam.
      (Amanda is trying
       to clean off the
       dog drool from
       her suit)
Jack is busy scribbling figures, he hasn’t looked up to see


This is our Illustrious leader,
Jack Diamond.
      (Looks up)
Hello, Jack Diamond.
You know each other?
I think we have met at a business
function a while back.
It was an urban development
function – wasn’t it?
Those morons getting together is
not business, it's mental
masturbation at it's worst.
Anyway how have you been Amanda?
Firing on all cylinders.
So you’re the architect on REIGN.
You like?
Impressive – very impressive!
Thank you.
I haven't heard of your
architectural firm before, you new
in town?
Graduated from Seattle University
with Honours. Worked for Frank
Grughy, then moved over to London


                       AMANDA (cont'd)
and now back here. I’m trying to
create my own little empire.
If you continue to produce work
like this, you are going to grow
your little empire into a big
This design will sell well.
Thanks for the compliment.
He’s even prepared to put his
money where his mouth is!!
He's putting up the money for the
campaign. If it works and we sell
out he doubles his fees on the
cost of media and production.
What do you mean "if" – when it
You have a lot of confidence in
your ability.
You mean in my creative ability.
What if the campaign doesn’t work
and the apartments don’t sell?
It'll work and the dollars will
roll in -
What if..?


What if my aunt had a pair of
balls … she would be my uncle!
Very! Very! Sensitive today.
Sorry, if the campaign fails, I'm
checking out on life.
It's a ballsy call.
Well, you have to put them on the
line some day.
Now that all our arses are on the
line it’s back to work. Chop!
I am going to love you and leave
you. Catch you later.
Come on Bow Bow.
If it looks like a shark, talks
like a shark and eats like a
It must be a shark.
Sam’s a man eater, why would you
want to go into bed on this
project and risk everything.
An opportunity to make a lot of
True. But going to bed with
Goldstein is like having oral sex
with a shark.
Oh yuk, yuk and double yuk.


I know! I know!
      (starting to pack
       his documents and
       laptop to leave
       the boardroom)
Well, I've got a lot of work to
Shit loads.
So have I. Why dont we catch up at
the Presentation Centre tomorrow?
Good idea. We'll have to work our
tits off on this one.
Mine or yours?
Nice turn of phrase. Tenish?
Tenish - done.
Catch you guys then.
Located on the construction site of Reign Apartments is a
Presentation Sales Office fitted out with visual details and
scale model of the building. Beefy construction workers are
busy on the site. One of the workers whistles at the
kilt-wearing Ceril.
Oh Stop it you brute.
                       MAN #1
Free tonight honey.


Never free, but always cheap.
Construction worker laughs loudly.
Having fun with the village
I can feel a YMCA coming on
Have you no shame?
      (gesturing with
       thumb and
About this much.
Once a tart always a tart.
You should talk, bearing your tush
to my friend Harry.
Jack laughs.
You are lucky I'm not the jealous
type or your pecker would have had
a manicure.
Ceril and Jack see Amanda standing at the entry of the
presentation office.
Hi guys, welcome to Reign.
This presentation suite is just plain, dull and totally
lacking any bells and whistles.
So, what do you think?


No. This is shit.
What do you mean, shit?
How many ways do you want me to
spell it. S H I T. Shit Shit!
Jack is a very good speller.
Obviously. But ..
This display suite has as much
charisma as Ceril's arse.
Excuse me, I have a very
charismatic tush. Have you done
this before?
This is seriously ordinary. I've
got my arse in a sling and this is
what you deliver.
Sorry is not good enough. You
better fix it or I'll find someone
who can. I mean pronto!
Listen you self-righteous bastard.
You self-pompous prick.
Dirty talk, it gets me so aroused.


I can fix it. Just tell me what
you bloody want.
Christ. You may be able to design
a building but you know sweet F A
abut designing a sales trap.
Jack, give her a break. She said
she doesn't know. Now everybody
breathe in, breathe out. That a
good boy, you too Amanda. Good
energy in. Bad energy out. All
calm now.
You sound like Mr. Kumaji, from
the Karate Kid.
Oh, I wish I had his moves.
This place needs to hum. This is
the focal point of our marketing
campaign. This is where we sell
the dream.
This place needs to be an upscale,
you know, a little Las Vegas.
It must smell "Show Biz".
I don't understand why.
Because that's what sells. We need
the model here, with spot lights
on the outside and lit up from the
inside. A protection screen goes
here, don't forget the surround
Saying what?


That buying here will give them
status, respect and power in the
This is the promised land. People
need to experience the potential.
I want them to be able to inhale
Reign Apartments. I want them
high, so high, they are ready to
Who is putting the audio visual
We will.
Do people really buy this
First lesson, bullshit sells.
It also smells.
Second lesson, we sell perception
not reality.
Surely people are not that stupid?
Stupid, no. Greedy, oh yes
People see ways of making money by
living the envious lifestyle.
Its like an intermittent explosive
disorder of the brain. Poof!


