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by David Evans (david_evans7@btinternet.com)

Rated: R   Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy   User Review: ****
It is 2188. Time Travel has been theoretically possible for nearly 200 years but as yet no-one has managed to perfect it for public use and despite two seperate projects, Time Travel development has stalled. Part of the reason for this is Tom Larner, who is hampered in his progress by the death of his ancestor, Jack Larner, who was partially responsible for the creation of Time Travel. Tom believes the crash was no accident and suspects foul play. Tom refuses to co-operate with the rival Government project to pool resources unless he has full control, but his stubborness to give concessions leads one of his rivals at the Government Project to take drastic steps and swap him with Jack Larner, whom he bears an uncanny resemblance, and to place Tom in Jack's place so it is he who dies in the car crash instead......

This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.


An alarm is sounding loudly in the grounds of the Institute.
Dogs are barking incessantly and running at speed, sniffing
the ground as they go, their Guard owners trying to keep up
with them. A black-clothed figure is running slightly ahead
of them, ducking in and out of alleyways as he tries to find
a secure place to hide. The dogs are getting closer, time is
running out. The figure spots a very wide alleyway ahead of
him and darts inside at full speed. Behind him, the dogs
continue their relentless pursuit and eventually reach the
alleyway as the two guards approach, the dogs barking
maniacally. The first guard shines the torch in the
alleyway, but it is deserted.
Where the hell is he? I saw him
run into this alley.
                       GUARD 2
He's got to be here, they're going
nuts, look at them!
The dogs are still barking ferociously at the alleyway.
He couldn't have got out of here
without us seeing him, he must
sneaked out another way.
                       GUARD 2
There's no other way out of there.
He must have doubled back. Let's
not waste any more time, we need
to find him.
The Guards drag their dogs away from the alleyway, but they
continue barking wildly and the first Guard tugs insistently
on the dog's lead.
There's no-one there, you
doughnut, now move it!
The Dogs are dragged forcefully away, still barking wildly.
Once they have gone, the figure suddenly appears on the
corner of the alleyway. His whole face is not visible, but a
triumphant smile can be seen. A pair of binoculars are held
up to his eyes and from his POV, we can see the top office
of a nearby tower block, which at the moment is encased in
darkness. Looking at his watch, the figure retreats back
into the darkness of the alleyway.
The tall imposing figure of Simon Linstead is walking down a
corridor. Beside him, Derek Farrington,a smaller, meeker
figure carrying a briefcase, is trying to catch up with him.


I think a celebratory drink is in
order, Derek, don't you agree?
I'm not so sure. The Committee
were hardly unanimous in their
decision to give you the Time
Controller's job, you know. Many
of them felt Jack Larner should
have got it instead.
They're a bunch of old fools, they
had no choice to give me the job
once they realised there was no
Jack Larner could still make
trouble for us.
Simon stops dead in the corridor to face Derek and he
shrinks back slightly as he leans over him.
Jack Larner and his Institute are
finished. There's nothing he can
do to harm me now. Is that
Derek nods and Simon pats him mockingly on the shoulder.
There's a good chap. Now let's go
have that drink.
They both head down towards the end of the corridor,where a
round blue circle is placed on the floor. Above it
is a huge circular light and to the right the word
'Transmat' can be seen printed on the wall in big black
letters. Several controls are on the opposite side of the
circle. They both step onto the circle but as Simon reaches
for the controls on the wall, he pauses as some shouting is
heard from the corridor behind them. Moments later, a
grey-suited figure races down the corridor towards them
angrily, hotly pursued by several Guards.
It's Larner, what's he doing here?
Simon doesn't reply as Jack runs up to towards them, intent
on assaulting Simon but the guards drag him back and hold
him by each arm. Unruffled, Simon steps of the circle and
stands in front of Jack calmly.
What's this all about Jack?
You know why I'm here. You stole
my papers and used them to get the
Time Controllers job.


My dear Jack, you could have told
all this to the Committee but you
couldn't. You failed to produce
one shred of evidence to back
your,...ridiculous claims.
Enjoy the job while it lasts, for
you won't be Controller for much
longer. I'll see to that, I'll get
the proof I need.
Face it, Jack, your time on this
project is finished. Your career
is over and your shoddy Institute
will be closed down. The Time
Travel Project is mine now and
there's nothing you can do about
How do you think you'll cope
without any of my notes to steal?
You'll be on your own now, Simon
and that's where you'll fail. The
Project is doomed with you at the
Which brings us nicely back to
you. You have trespassed on
private property and in doing so,
your accusations, like your
reputation, are in tatters.
Guards, take him away and hold him
somewhere, then call the police.
When they arrive, get them to
throw the book at him. He can
watch my plans for this project
from prison.
The Guards nod and start to drag Jack away but he continues
to shout at Simon.
You'll never be free of me,
Linstead, do you hear me. You'll
always fear me, what I can expose
about you...
He is dragged out of sight. Simon straightens his tie and
breathes a sigh of relief. He then notices one of the guards
still standing before him.
Haven't you got work to do?
I was just going to report to you
before we spotted Jack running in
here, there's another intruder in
the grounds, sir. The men have
hunted everywhere but we haven't


                       GUARD (cont'd)
been able to locate him yet.
Maybe there's a simple reason for
that. It was Jack you were
Couldn't be, sir, this other
intruder is dressed in black.
Aren't intruders always dressed in
black? Very well, once you have
Jack locked up, double the guard
and try and find this other
intruder. If it's one of Jack's
cronies, I'm going to have a field
day. After all, two break-In's in
one night is too much of a
coincidence. Report back to me
when you find him.
The Guard turns and runs of down the corridor.
A double celebration is in order.
Let's go.
Are you sure holding Larner is a
good idea? It might backfire.
Off course I'm sure, and if I find
out this other intruder is
connected to him, he is totally
finished. With a criminal record
against his name, he'll never be
able to go for the Time
Controller's job again. Let's go.
Derek follows him back onto the circle. Simon operates the
controls. The light on the circle above shines brightly as
they both disappear from view.
Simon's Office is full of opulence. Expensive souvenirs
decorate shelves round the room and the floor is carpeted in
plush red. In the corner of the room is a scaled down design
of the transmat system from the corridor below. A transmat
circle is in the corner and it lights up as Simon and Derek