Once the marketing campaign starts
they will be salivating at the
mouth and lining up to buy Reign.
The heart soars, the cash register
It sounds so manipulative, almost
cold blooded.
Most good strategies are.
Is there any emotion attached to
what you do?
Truth be told, most of the time
he's an emotional basket case. He
once was a canditate for the Dr
Phil School of Emotional Lunancy.
Alas, he failed the entrance exam.
Thanks Ceril.
Jack spends half his time punching
Believe me, this time I am going
to connect with a K.O.
It's all in the website of his
mind. Check out
You mean he's still out in cyber
Oh! I'm beginning to like you


We'll need the perspectives,
elevations and floor plans Amanda.
Will can you deliver those?
I can drop them off to your office
last thing today.
Say 6.30pm then.
Sure. See you then.
Come on Ceril, lets go.
His Masters Voice, ruff ruff.
See you later Amanda.
It is 6.30pm at Bang Creative Agency and the majority of the
staff have filtered out except for a few designers and Jack
Hi. Come on through.
How was your day?
I am about to blow a fuse.
Hope you got a spare.
Your brain's short circuiting.
It is in overload. Drink?


Thank you, yes.
Name your poison.
What have you got?
Jack Daniels, Jack Daniels and
Jack Daniels.
Nice choice.
It is part of the agency's
signature brand. Well?
On the rocks with a dash of soda.
Coming up!
Bottoms up. Another one?
You certainly know how to put them
away. Wow! No thanks.
I'll just have another ... chaser.
Are you sure your blood does not
interfere with your alcohol level.
See no blood. Just pure alcohol
runs through these veins.
Thought about walking around with
an intravenous drip attached?


Aahh! That would make life
What have you got?
New perspectives and potential
views of the apartments.
Good. Good. Really good.
Phew! I thought we were heading
for another three rounds.
Leave that to Rocky Balboa. I just
want delivery. Tonight you
I know I drink a lot and I blow a
few brain capsules along the way.
Only a few?
Well, more than a few.
The night we met at the UDIA..
What happened?
You don't remember?
Amnesia. Swish gone.
What is?


Lose the Jack Daniels glow.
Then what will I do?
Gain a memory and keep a few
friends. I have got to go. Bye.
The nice things about amnesia is
always making a lot of new
Several weeks later, one rainy night, Amanda Storey is at
the Reign Apartments presentation site. SFX Knock at the
Sorry we are closed.
Amanda, it is me, Jack Diamond.
Oh, hello.
There is Jack Diamond standing in the rain, drenched and
clinging onto a portable intravenous trolley, the plastic
bag filled with Jack Daniels Whisky.
Now I have seen it all. Come on in
you big drip.
Can I bring my friend in too?
Have I met your friend before?
Mr. Dripolater meet Amanda Storey.
Here's a shot for you.
Yum! I think Mr. Dripolater and I
could be really goods friends.
Want a drink conventional style?


No thanks. I have decided to give
my memory cells a sabbatical.
Since when?
Since two minutes ago.
So what is the motivation?
Touching base with my spiritual
Don't tell me you have changed to
drinking bourbon?
I said I was only touching my
spiritual side, not changing it.
Jack Daniels?
Jack walks across the room to the sales status board. 60% of
the apartments are marked off as sold. Jack puts his face to
the board and inhales deeply.
Aah! The sweet smell of success!
To guts and glory.
To stupidity finally paying off.
You really did box above your
weight. Bravo. Cheers.
Amanda, about the UDIA function.
What about it?


So the brain cells finally kicked
into gear.
It was quite a "back to the
future" moment for me.
Sorry I laughed when you were ..
trying to get it on. It was very
Painfully so.
Especially in the middle of
Why didn't you tell me you are an
I started to but things started to
get rather heated, rather quickly.
The temperature was off the
Richter scale.
It was pretty close.
Why didn't you hang around?
It was getting rather crowded.
Especially with those two gays.
I am not into bisexuality.
At least it doubles your chances
of a date.


Do you often ..
Look for meaningful one night
I have had a lot of bad luck
I'm not surprised.
If it wasn't for bad luck, I
wouldn't have had any luck at all.
Well, you are not exactly
God's gift to women.
Well if you were, God must have
been having a bad day.
My tolerance for alcohol is
miserably low.
Marriage is an institution.
So who wants to join an
Heard it before?
A dozen times. So why are you such
a cynical bastard?


Comes with age.
So does death.
So why me? Come on level.
That's for me to know and you to
find out.
Let's do some work.
Let's not. We have some unfinished
business ... remember?
Wrapped in each other's arms they kiss. Jumping onto the
boardroom table they make hard, passionate love.
Attorney, Sue Hymn's office looks like a tornado has hit it.

Sue is a big, beefy, flamboyant attorney; who looks like
Arnold Schwarzenegger gone wrong (pear shaped not pumped).
She is tough, sharp as a razor and takes no prisoners.
In the corner is a large fish tank with a single baby shark
swimming lazily around, waiting for his lunch.
      (Drops a live
       mousee into the
Nice one. Good boy.
SFX: knock on her office door.
      (in a booming
Come in.
      (striding into the
       office with Bow
Good afternoon Sue.


Bow, Bow! Hello my gorgeous boy!
Yes, yes, yes, you are my favorite
Bow Bow licks her face while his stumpy tail wagging
enthusiastically. Bow Bow slobbers all over her face, so
much that her make up and mascara starts running.
Sam, how's my favorite client.
Great Sue, and how's my favorite
      (sitting down in
       the lounge)
      (Bow Bow gives
       Susan one big
       last lick, she
       whispers in his
Yes yes yes, I love you too, Bow
Bow. Hello Sam, nice to see you
too! How have you been.
Couldn't be better.
So what devious schemes have you
been cooking up now.
You've been reading my mind.
It's an open book. So who do you
want to rape and pillage this
Jack Diamond.
That poor schmuck.
Poor he might be. Schmuck, that's
what I want you to find out.


I thought you had his balls
screwed well and truly to the
Yeah I do, but I just negotiated a
deal with him.
Poor bastard.
He agreed to subside the cost of
the advertising campaign for Reign
Sounds like his ego is writing
cheques his body can't cash. Wow!
Big Wow! If the campaign is a
success I've agreed to pay double
his costs. If unsuccessful he pays
out on the lot.
That's a big call. He sounds
He's an ambulance chaser. He wants
to be the new Donald Trump of
property advertising.
That's ballsy. What's he like?
He's got more opinions than a law
school library.
On the surface it looks like a win
win deal.
Yeah great!
Not a typical Sam Goldstein deal.


It's too fair to be fair to me.
So if we are not doing fair, then
what are we doing.
I need a contract with lots of
legal mumbo jumbo. I want him to
think he reading a contract that
is fair.
That's easy.
A contract with buried conditions
that reads if he wins he loses and
if he loses he really loses, big
Boy Sam, you really what to nail
his balls to the ceiling.
I'm looking for a new pair of down
That's not going to be easy.
Okay. How much?
A lot.
Double your usual fee.
Cash on completion.
How are you going to get away with


String out the time frame so that
Jack won't see the contract until
the morning of the launch. He'll
be up to his ears in shit,
financially and emotionally
strung. So if you time it right
the schmuck will be relieved to
see the contract and should just
sign it.
Nice strategy.
I didn't get rich giving away my
He sounds ballsy enough to try
That's why my attorney is called
Sue Hymn. We'll crucify
financially. He won't survive.
You missed your calling. You
should have been Alexandra the
Alex was a pussy.
You men with egos.
I know it's probably the wrong way
to think. But it's the only way to
Well, here's to winning.


Sam Goldstein's office has all the trappings of success.
It's an interior designer's dream. There's a knock at the
door. Bow Bow, the dog, rushes to the door.
Yeah! Come in.
Hi Sam, just me.
How’s my favorite architect!
      (Bow Bow runs over
       to Amanda and
       starts to hump
       her leg.)
Off Bow Bow - off!
He really loves your leg,
Help yourself.
How are things working out with
the ad agency?
      (Still trying to
       get Bow Bow off
       her leg)
So far so good. Sam -
      (She kicks the dog
       in the balls. Bow
       Bow yelps and
       lets go)
I need to talk to you about your
deal with Jack.


You know the chances of getting
money out of you is slim.
He wants to play with the big
boys, it’s his choice.
He’s not in your league.
Sooner or later little league
players have got to graduate to
the big league.
True. Is it all legal and above
board? What's the catch?
There's none.
Come on Dad? You know there's
always is.
Does he know I’m your step-father?
I’m not suicidal, not yet anyway.
If he found out, he could fuck up
this whole project. There’s too
much money at stake.
You know that money doesn't buy
you happiness.
Just a better class of enemies.
You have never change. Even with
mum dying.


That's a sucker punch. You know I
loved your mother.
You had a funny way of showing it.
All the affairs – the late
That’s the nature of the beast.
She came to accept me for what I
Yeah, a real prick.
Ooh! flattery will get you
Look .. do you want this
development to sell?
Of course I do.
So why the charade?
It’s not a charade. This is real
deal. I want Jack Diamond to have
an equity in my success or
failure. This he’s going to make
sure this campaign works.
If not …
He's screwed, and so am I.
Does he know that?
He’s a lot of things. But he is
not an idiot – of course he knows


He does?
When his equity starts to hit the
floor, Jack will either fall flat
on his arse or he’ll come out
He does likes the design of the
What about market acceptance?
Very high.
He’s right.
I hope so, for all our sakes I
really want it to work. If it
doesn't you are going to take a
lot good people down.
The telephone rings, reception announces a visitor. Sam and
Amanda stop their conversation.
Hello, send him through. Rodney
Cash from the bank, is here.
Good morning Mr. Goldstein.
Banker, Rodney Cash is a 45 years old, straight up and down
guy. Crisp and clean in appearance with a shutdown
How are you Rodney? You remember
Amanda Storey, one of the board
Nice to see you again Ms Storey.
What have you got?