In the alleyway, the figure is looking through his
binoculars and sees the lights come on from one of the rooms
at the top of the tower. The figure smiles and lowers his
binoculars slowly. He lifts the sleeve of his wrist to
reveal a sophisticated looking watch .In the distance, the
dogs can still be heard and they appear to be getting
closer. Suddenly, the dogs and the guards appear from round
a nearby corner but when they reach the place he has been
standing, the figure has disappeared.
Simon opens a cabinet in the corner of his office and
produces a large bottle of champagne and two glasses. He
pops open the bottle and begins to pour.
A toast to both of us is in order,
I think.
I don't feel like celebrating. You
didn't get the job on merit, part
of me can never accept that.
Stop being so damn scrupulous. You
should be grateful. This project
will make us both rich.
Simon hands him a drink. Derek takes a small sip and puts
the glass aside.
I thought the prospect of being
the first man to travel in time
might excite you more, rather than
the financial rewards.
Simon slams down his glass and lifts Derek of the chair by
his tie.
Let go of me.
What is wrong with you? Do you
want to be part of this team or
Off course I do, I'm not
comfortable with the deception,
that's all.
Stop feeling sorry for Jack Larner
and move on. I haven't spent the
last three months planning this
little deception just for you to
start worrying about ethics. I
suggest you put your conscience to


                       SIMON (cont'd)
one side and do the job I pay you
to do. Is that clear?
Calm down, it was just an opinion.
The only opinion that matters to
you is mine. Okay?
He nods and Simon lets go of Derek, who straightens his tie
From now on you will concentrate
your efforts on your own work.
Tomorrow morning you will set up a
meeting with the workforceg. I've
a new rota for them to work to, to
get the project up and running as
smoothly as possible. It will be
your job to make sure they accept
the hours I have set for them.
Some of them will need to work
longer and at at the weekends if
we're to meet the target I gave
the Committee to make time travel
accessible within a year.
Some of them have families,
Simon.They won't be happy about
working extra hours.
I don't care. You will implement
the rota I give you. If they don't
like it, they will be replaced, as
will you if this isn't handled
Always the considerate boss,
Simon looks past Derek to see Jack has appeared from nowhere
at the rear of the room. He is dressed in black and has a
large watch on his wrist. Both of them look at him in
How the hell did you get in here?
You're supposed to be under
Jack points to the watch on his wrist. The Centre of the
watch is glowing brightly and surrounded by several
complex-looking buttons to each side.


I used this. A little invention of
mine you didn't steal. It's great
for avoiding guards, you know.
Simon peers at the watch suspiciously.
A watch?
It's a very special sort of watch.
It allows me to be in two
different places at the same time.
Such a device is scientifically
impossible. No-one has the
technology to do that yet.
Only to those with a closed mind.
By the way, congratulations on
getting the Time Controller's
position by the way. Loved your
acceptance speech to the Committee
by the way, a bit overdramatic for
my liking though.
Don't try and side track me,
Larner. If you've invented such a
device, you have breached the
exclusive rights this Institute
now has on time travel. Therefore,
I have every right to confiscate
it and order your arrest.
Again? I'm already under arrest at
the moment, at your instructions I
may add. How would you explain
that to your guards?
Simon angrily points to the watch.
Your watch is adequate evidence
that you have breached all the
regulations on time travel.
Very well, report me. Explain to
the Police about this watch. I'll
have great delight explaining what
I saw you doing at my Institute
last week.
Simon shifts uncomfortably in his chair, his posture now
What do you mean?


There are more simple laws other
than those that govern time
travel. Theft, for example. I was
there the night you stole the
files from my desk at my
Institute.You thought you had
disabled my security camera's but
I was there watching you and I
filmed every second on my own
Is this true, Simon?
He's bluffing. He's trying to use
that watch as a ruse to try and
cheat me out of the Time
Controllers job.
You don't deserve the job, Simon.
Which is a pity really. I've read
your articles on protective time
field technology. That could have
saved a lot of lives. However, you
let yourself be led astray by
What's he talking about?
Ignore him, Derek, this is a ruse.
You think so? I'm sure the
committee will investigate
immediately once they hear this.
Jack lifts a small disc player from his pocket and holds it
out before Simon. He presses a button on the top and Simon's
voice can be heard from the disc.
      (on the disc)
Stop feeling sorry for Jack Larner
and move on. I haven't spent the
last three months planning this
little deception just for you to
start worrying about ethics. I
suggest you put your conscience to
one side and do the job I pay you
to do. Is that clear?
As the conversation continues on the disc, Simon leans
forward, smiling triumphantly.
If you've recorded this entire
conversation, you've incriminated
yourself, surely?


Suddenly the disc goes dead and Jack smirks victoriously.
Do you think I'm that stupid?
If I destroy that disc, what proof
do you have?
I still have my other evidence.
This disc is just the bonus.
If you have all this evidence, why
didn't you present it to the
committee this morning, rather
than creating this whole charade?
I didn't need to. The information
was served better by using it as a
You're going to blackmail me into
giving up the Time Controller's
That's the general idea.
Do you really think the committee
will listen to the ravings of
someone embittered by losing the
Time Controllers job?
Oh yes, my evidence will be quite
conclusive. I've let you have your
fun, now it's my turn.You tried to
discredit me during the
presentation this morning, now I'm
going to return the compliment,
only when I do it, it's going to
be with double the force.
You think you can keep your little
invention a secret? I could call
security right now and expose you.
Go ahead, call them, I'll be gone
from this room before they even
set foot towards the nearest
transmat and I can leave this disc
anywhere I choose.
You really have got this all
worked out, haven't you? I suppose
that little performance downstairs
was also part of the plan, was it?


                       SIMON (cont'd)
I must say I preferred the Jack
Larner I saw there, you seemed
more of the loser I've become
accustomed to.
As you say, it was just a
performance, for reasons you are
about to find out.
Simon looks at Jack curiously, but he remains expressionless
as he waits for his reaction.
You seem to have thought of
I like to think so.
Simon suddenly whips a pistol out from inside his jacket and
points it at Jack, who remains calm and doesn't even flinch.
You didn't think of this though,
did you Jack?
Simon, put it down. You'll throw
away everything we've worked for
Worked for? That's a laugh!
You think this little charade will
help you take the Time
Controller's job from me? Think
You're going the right way to
helping him achieve that, Simon.
Please put the gun down.
Maybe your man here should have
been Time Controller. He certainly
has more sense than you.
Simon suddenly tightens his grip on the gun, his eyes
staring wildly at Jack.
      (Yelling angrily)
One more word and I'll shoot.
What a career advancing manoeuvre
that would be Simon. Can't see the
committee being too impressed with
a dead rival decorating your


                       JACK (cont'd)
office carpet, can you?
Simon fires the gun at Jack, who throws himself aside. Simon
fires again in anger but his aim is well off target and he
hits Derek my mistake. Derek crumples to the floor,
clutching his chest, blood pouring through his white shirt.
Simon's lowers the pistol in shock as Derek lifts his head
one more time and looks sorrowfully at him before sinking to
the ground, dead. Jack leans down and feels his neck and
sadly shakes his head.
He's dead.
Simon raises his gun again and points it shakily at Jack.
Outside the door raised voices can be heard and several
footsteps can be heard heading towards the room. Simon
operates a switch on his desk, his hands shaking, locking
the door and the door bulges under presure from the outside.
The Transmat circle starts to light up and Simon uses
another switch on his desk to deactivate it and it dims into
You, you did this.
How could I? You have the gun.
You think I can't still blame you
for this?
How? It's your gun. I was never
Simon's finger tightens on the trigger as he aims the gun
straight at Jack's forehead, but Jack is unmoved, his face
emotionless. Sweat starts to pour down Simon's brow as he
hears the sound of the door buckling under pressure behind
Aren't you scared? I could kill
you now.
Not at all. There's witnesses
outside. You won't shoot, both of
us know that, so I'm willing to
take my chances.
The scene is frozen for several seconds as Simon's finger
holds firm on the trigger as Jack waits calmly. Suddenly
Simon lowers the gun despondently. The doors are nearly
ready to cave in and Jack moves quickly to the back of the


You said I wouldn't lose you the
Time Controller's Job, you were
right. You done it yourself.
Goodbye Simon.
The doors burst open, blocking Jack from view. Two guards
burst in, training their guns at Simon. Behind the door,
Jack operates his watch. As he prepares to leave, he is
startled to see a man is stood before him, a pistol in his
hand. He has a scar under his left ear and is wearing a
pin-striped suit. As he raises the gun, Jack hits a control
on his watch in hurried panic and vanishes. The Man hits the
wall angrily before ducking behind the door to observe the
scene at the front end of the room. Simon is still standing
in shock as one of the guards covers him with a gun, his own
pistol still hanging limply in his hand.
Put the gun down, sir.
Simon drops the gun to the floor and watches shocked as the
other guard feels Derek for a pulse. Looking up at his
colleague, he shakes his head.
                       GUARD 2
He's dead, sir.
It was an accident, I didn't mean
to shoot him.
I'm sorry, I don't follow you?
It was Jack Larner, he was here.
he made me shoot Derek.
Mr Linstead, what are you talking
about? You know fully well Jack
Larner is under arrest downstairs,
at your instructions I might add.
He has a watch that time travels.
He can be in two places at the
same time. He was here I tell you.
The guard looks at his colleague, who shrugs awkwardly and
he turns his attention back to Simon.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but
haven't you just spent the last
ten minutes in here alone with Mr.
Farrington, no?


The Guard glances at the transmat circle and points at it
Your transmat is on lockdown and
your door was locked. Then we find
you standing over Mr Farrington
with a gun in your hand. You see
the position this puts us in, sir.
You seem to forget, I'm in charge
him. What I do in my office is my
Not when murder is involved, it
It was an accident. Jack knows it.
He was here. You should check his
house, he must have that watch
there somewhere.
The second guard's attention is drawn by a disc player lying
on the floor near the open door and he picks up. Simon
groans as the guard presses the player button and Simon's
voice can be heard for all to hear.
      (On the disc)
Stop feeling sorry for Jack Larner
and move on. I haven't spent the
last three months planning this
little deception just for you to
start worrying about ethics. I
suggest you put your conscience to
one side and do the job I pay you
to do. Is that clear?
The Guard stops the disc and looks up smugly.
It seems if you have some serious
explaining to do. I'm afraid we
will have to restrain you, sir.
The Police will be here in a
minute to arrest Jack. We'll have
to inform then what's happened
here. Until then, I'd keep quiet
and save any explanations for
them. Take him to the office
downstairs until they arrive.
I am your employer, you can't
arrest me.


I haven't arrested you, have I
sir? I'm just detaining you until
the Police arrive.
The Guard gestures to him to walk to the transmat circle.
Looking at Derek's prone body in regret, Simon does as he is
instructed and steps into the circle. Joined by the Guards,
one of them reactivates the controls, the transmat lights up
and they all vanish. Once they have gone, the man in the
pin-striped suit comes out from behind the door and looks
down at the body in disgust before staring angrily at the
transmat. He produces a small black box from his pocket and
hits a button on the top of it in disgust before vanishing
into thin air.
Simon is trying to shake off the guards grip on his arms
without success but they don't budge. As they pass an office
on the right, Simon stops dead as he sees Jack in the room,
flanked by two guards. As their eyes meet, Jack allows a
triumphant smile to cross his lips. At that moment, Simon
loses it completely. He tries to evade his guards and run
into the room to attack him but the guards hold him back.
You'll pay for this Jack, I'll
bloody well kill you!
Jack looks at him in mock innocence.
I'm sorry, I don't know what
you're talking about.
I swear I'll get you, Jack, you
won't get away with it. The job is
mine, do you hear me, mine!
If you say so.
One of the chief guards gestures to his colleagues and they
grab his arm, dragging him out of the room.
Get him out of here.
Simon glares back at Jack and he waves mockingly. He tries
to get free again but is restrained and led away. Jack leans
back in his chair, a self-satisfied smile crossing his face.
Tom Larner's house is a strange mixture of old and new. A
dusty bookcase in the corner has several antiques and
ornaments on top of it but in the opposite corner is a white
transmat area with a blue circle on the floor. It is