We have decided to give you a line
of credit, $100 Million.
The balance funds of $200 Million
will be extended over the selling
period, but I will need to see
sales of $165 Million without the
first 6 months.
What if I can’t meet the
We will disembowel you -
Nice turn of phrase.
It’s hardly original, but it
Where do I sign?
I’ll have the paperwork to you in
the morning.
Sounds great.
Thank you, as always it's a
pleasure doing business with you
Mr.Goldstein, Ms.Storey.
      (Rodney leaves
       Sam's office)


Typical bank Jock – when you don’t
need the cash they throw it at
you. When you do need it, they
put you through the hoops!
When it rains it pours.
Reign Apartments has recorded 80% in sales in just six
weeks. News hits CBS and CNN, New York Times, USA Today,
Business Review and ULI trade magazines.

CNN news coverage flashes onto the screen, the crowds
outside the sales center are jostling to the enter the
building to secure any apartment.

Magazine stands show the headlines in newspapers.




$250 million IN SALES IN 6 WEEKS.
At the CNN studio of Larry King Live a proud Sam Goldstein
being interviewed about his success.
Mr. Goldstein is the new iconic
master of the development
Sam, this success is just
unprecedented. The market has
been flat for quite sometime. How
did you do it?
Gut instinct. I relied on my
personal judgments with all
aspects of the project. I
supervised all the decisions from
concept plans to marketing
releases.Larry, my career has been long and
relatively successful. I decided
with this development, that I


                       SAM (cont'd)
would extract the best from
everything I have completed over
the years to be combined into this
one project.
The newspapers are certainly
providing great coverage for you.
It sounds like your hand picked
team gave great backup.
Yes, right people on the team, you
do need a great architect to
conceptualize the vision.
Well congratulations Sam, if you
weren't rich before Reign
Apartments, you certainly will be
I hope so.
At Sam's office, Sam Goldstein is with Amanda Storey

Bow Bow the dog, has been desexed. He has a bandage around
his groin area. Ice buckets surround his leather chair. He's
not at all interested in Amanda's leg.
Cheers! It's looking like we've
made it!
Isn't is fabulous! You made it too
Bow Bow!
Well the market really loved your
designs, the whole concept!
I gave it my best shot!


Best?? It was brilliant!
.. Thanks!
You have a gut instinct for what
the market is looking for.
Stop it!
The old adage still holds true.

What’s that?
If you build a better mouse trap …
They’ll beat a path to your door?
Very true. The ad campaign was
It was good – very good.
Jack’s going to be ecstatic. Have
you told him yet?
Why not?
I’m going to have to renege on the
YOU WHAT!!!!!!


I underestimated construction
costs. I’m just going to break
BULLSHIT!!!!!!! What about the
contract you had with Jack
I’ll break it. Contracts are made
to be broken, I’ve already got the
lawyers on it, something about
paragraph 53 part "J" sub-section
33 ..

Basically it states blah blah blah
.. you’re fucked blah blah blah
fucked, fucked and yeh , you are
really fucked.
He’ll sue you.
Let him. It will cost him more in
legal fees than what I owe him..
He can’t afford that.
That’s the whole idea, especially
after he pays his media bills of
$14 million.
That is so unfair.
Who said life was fair. Just look
at the world.
Sam, be reasonable. He went into
this deal on good faith and you
are going to screw him.
It’s either him or me??


So who are you getting to use
I'll get another ad agency. They
are all a bunch of whores.
You should talk? Is money that
important to you??
When I was young I thought money
was the most important thing in
life. Now that I’m older, I know
it is.
Money doesn't make you happy.
True. I have $75 million, but I
was just as happy when I had $65
I’m out of here, before I get
See you.
Just thought I let you know ..

Tell someone who cares.
I’m in love with Jack Diamond.
You what!!!!!!!
Yep .. accept it.


There’s no accounting for bad
taste. He’s such a loser. A broke
one at that!
You hypocritical bastard!!
Now I’m really going to fuck him
over. I’ll teach him to screw
around with my family.
What family?? The only family you
had where the whores you screwed!!
I have treated you like a
daughter, show me some respect.
FUCK YOU!! Ironic isn’t it? You’re
screwing him financially and he’s
screwing you emotionally!!
That bastard Diamond .. he’s not
even Jewish!!
No, he’s not.
My God! She’s being screwed by an
You are a P A T H E T I C old
Pathetic I might be old I’m not. I
haven't got a used by date yet.
Pay Jack his dues Sam or you’ll
have both me and Jack to answer


So be it! I want your resignation
from the Board today.
You can have it. Run your own
toxic empire on your own.
The pleasure will be all mine.
Thanks for nothing.
      (storms out)
Kids! Today there’s no accounting
for bad sperm.
      (Pats Bow Bow)
Sorry buddy, no risk of that
happening for you.
Ceril Artes and Jack Diamond at a super swish restaurant
consuming the final morsels of a fabulous meal celebrating
the success of the "Reign" campaign. He's happily pissed and
feeling absolutely fabulous.
Lunch was fabulous! Thanks Jack.
The pleasure was entirely mine.
I’ll be farting fish cakes and
Chardonnay all afternoon.
      (Ceril farts on
Phew! You should have eased back
on the fish cakes, buddy.
Ceril farts again – this time he lifts his kilt to disperse
the smell. The other diners look at them in disdain.
My god what was that?!?!?


I think an alien is in my lower
More like the whole cast of Star
Wars …. Come on lets blow this
joint. Check please, sweetie.
Well, better an empty house than a
bad tenant!
Walking out of the restaurant and straight into a waiting
limousine, Jack and Ceril head back to Bang Creative.
So what are you going to do with
all that lovely money?
Expand the business.
Expansion is good.
Go for some big accounts, new
people and a new partner.
Ooh! New partner! That's
A new creative head, who will have
a seat on the board.
Bored or board?
This guy is not only talented, he
can spell as well.
So where’s this new … what’s a
face … talent coming from …
Nowhere in particular, guess I’ll
sniff around to find him.


You keep sniffing around and
you’ll finish up finding an
I thought that’s your forte.
I just can’t stand the smell. Any
character traits in mind?
Highly creative, loyal, straight
Anything else?
Ugh! Ugh?
Must wear a kilt.
You mean ME!
Yes you, you stupid bastard.
Thank you! Thank you!
      (grabbing at Jack)
I just want to kiss you all over!
Passers-by are stunned by such public affection.
      (pushing Ceril off
Get off me.
You are so fickle. You had me
And going and going and ..


Jack you can be such a shit.
Thanks honey.
I can’t accept.
Jack and Ceril enter the lift.
You what? This is opportunity of a
Sorry – not this lifetime – I
For Christ sake why?
You made me feel so cheap.
So what’s the problem?
Jack and Ceril existing lift and entering reception.
I can’t JUST accept any offer.
It has to be formal.
Like what?
You’re creative …think!
      (Jumping onto the
       reception desk)
I Jack Diamond, owner of Bang
Creative have an announcement to
      (pausing, giving
       time for the
       staff to gather
       around reception)
I, Jack Diamond, owner of Bang


                       JACK (cont'd)
Creative do formally request the
two hands, the mind and other body
parts of Ceril Artes, as my
partner in the everyday running of
this agency. To have, to hold and
to cherish all accounts from this
day forth. Forever and ever. Amen.
Staff members are laughing and clapping.
Beautiful! Beautiful!
Let me think about it.
      (jumping off the
Now what!
I’m having a Ceril moment. Thought
I accept.
You are a corporate slut.
For the highest price I'm
With all of my heart, I promise to
be faithful.
Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters
welcomes you to the board.
Jack walks Ceril into the boardroom.
Let’s get serious, how much money?
20% increase in salary plus
another 20% of the action.
Wonderbar! Can I still wear my
kilts to the boardroom meetings?


You can wear what you damn well
please, just no more fluffing the
Imagine the look on their faces.
Make no mistakes I want ownership
of the muscle between your ears.
That’s all you’re getting sweet
It means you'll be working
Thank god for that, my other
muscle has been on unemployment
benefits for months.
SFX: the office line extension rings.
Intercut, split screen. Location one.
This is Ceril Artes, Board member,
hello Rosie -
      (Puts his hand on
       the receiver and
       mouths GOLDSTEIN)
Put him on speaker phone. Hi Sam!
Intercut, split screen. Location two.
Jack, how was lunch?
Still working through it.
Good to hear it. Let me cut to the
As you do.


The campaign was a great success.
A slight problem though.
A slight problem?
Building costs have come through.
Well, the way the figures are
stacking up I can only just afford
to build it for the prices the
apartments sold for.
Surely you would have done a QA
before now?
A feasibility was done before you
started the program.

But, somehow there’s been a major
fuck up.
So what’s the bottom line?
I won't be paying you?
That’s bullshit.
I either pay you and the project
dies or not pay you and the
project survives. Once it gets
started we can work something for
the long term.


It’s either you or me?
It's EITHER you or me,
It's either you or ME,
It's either YOU or me!
So you are prepared to sacrifice
my agency??
It’s either you or me.
I’m fucking sure it’s going to be
You’re threatening me?
I’ll fucking sue you!
Go ahead. I’ll string you out in
the courts. It will cost you more
in lawyers fees than the debt. So
let’s dance. Don’t trip on your
laces or you will be more fucked
than before.
Screw you!
No, I think the term is YOU ARE
All this talk of screwing makes me
feel flush.
Another thing don’t screw around
with my family.
God would have thrown away the
mould after he produced a bastard
like you.


You fucking idiot. Amanda is my
daughter, you stupid bastard.
She's what????
MY god, I think I am going to
I’m dumb-founded.
Now who's being screwed.
Amanda the architect, is his
What an ugly thought. Nasty!

This is so bad, Jack this is so
Stunned Numb Blank - Jack is overwhelmed by both bombshells.
There goes the outfit. That musts
have been the shortest career in
management I've ever had!
It’s even worse than that.
What can be worse than not having
a new outfit?
Amanda and I were having an
On my god. You straights – it
takes you nine months to get out
of there and all your life to get
back it! No wonder I’m gay!!
We ……..


      (With his hands
       over his ears)
Don't tell me la la la. Okay tell
me, when did this happen?
At that ULI function last Summer.
Oh my God! She’s not Miss
YEP! But that was just the start.
You were screwing a client’s
daughter and you didn’t know it.
What planet are you from?
Devastated Jack just manages to find the strength to shrug
his shoulders.
Well your brains must have been
lost in transit. We are all
Ceril cut it out, stop being such
a fucking raving Queen. Amanda
didn’t tell me and fuck you, I had
no idea!
You are a dick brain. Amanda
didn’t tell you? You are fucking
No, I'm not.
Well you're doing a pretty good
fucking imitation.
No wonder he's trying to screw you
– Sam is so pissed off.
I cannot believe Amanda.