significantly more advanced looking than we have seen in
2188. Above the circle is a larger blue crystal light,
currently dimmed. Several extra controls are on the wall
next to it. Tom himself is sat watching a huge TV screen
before him as he sips moodily from a glass of brandy. He is
the spitting image of Jack, though more clean-shaven and
groomed. Tom is currently watching a news report on the
screen. It currently shows the remains of a car in flames in
the distance behind a reporter who is addressing the viewers
on the screen.
How this accident happened is
still a mystery. Police are
treating the accident as
suspicious due to the timing of
this tragedy. Jack Larner was due
to start work at his Institute
today in his capacity as Time
Controller, a role he attained
following the arrest of Simon
Linstead two weeks ago for the
murder of his deputy, Derek
Farrington. Many conspiracy
theories have developed as to whom
may have been behind this crash,
ranging from supporters of
Linstead to opponents of the Time
Project itself. The Police's
prominent lead is Linstead
himself, who was heard threatening
Mr Larner on the day he was
arrested, but they have not ruled
the other theory out. All we know
for certain is that Jack Larner is
The TV is suddenly switched off as Tom gulps down his drink
and throws the glass to the floor beside his chair in anger.
The transmat beeps loudly and the circle lights up. Moment
later, an attractive, dark-haired woman appears and steps
out of the booth, nearly standing on tbe broken glass and
she moves hastily back and sighs heavily.
Let me guess. You've been watching
the archives again?
What of it?
Oh it doesn't bother me. If you
want to wallow over the past, so
be it. Some of us have better
things to do.
Cut the claptrap, Nicola. What are
you doing home? You're supposed to
be in charge of the Institute
today, not bothering me.


I wanted to see how the meeting
went this morning. You did
actually go, didn't you?
Off course I went. It was the same
as before, no progress.
I suppose you refused to
relinquish full control of the
project again?
70/30 in my favour was the best
they could offer me.
Why didn't you take it? You'll
still have majority control.
I want total control, that's
why.The Government have run the
whole time project since Jack
died. They barely give him a
mention in their archives for the
work he did, but as soon as their
experiments start failing, they
come running.
Jack died two hundred years ago.
Forget the past and concentrate on
the future. The Government have
promised Time Travel for years,
it's never happened.Maybe with you
at the helm it will renew hope.
Tom gets to his feet and stares out the window at the
rolling fields outside the house.
Every promise they make is
meaningless. Two hundred years of
waste and we're still no further
forward. Even after Jack's death
they dithered for six months and
look what happened. The global
recession took it's toll and it
got abandoned. They only started
up again because I reopened the
Larner Institute. They got scared
I'd succeed where they couldn't.
Surely it's time you swallowed
some pride and accepted their
offer then. If both projects have
stalled than pooling our resources
is the only way forward.


Forget it,it isn't going to
happen. Not on their terms.
So you're going to let something
that happened two hundred years
ago hold everything back?
Tom swings round angrily to face Nicola but she is unmoved.
You don't get it, do you? Jack's
car crash wasn't just an accident,
he was killed.
That was never proved.
You find it coincidental he was
skilled the day he was suppose to
start as Time Controller? Well I
don't, and when I finally break
the Time Travel Barrier, I'll go
back and prove it for myself.
      (Sighing heavily)
What's happened to you Tom? When
we first set out on this project,
you had so much enthusiasm. You
had humour and charm which helped
you get the best people to work
for us. The Tom I married has been
replaced by a miserable
self-obsessed stranger.
You can't expect me to happy 24/7
under these circumstances.
That's because since you
discovered those archives, your
emphasis has changed. You seem
more preoccupied with using time
travel for yourself than for
general use by the public.
Haven't you got work to do? I
thought I left you and Gerry to
run those experiments I set. I'll
join you later.
Nicola holds her hand in the air in defeat.
I give up. You do things how you
want, Tom, but don't blame me if
the public start to fall out of
love with you. However, I suggest
you try and organise another
meeting with The Government


                       TOM (cont'd)
Institute, though, maybe a few
concessions from you might get
this project running again.
Tom doesn't reply and tutting in frustration, Nicola heads
towards the door.
If you should change your mind,
let me know.
Tom stares ahead of him, brooding and Nicola shakes her head
despairingly before stepping back into the transmat and
disappearing from sight. Tom sighs and and tips his head
back in the chair despairingly.
One day I will succeed, one day...
The transmat beeps and a young man appears in the circle
carrying a huge box. He walks over to a coffee table in
front of the table and places it there, a cheery grin on his
Good morning Mr. L, usual today?!
I don't know what's good about it
but I'll have the usual. I don't
know why you bother asking though,
you know I never change.
Matt reaches in his box for a huge chunky set of sandwiches.
Cheese and Onion sandwiches. As
Tom reaches inside his pocket for his wallet and hands him
some money.
There, keep the change. What there
is of it.
Very good. I'll be going. See you
tomorrow Mr.L!
Matt picks up the box hurriedly and dashes for the transmat.
You know, you guys have it so much
easier than you used to. No
driving, no stress and yet you're
still always in a tearing hurry.
Less driving, more drops I'm
afraid. We don't get away with it
that easily!