The whole thing was a set up.
You are going to lose the whole
fucking lot.
Just because you couldn’t keep
your pecker in your panties.
Crazy, isn’t it.
What’s even more crazy, is you are
going to lose sweet loyal talented
me! And all my board membership
aspirations are fucked up.
Sorry Ceril, I really am.
Sorry doesn't cut it buster.
Sorries are for losers. What are
we going to do about getting that
stuttering arsehole bastard?
Think!!!! Think!!!!! What’s his
Booze! Sex! Money!
His liver will send us broke
before we could achieve anything.


He's still got his first cent.
My favorite subject..
There's a knock at the boardroom door. The door is opened by
Ceril - he watches Amanda as she enters.
Yes, can I help you?
Hi …. It's rather chilly in here.
The chill factor is going to reach
boiling point real soon.
Can you give us a moment Ceril.
Sure, have fun. I’m next door if
you need any help.
You set me up.
No I didn’t!
You didn’t tell me. Sam Goldstein
was your father!
Step-father and you never asked
Come on! So when were you going to
tell me?
As soon as the campaign was over
and everything was firing.
Yeah right! I’m the one that got
fired, more like fried.


That was not my fault.
Whose then?
You knew the sort of animal Sam
Goldstein is.
Sooner or later he was going to
burn you.
But you are his daughter.
Step daughter.. if you must know
he burnt my mother too.
How so?
You remember the Carnegies?
The oil and steel magnates?
They’re the ones. Mum was one of
the great grand daughters.
She was worth a fortune.
She was! Until she met that
stuttering peacock called Sam


She put a whole lot of her
inheritance in one of Sam’s
projects. He promised to double
her investment. The recession of
the 80’s hit and he conveniently
lost it all. So he said.
He divorced Mum. Left her and me
in the lurch with virtually no
income and lots of debt.
That’s low.
He started screwing around with
other women as well, mom found
out, it broke her heart.
How did you survive?
Through a network of great aunts
and uncles and friends. They
financially saw me through life
and university.
And Sam?
A year later he started developing
How convenient. I thought you
said he was broke?
We suspected he had been stashing
money away in off shore accounts.
Why aren't I surprised?


I thought he would change when he
asked me to work together with him
on this project.
Fat chance.
That turned out a big fat zero.
So what’s the strategy?
Jack you’ve got to believe me, I
had nothing to do with this. If
you want to know the truth, I’ve
resigned from Sam’s company as
director and architect.
You were involved in his company?
Fuck,this is unbelievable.
This is unbelievable bullshit.
How much proof do you want?
A shit load. I might look dumb.
But I am not stupid. This has been
a choreographed farce from the
beginning to end.
But ....
No ifs, no buts, no maybes. Just
get out.


Screw you!
      (Brushing past
Ceril enters the boardroom to see Jack.
I am in deep shit now.
You are up to your eye balls and
sinking fast.
We’ve got to beat the bastard.
We all know he’s ripping us off.
Big time, but where's the proof??
I think she just walked out of the
Screw her!
Haven't you done enough of that
Maybe. I have to get that bastard.
Are you with me.
Balls and all. Oophs, kilt and
Rodney Cash's office is very austere,typical banking
environment, heavy old fashioned, uncomfortable furniture.
Good morning Rodney, hope you are


Well very well. You’re looking
radiant as ever.
Thank you.
What can I do for you?
We wanted to know how the finance
for ‘REIGN APARTMENTS” is coming
Just about to send the approval
letter out today. But you’ve just
saved me the courier fee.
Really, how did the figures stack
You and your father look like
getting a nett profit of about $84
Is that with all the costs taken
out, you know surveyors, builders,
fit-outs, architect’s fees,
marketing costs?
Absolutely! That's a bottom line
clear profit.
The bank will be pleased!
This is one of our better
projects, as a matter of fact we
are looking at your father’s next
development analysis right now.
Glad to hear.


So do you want to drop these into
Mr. Goldstein?
No courier them, it will be nicer
Okay – consider it done.
      (standing to leave)
Nice seeing you again, good bye.
Jack, drinking alone, is seated at the bar. Well on his way
to being drunk.
Jack Daniels please.
Haven't you had enough, sir?
Well enough is never enough.
You are drunk.
No! Alcoholics never get drunk.
Well, you are not sober.
Sober is the art of being pissed
without appearing pissed.
      (pouring a drink
       for Jack)
Big day sir?
Its had more twists than a second
hand soap opera.


And you were?
The critics choice for the dumb
arse leading man.
You were panned?
Panned, slammed, quartered,
guttered and totally screwed.
That's a lot of activity for one
day, sir.
Tell me about it.
So who screwed you?
A mega arsehole.
Oh, a client. So what are you
going to do about it?
What do you mean?
Sir, you are carrying on like a
Pardon me, I'm not a broad. At
least not the last time I looked.
Change your game plan.
The screwed becomes the screwer.
Good one.


Another drink.
No thanks. I think I have given my
brain cells enough of a workout.
See ya.
Amanda Storey heads back to Bang Creative after her meeting
with Rodney Cash. As she nears the plaza she sees Jack and
Ceril in a coffee shop.
Seated at a table, Jack is nursing a hang over and Ceril is
comforting him.
What do you want.
      (gets up to kiss
Jack can be such an ignoramus. How
are you Amanda?
I've been very busy.
Putting your next scam together.
Bitchy, bitchy - very bitchy.
Listen you dumb bastard, I've just
put on arse on the line for you.
How so?
I've just been at the bank with
Rodney Cash.
Counting your cash?


Sam's cash. You have just been
That's hardly ground breaking
I mean, really screwed.
And he's not loving it, not one
little bit.
Sam, cashed in on the success of
your campaign.
Surprise! Surprise!
Why don’t you just sue that
lecherous bastard.
He'll break me. I don't have the
capital for a long drawn out legal
Look I’ll put some money in.
How much?
You’ll do that?
Anything to get that bastard – how
much do you have?
By the time I pay the sum of media
placements, production companies
and this month's wages, I'll be
lucky to afford a happy meal at


At least you get to meet Ronald
MacDonald, I just love Randy.
So even with your $100,000 we
would be pissing in the wind.
Especially now that he knows you
are on my side. He's really going
to dig his heels in.
We are screwed either way.
Fuck! Fuck! Big fuck!!
Why does it always happening to
Good luck I guess.
What did your Attorneys say about
the contract you signed?
They didn't say anything.
What does that mean?
They didn't see it.
They didn't see it! Why in God's
name not!
No time and a lot of pressure.
The sooner they legislate against
stupidity the better.


Sorry, I am a work in progress
just like the rest of the fucking
human race.
You are such a victim.
No, I am not.
Maybe just a volunteer.
I have an idea.
Can’t pay you for it.
This one’s on me.
      (and Amanda
Just brilliant!!
Just fucking brilliant!!!
Leaving the coffee shop and walking back to Bang Creative,
Ceril is a couple of steps ahead of the other two.
Amanda, I've been such as idiot.
It's all part of the male DNA.
I deserved that.
Absolutely, I love you.


Just kiss me you idiot.
Jack grabs Amanda and kisses her. Ceril looks back to see
them both in an embrace.
Beautiful! Just beautiful.
The setting is a very upscale, business club.

Jack Diamond is having an intense conversation with a very,
attractive petite female. Looking at architect's plans and
building perspectives the two are locked in conversation.

John, the bartender serves them champagne.

Meanwhile Sam Goldstein walks past, unnoticed, and heads to
the bar. But Sam notices Jack Diamond and curiously watches
Jack and the mystery blond lady in the reflection of the bar

Even from his viewing distance, Goldstein can see that the
woman is dripping in diamonds, gold and expensive apparel.
John? Who's the woman with Jack
Don't know Mr. Goldstein. I think
she's involved in a development of
some kind.
There were lots of building plans
on the table, you know the stuff
the architects draw up?
Ask the lady if I could buy her a
Sure thing Mr. Goldstein.
The Bartender returns, he smiles.


She wants a double scotch no ice.
A girl after my own heart!! I'll
have the same thanks.
She wants to meet you Mr.
John, give me her drink.
      (Sam Goldstein
       approaches the
May I?
Of course you may. Hum, I love a
good scotch.
Cheers! And so do I!
An acquired taste from my late
Ooh I’m sorry, a recent departure?
Don’t be sorry he was an absolute
prick and the departure was way
too slow for my liking!
Don’t be! At least he died rich!
Good for you! I’m Sam Goldstein.
Hello, Sam Goldstein, I’m Kitty
Kidman. So nice to meet you!
So how are you coping with the
loss of your husband?


Alcohol! Hours of mindless
activity, spending my tits off and
trying a new profession – real
estate development. I inherited
this site in the city it’s got
blah blah blah, you know all those
things that architects say – great
Great GFA? Gross floor area.
YES! And beautiful views! It’s
going to cost me $500 million to
develop, but you know Harry left
me the “B” word – you know
billions, so this is something to
keep me busy, you know, something
small to get my feet wet.
Have you ever done any …
No, but how hard can it be. Every
man and his dog is a developer.
My accountant says it would be
easier if I found an equity
partner who would take over the
male stuff and let me do the
female stuff.
You know “someone in the Penis
A good idea.
Just to minimize the risk of me
stuffing it up.
Smart accountant.