Well you may be more
environmentally friendly these
days but you're not doing your
health any good are you?
Perhaps not, Mr. L!! Bye now!
Grabbing the box from Tom's desk, he activates the controls
on the wall and disappears. Tom sighs and grabs his
sandwich. As he goes to take his first bite, however, the
transmat beeps again and a young man appears, dressed
smartly in a suit and tie. Tom jumps indignantly to his
feet. .
Who the hell are you and what are
you doing in my house?
My name is Cecil Bell. I'm from
The Keep Every Event Precious
Oh yes. You're that crackpot
organisation that, forgive the
pun, keeps protesting outside the
perimeters of my Institute. I
wondered how long it would be
before I got a visit here. How did
you even get in here. This house
is supposed to be top-security.
No-one is allowed here unless I
permit it. How did you get hold of
the access codes?
My organisation is far from
crackpot, Mr Larner and it's very
easy when you can hack into your
system and get the access codes of
your sandwich man.
Well if I were you, I'd get out of
here the same way you came in
before I call the Police.
Mr Larner, you have to listen to
me. If you continue with these
experiments, you could change
history as we know it. If you
allow people to interfere, all the
mystique of history will be lost.
You have to end the time travel


                       CECIL (cont'd)
project now.
Tom grabs hold of the Cecil by the shoulders and marches him
back to the transmat, but he breaks free and stands
defiantly against the wall.
Mr Larner, you are as rude and
arrogant as your reputation
suggests but I telling you now,
you won't silence us. We'll carry
on protesting until this project
is brought to a halt.
What you going to do? Put the Grim
Reaper on reception every morning
for when I come in?
The transmat beeps and Nicola appears back in the circle.
She stops dead at the sight of Cecil who quickly moves to
join her as she steps back out into the room.
Mrs Larner, you're someone with
intelligence. You have to listen
to us, the time travel project is
a catastrophe waiting to happen,
make your husband see sense,
Nicola looks enquiringly at Tom.
What's going on here? Who is this?
Never mind who he is, he's just
      (To Nicola)
Mrs Larner, please, you're his
wife. Convince him he's making a
mistake. History can't be changed,
it has to stay as it is.
Tom grabs Cecil again and drags him unwillingly towards the
transmat. Hitting the controls, the transmat lights up and
he throws the man inside and he vanishes. Tom quickly
adjusts some controls on the side and breathlessly turns to
face Nicola.
There, I've changed the access
codes, he shouldn't come back here
Who the hell was that?


Just some lunatic from an equally
lunatic organisation that opposes
the project.
You should try improving your
people skills. He obviously came
here with an opinion today and
from what I saw you didn't even
respect him at all, you just
rudely chucked him out.
What do you expect me to do, leave
our house open to more of his
kind? The next one might be
dangerous if they get the right
access codes.
Contrast your behaviour to what
you show to our sandwich boy. He's
well chuffed at you. You're his
favourite customer, I bet you
tipped him again today.
Why not? He gives good service. He
deserves it.
Where's the consistency? If you
can be polite to people you like,
you can try at least to be
diplomatic towards those who
oppose you.
I have had enough of your lectures
for one day, thank you. Why are
you back here anyway, to give me
more earache?
Ray called at the Institute, he
thought you were there so I took
the call for you. He asked me to
try and persuade you to go back
for another meeting, just you and
him this time to try and thrash
out a deal.
Does it matter? I think you should
I don't have to do anything.


Yes you will because if you don't
that guy you kicked out will be
the least of your problems. Think
on it.
Nicola glares commandingly at him before turning and exiting
the room. Tom childishly sticks his tongue out at her and
sits sulkily back down in his armchair and takes another
bite out of his sandwich.
Ray's office is Simon Linstead's old one, only now it is has
been totally transformed and is now full of hi-tech
equipment. Huge tinted windows stare out over the complex
below and Ray himself is busy working at his desk. He is an
obese man with balding hair and he wipes the sweat from his
brow as he works at his computer. Moments later, the
intercom buzzes and he looks at his monitor to see his
secretary at the desk.
Mr Larner here to see you.
Send him in.
Moments later the door slides open and Tom enters the room.
Tom, how nice to see you again.
Ray stretches out his hand to greet him but Tom ignores it
and sits down at Ray's desk.
I understand you wanted to see me.
I take it there is a new offer
about to be made?
Ray heads towards a drinks cabinet at the side of his
A drink?
No thanks, I'm driving.
Considering your technology has
helped cleanse this planet, I'm
surprised you still drive.
One of the downsides to transmat
technology is that is has taken
away the thrill of the open road.
There are still some car


                       TOM (cont'd)
enthusiasts out there you know.
I could always have your car sent
back to you if you want a drink.
Are we going to sit here having
small talk all day or are we going
to get down to business? It's bad
enough coming back to this place
once let alone twice. The thought
that this was once Simon
Linstead's office makes me sick.
The Linstead family long ago gave
up the right to this place as you
know. There's not much of their
influence left here.
I don't care. I still don't like
this place so the sooner we
conclude our business, the sooner
I can be on my way.
As you wish.
Ray sits down at his desk.
Now we both know this morning's
meeting was...fraught, shall we
say? I thought a one-to-one
meeting might yield a better
It depends on what you're
offering, doesn't it?
The board have sanctioned an offer
of an 85-15 split in your favour,
but with the Larner Institute
closed down and all work
transferred here under your
That's it? You offer me an extra
fifteen percent and now you want
me to move all my work to a place
which my family's adversaries used
to own?
The Government need something to
show for their commitment.


I told you my terms this morning.
It's full control at my place or
nothing at all.
It'll never happen. If you refuse
this time, they won't come back
with another offer.
I'm sorry, Ray, but those are my
terms. Take it or leave it.
So you're not prepared to give any
concessions whatsoever?
Unlike you, I'm unaccountable to
the electorate. We'll see who'll
budges first when the public
demand for time travel becomes
Ray tenses in his chair at Tom's stubbornness.
That tactic could backfire.
What's the matter Ray? Job on the
line if you don't strike a deal?
Or your bonus maybe?
My priority is this project.
I know you have no hands on
approach here. You're nothing more
than a glorified banker.
Whatever you think of me, I don't
allow my judgement to be affected
by something that happened two
hundred years ago,
Tom gets to his feet and heads for the door.
I'm not listening to this. I've
had enough lectures from my wife
for one day without listening to
more drivel from you.
If everyone tells you the same
thing, then maybe it's time you
took notice. I mean, Jack Larner's
death is the real reason why
you're not willing to strike a


                       RAY (cont'd)
deal isn't it? Have you ever
considered he wasn't as impure as
he seemed? I mean, there were
rumours flying round that he was
responsible for getting Linstead
locked up in the first place.
Maybe there were enemies out there
who wanted him dead.
Tom heads towards the door.
Goodbye Ray.
Tom attempts to leave the room but as the door opens, his
way is blocked by a man in a pin-striped suits and a scar
under his left ear. It is the same man from Simon's office
previously. Tom steps back, annoyed, and looks at Ray.
Who's this? Another one of your
Tom, this is my deputy. Mike
      (Holding out his
Nice to meet you.
      (Ignoring the
I wish I could say the same.
Tom abruptly leaves the room and Mike shrugs as he walks
over to Ray's desk to sit down.
That didn't go too well then?
He's a stubborn fool. He's too
wrapped up in the past to give any
That doesn't bode too well for
you, does it? The impression I got
from the board was that this was
your final chance to get a deal or
they'd get someone in who will.
Whoever replaces me will encounter
the same problem.Tom's a tough nut
to crack. He's too stubborn to
change his mind and the board know


That's as maybe but you know what
it would entail if you lost this
job. All those perks, the money.
You'd be pretty much unemployable
for a while.
I don't need reminding of the
consequences thank you.
I think if the board found out
your one-to-one session with Tom
didn't work out, you've had it
anyway. However, they don't know
as yet that the meeting has taken
place. There is a chance to
rectify the situation.
I told you I wasn't interested in
this so-called plan of yours.
It does represent the only way you
can solve this situation and keep
your job.
I will not resort to murder.
Your hands will be clean.
People will still get hurt.
Well it's a straight forward
choice. Your job and your career
or your morals. All I can say is
that if you choose your morals,
the board will be on your case
very quickly.
And you'll be the one to tell them
I suppose.
I never said that.
The implication was plain enough.
Mike stares at him unmoving and Ray buries his head in his
hands for a moment before looking back up.
Are you sure this plan will


Trust me,every angle has been
It seems I have little choice, do
I? What do you want me to do?
Mike smiles mockingly and leans back in his chair in
A huge round capsule is sat distinctively on a platform in
the middle of the room. Around all four sides of the Capsule
lies several computer bays and at the front is the main
console, one of which Nicola and her Chief Scientist, Gerry,
are now attending. The Capsule is currently in the process
of materialising back on it's spot on the platform. Behind
him, several scientists are looking on in interest. As the
humming from the capsule dies down, Gerry checks the
computer before him and taps his fingers impatiently on the
screen. Nicola waits patiently for the data to come up on
the screen.
I'm sorry but it failed as I said
it would fail. It barely went back
five minutes. We're getting
absolutely nowhere.
That won't cheer Tom up much.
I did warn him what would happen
if we persist using this Capsule.
You know Tom, once he's got his
heart set on something there's no
moving him.
You brought me in to help get this
project moving. How can I do that
if you keep ignoring my advice?
Maybe you should prove Tom wrong
by proving this capsule is the
problem. I mean, are you
absolutely sure there is no way of
increasing power?
Not without turning every thing
off in the whole institute, no.


What an excellent idea.
Tom is standing by the doorway and he joins them and throws
his coat over the top of the console. He looks proudly at
his invention.
I do hope you're joking, Mr
You know I'm not one for joking,
Gerry. Your idea has merit. If we
shut down all non-essential
systems, we could get enough power
to get the capsule to go back
further in time.
Maybe you should reconsider
Tom.Gerry is convinced the answer
is getting rid of the capsule and
replacing it with a time field
instead. The capsule is using vast
amounts of energy according to the
computer data. We've barely
cracked the five second barrier.
How many more times must we have
this discussion? The Capsule is
the only way to go back in time
protected. A time field means the
subject would be at enormous risk,
reliant on a protective forcefield
which could go wrong at anytime.
Do you realise what could happen?
Vapourisation, that's what!
If you're not prepared to accept
change from your own Chief
Scientist, I hope you tied up a
deal at that meeting so we can
pool our resources with the
Government.It seems the only way
we can move forward.
It was a waste of time.
You said no, again.
Yes, so we're on our own until
they agree to our demands. Now,
that idea of reducing or closing
down all non-essential systems; I
want that tested before you go
home today. I'm nipping home for a
while. When I come back I hope
you'll both be in a more receptive


                       TOM (cont'd)
Does it work both ways? I mean,
you did employ me to be your Chief
Scientist. You could at least try
out some of my ideas.
Your protective time field idea
was a Linstead idea which is
dangerous and will never ever be
used on this project.
How do you know it's dangerous if
you've never tried it?
Who's in charge here?
You are of course, Mr Larner, but-
No buts Gerry. Just get that test
ready for when I return. I'll be
back later.
What did I say to you earlier
about your attitude to people?
I really don't care. I've had
enough of people for one day. I'm
out of here.
Gerry holds his hand up to forestall further argument and
heads this time towards the booth. Moments later, he is
gone. Gerry and Nicola exchange glances.
How do you put up with him?
I don't know. It's like looking
after a big kid sometimes.
Tom walks over to his armchair and slumps into it. Holding
his face in his hands, he yawns loudly and lays his head
back on the cushion and closes his eyes. Beside him, a
video-screen flickers to life and there is a loud beeping.
Groaning, Tom opens his eyes and looks at the screen.
Opening a flap in his armchair, he presses a button and Ray
appears on the screen.
Afternoon, Tom.