For a man!
I see you know Jack Diamond.
Yes. He’s doing the advertising
for this project, he’s highly
recommended ---- do you know him?
He's helped me on a project.
Are you a developer?
Yeah, I have done a few. Arena,
Euro, Enterprise, Heath and Reign.
Hold on! Hold on! You’re not THE
Sam Goldstein, developer
In the flesh.
I’ve been dying to meet you!!!
Well here I am!!!
This is so unbelievable. I’ve
heard so much about you – I’m
I hope it's all good.
Good! It's brilliant! You are such
a legend. You are an icon in the
property industry. You are one of


                       KITTY (cont'd)
the most well known developers.
Nobody told me how cute and sexy
you were?
Another scotch?
Widowed. Sadly widowed.
Ooh you poor thing, were you in
Deeply – intensely – madly.
The new scotches arrive at the table.
So good to hear love does exist in
some lives.
Here’s to life, love and
Sure thing.
Sam would you be interested in
being an equity …
Let’s discuss it over dinner.
You’re not trying to seduce me
…..Mr. Goldstein – you brute
May I?


Oh, of course you may!
Can I buy you dinner?
That would be nice.
Dinner finishes and they stroll arm in arm to Kitty Kidman's
hotel room. They are entering the front door.
Please. Where's the john?
Straight through on your right,
second door.
While Sam is in the toilet Kitty slips a white powder into
Sam's scotch.
Oh boy I needed that!
Cheers! Bottoms up. Want another?
Yes please!
While Kitty is pouring the scotch with her back to Sam – he
grabs her tits from behind. She slaps his hand playfully.
Now …. Where were we?
You are a very naughty boy.
Naughty boy indeed!
And you are such a wickedly,
wickedly beautiful woman.
You lecherous – lecherous hunk of


You're beautiful and I would love
to ffff-f..
Have a fag?
Not a fag, a fuck.
Only, only if you say please.
Pretty Please to seeeee
      (fades off)
Kitty picks up her mobile and we see her dialing a number.
It’s done come on over QUICKLY!

There's a knock on her hotel room door.
Hold on! Hold on!
The door opens and Jack Diamond & Amanda Storey enter the

As Kitty turns and as she peels off the last of her make up,
we see it is Ceril Artes
Boy that was close!! He is such
an awful brute. I was SO scared!
He was ready to have his way with
      (Striping Sam down
       to his y-front’s)
It proves a point, there’s no
conscience in a standing prick.
Help me.
      (throwing Sam into


He should register that as a
dangerous weapon.
Let’s get rid of his buggie
smugglers and Ceril get rid of
those falsies.
Can’t I keep them!?
Not now Ceril. Get into bed with
Do I have too? He’s smells.
This was your idea!!
Okay what do I do?
      (holding the
       camera ready to
       take the shots)
Be the disgusting Queen that you
Oh! Oh! It will be my pleasure!
Flashes of the camera taking photos of Ceril and Sam, but
these are not family portraits.
screen fades
Ceril Artes breezes into Sam Goldstein's office.
Sam Goldstein is at his desk, dazed and groggy. Looks the
worst for wear. His eyes are blood shot. He has an ice pack
on his head and Alka Selzier fizzing in a glass of water.
It's me!
What the fuck do you want?


Ceril moves around Sam's desk to be next to him.
How's my naughty little boy?
      (ice pack drops to
       the floor)
What the...
How's my horny little toadstool!
Sam gets out of his chair and starts to move around his desk
with Ceril in pursuit
My randy little moppet. Come to me
my little premature ejaculator.
Hey, Hey!
Come to me my little sperm bank.
My little honeycomb!
Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. I'm not your
Oh yes you are!
What has got into you! I'm calling
the cops
Before you do call the cops, Sammy
baby, have a look at these Kodak
Oh my God.
Pictures of Sam naked with a flower in his mouth.
Ceril kissing Sam.
Ceril sticking his tongue in Sam’s ear.
Sam being mock whipped by Ceril.
Ceril in countless embraces and positions with Sam.


You are such a brut for an old
guy. So horny. Oh I like that one,
don't you? You never stopped
developing as a person, really do
      (totally gob
Jesus. You are Kitty?
The one and only.
I am sure your corporate friends,
would like to see what sort of a
horn bag you are?Nice tush, pity about the hair,
maybe a little Brazilian wax job
would be in order.
Oh shit.
Smile you are on candid camera.
You like? You buy?
How much?
$28 million, the money you owe the
      (reaching for his
       cheque book)
Plus $100,000 for the mental
anguish of seeing your unshorn
Now piss off.
My pleasure.
The photos ..


There you are darling.
And another thing, don't ever call
me darling again.
      (blowing kisses)
Bye sweetie.
As Ceril walks towards the office door he flicks his kilt up
to reveal a picture of Sam on Ceril's under shorts with the
words "Arsehole" written over it.
Leaving the church, Jack and Amanda, have just been married.
Amanda throws the bouquet. Ceril Artes who is dressed in a
kilt, is the maid of honour, catches the bouquet.
Oh my God!
Jack and Amanda are walking towards the waiting limousine.
Ceril, thanks for everything.
It was a supreme pleasure.
      (kissing Ceril)
Thank you.
      (start to cry)
Be off! Be off before I embarrass
Jack and Amanda jump into the car and wave farewell. The
number plate reads "Gazumped"

Ceril looks at the bouquet of flowers and flicks it over his
shoulder, only to be caught by a handsome young man.
      (wiping away the
       last of his tears)
Ooh! now who's a lucky lucky boy!


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From Dieter Jebken Date 3/14/2007 ****
Funny, engaging, amusing very entertaining

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