What do you want Ray? I'm not in
the mood for anymore meetings with
you today, especially after that
rant of yours earlier.
My sincerest apologies for that,
Tom. I guess I have as much
passion for my project as you have
for yours. Maybe we're too similar
in that regard.
Cut the flattery and tell me what
you want.
Well I held another meeting with
the board and they're prepared to
make an offer, one I think you'll
find hard to refuse this time.
Does it include me having full
I can't disclose the details over
an open channel. Can you come
round at eight? Hopefully you'll
see what you like and we can
finally bring a conclusion to this
matter for the sake of both
Very well, Ray, I'll take what you
say at face value but if I leave
there without a result, there is
no chance is of any further
negotiations, is that clear?
Perfectly clear, old chap. See you
at eight. Don't be late!
Tom gives him a withering look and promptly switches of the
screen, ending the call. Sitting back in his armchair, a
contented smile crosses his lips.
Ray looks at the blank screen and switches it off. He grins
triumphantly and looks at up at Mike, who is just out of
sight behind the screen. Mike nods in satisfaction and heads
out of the room as Ray picks up a small glass of whisky and,
grinning again, downs it in one.


Tom looks at the clock on the wall. It is half past six. He
hurries through an archway into the kitchen nearby and looks
in a cupboard on the wall nearby. His eyes gleam as he
catches sight of a jar of pickles in front of him. Hurriedly
grabbing a spoon from a drawer in front of him, he scoops
out one huge pickle and pops it in his mouth. Chomping away
in pleasure, he swallows it down. A beeping from the front
room alerts him and he quickly puts the jar away and throws
the spoon in the sink. Scurrying back into the Front Room,
he sees Nicola stepping of the transmat circle and she looks
at him in surprise as he smiles pleasantly at her.
I don't like it when you're
cheerful. What have you been upto?
Nicola's eyes narrow and she sniffs.
You've been at the pickles again,
haven't you?
So what if I have?
After having a Cheese and Onion
sandwich today, you're asking for
You can always leave the room.
That's as maybe, but you could try
cutting down on them. It's not
healthy or good for your stomach
either, come to that.
One of these days you are going to
stop trying to be my Mother.
If I were you, I'd concentrate
more on being a father. After you
left the Institute, Emma called.
She's coming over this evening
with her new boyfriend. Therefore
I'd appreciate it if you'd keep
your.... outages to a minimum.
Tom sits down in his armchair and puts his face in his
Oh no.


What's the problem?
Ray has asked me to another
meeting this evening.
From what Ray said, it seems the
scales have finally tipped in my
favour. I think he's about to
offer me full control.
So having had to literally push
you into both meetings today you
now decide to go to one of your
own accord just as Emma is coming
Some things are more important.
Your daughter isn't important?
Off course she is. It's just
unfortunate that she chose this
evening to come round.
So what happens if you come back
empty-handed again? I shan't be
too happy and Emma certainly won't
be impressed.
If this meeting moves the project
forward then it's a gamble I'm
prepared to take.
Very well, have it your own way.
You usually do.
Nicola heads towards the door and Tom gets to his feet in
That's it? Not even a lecture?
I'm not the one who has to explain
to Emma that her father is putting
the project before her again, am
She leaves the room. Tom sits back down in his armchair and
bangs the side of it angrily with his fist.


Eric Dawson's house is elegant and stylish and contains
expensive furniture and carpets. Outside of the patio doors,
a swimming pool can be seen. Eric himself is checking his
watch. It is 8.00. He looks up the nearby stairs and checks
his watch again.
Are you ready? Time is getting on.
Stop fussing and try not to panic.
There's plenty of time.
How can you be so sure?
Jack walks down the stairs dressed in a smart suit and tie.
When have you known me to be wrong
about anything?
There's always a first time, man.
Keep the faith, my friend.
Everything will turn out fine.
Have you absolutely checked
everything? You know what route to
take to avoid the press?
Off course I have. it's the right
one. Now stop fussing!
Jack checks his appearance in a nearby mirror and quickly
straightens his tie. Nodding in satisfaction he turns round
to Eric and holds out his hand.
Well, this is it. Time to go.
Eric shakes his hand and they hug warmly.
Good luck, man.
Thanks Eric. I think I'm gonna
need it.
Jack heads towards the door and opens it. He looks back at
Eric and smiles nervously. Eric gives him an encouraging nod
and he leaves the room without looking back. Eric looks in
the mirror and pulls his short stature up to his full height
before checking his watch. It is 8.02. Tapping the watch
thoughtfully he heads of up the stairs.


Tom and Nicola are sat opposite each other, not looking or
speaking to each other. Tom is supping away on a glass of
brandy whilst Nicola's eye is on the clock. A beeping comes
from the transmat. Tom doesn't move but Nicola gets to her
feet to stand by the circle. Moments later, Emma appears
with Andy. Emma is of the same stature as Nicola with a
similar mane of long black hair. In comparison, Andy is
virtually bald and on first viewing is several years older.
As Emma and Nicola hug, Tom nearly chokes on his drink as he
gets to his feet in shock.
Hi Mum, Dad. This is Andy.
Oh my God.
This is your new boyfriend?
Andy holds out his hand.
Nice to meet you. Emma has told me
a lot about your work.
Tom reluctantly shakes hands.
Has she now?
Andy is a bit of a sci-fi fan. He
thinks what you are doing is
What about what you're doing? I
mean, this guy looks old enough to
be my brother!
Andy looks away embarrassed and Emma's face clouds in anger.
Nicola takes Andy by the arm and guides him gently towards
the door.
Let's go in the other room Andy,
leave these two to it. Then you
can tell me all about yourself.
She hurriedly guides him out of the room and Emma swings
round angrily to face Tom.
What is your problem? Why can't
you for once be happy for me?


You meet a bloke twice your age
and expect me to be happy?
He's only ten years older than me.
Then either you're ageing quickly
or he looks older than he is.
You're making assumptions before
you even know him. He's a nice
guy. That's all that matters.
Well that's one way of getting his
leg over, Is he not not getting
enough at home or something?
He's not married or divorced and
he hasn't any kids.
At his age?
Does it matter? He's mine now and
whether you like it not, I'll
continue to see him with or
without your approval.
As you wish but don't expect me to
play the doting Dad if things go
What's new? That's a role you've
never played.
Tom shakes his head in astonishment.
That's harsh. I've always seen to
it you were cared for.
That's the point. You were always
too busy with the project to be
there when I needed you. You only
care when you see something in my
life that you don't like.
You're starting to sound like your
Mother. The project isn't
Then prove it. Get to know Andy,
for me?


Tom hesitates and looks at the clock. It is 7.50.
I'm sorry, but I have a meeting to
go to.
Emma puts her hands on her hips angrily in disgust.
So much for putting me first.
This was already arranged before I
knew you were coming here tonight.
Then you'd better go hadn't you if
it's so important.
Tom walks to the transmat circle and operates the controls
by the side.
One day you'll realise how
important this is to me. Maybe
then you'll see how I treat you in
a different light.
Emma turns her back on him, her arms folded in defiance.
Just go will you?
Tom shakes his head in despair and operates the controls and
he disappears from the circle. Emma takes a deep breath to
calm herself as Nicola pops her head around the door.
I take it he's gone?
Why didn't you warn me about this
Nicola enters the room followed by Andy.
Your father has to take
responsibility for his own
actions. If he was going to let
you down he needed to tell you
Then why didn't he?
Well..that's your father for you.
Ray is waiting at his desk for Tom's arrival. His fingers
are tapping impatiently on his desk as he looks at his clock


and he jumps at the sound of the transmat beeping. On his
monitor he can see Tom waiting down below. Activating the
transmat, Tom arrives in the room moments later.
Welcome back. Using the transmat
this time eh? Didn't think you
liked using them?
When you've been somewhere twice
in one day, a third time driving
here would have been arduous to
say the least. I've also been
drinking. Even in this day and age
the driving laws have to be
In that case, can I persuade you
to have a drink this time round?
If it's good news, yes.
Would I ask you back otherwise?
I'll have a brandy then.
Ray walks behind his drinks cabinet and lifts two glasses
from within and starts to pour out some brandy from a
bottle.Unseen, he lifts a small bottle from his pocket and
slips a small drug into Tom's drink. Hastily slipping it
back in his pocket,he returns to his desk and gives Tom his
Thank you. So, tell me the good
news then.
Before we discuss business, I was
wondering if you'd like to come to
our laboratory and see our project
for yourself? The board thought it
might prove invaluable when
considering our offer.
More tricks to gain a concession?
Ray operates the transmat and gestures to it.
Not at all old chap. Merely trying
to help you help us. Shall we go?
Tom nods and starts to down his brandy but Ray hastily


No rush, Tom.You can bring your
brandy with you if you want.
Tom takes his glass and steps onto the circle, continuing to
drink. Smiling discreetly, Ray stands beside him and
operates the transmat and they disappear.
Unlike Tom's, the Government labs is more spacious and there
are far less technicians and computers in the room. One long
console is spread out before a large silver box with an
archway in it's centre. Two light beams are in place on
either side of the arch. Tom and Ray arrive in the lab and
Tom looks around him in surprise at the set-up. Followed by
Ray he wanders over to the box and inspects it curiously as
he takes another sip from his brandy.
Well?What do you think?
It seems less...compact than my
own equipment.
That's probably because we have
economised our power output by
using the individual rather than
the machine.
You send people into the vortex
Well Time Travel has already
provided the basis for transmat
technology. We thought it would be
a rather neat idea if we went vice
versa and used some elements of
the transmat process for our
experiments. We have adapted the
protective forcefield from the
transmats as a shield against the
time vortex.
You mean you used the old records
from the Linstead Institute?
Naturally. I know about your
objections to Simon's theories,
but they were accurate.
Most of Simon Linstead's so-called
theories were copied from Jack.
The Time Field concept was the
only original idea of his, which


                       TOM (cont'd)
is why it's ill-conceived. Even my
own Chief Scientist has tried to
convince me this idea will work, I
beg to differ.
As a scientist, you should always
be open to new ideas, Tom. Perhaps
a demonstration will help dispel
your fears and eliminate any
safety concerns you have.
If you must, but I doubt you'll
change my mind.
Ray reaches under the consoles and slides a panel at the
bottom open to reveal several dummies inside. Tom raises a
surprised eyebrow and Ray grins and holds one up to him.
Since the decrease in car use,
crash dummies have become a thing
of the past. We tend to use them
for a different purpose these
Well let's hope you're not the one
who looks a dummy after this demo
Ray gives Tom an amused look before placing the dummy in the
archway. As Tom watches, he moves to a section of the
console and types some information into a computer. Moments
later, a blue haze surrounds the dummy and Ray hits a screen
beside the computer and the dummy disappears.
There, I've tried sending the
dummy into the past. A good fifty
years into the past.
What? How have you managed that? I
can't get any further than a few
By reducing the power outlay, you
can extend the range of which we
can Time Travel. From what I hear,
that is the heart of your
I don't understand all this. If
you can send dummy's back and
forwards in time successfully like
that why do you need a merger?
Ray gestures to the screen before him. A timeline is showing
across the top of the screen with a blue bar passing from


left to right. As he watches, the blue bar stops and the
screen freezes.
The forcefield we created has also
acted as a shield against our
computers. It's caused time
distortion. I can't tell how far
back the dummy has gone. I
programmed it back fifty years but
it's well out of our range. We
can't trace how far our subjects
can go back or forwards in time.
We have a rough idea, but we need
accuracy. When we heard your
project had stalled because you
couldn't travel that far back in
time, it seemed a sensible step
forward to approach you with a
So didn't you show me this before?
Tom takes another sip from his drink as Ray takes a quick
glance at the clock behind him.
The board were just trying to
protect the project in case you
refused. They wanted to keep one
step ahead of you but I think
they've seen the sense in allowing
this visit. Do you think you can
help us with our problem?
It depends. What's the range of
About forty years each way at
present. That's why I sent the
dummy further back, just to show
you the problems we have faced.
Ray touches a control on the screen and the blue bar turns
red and starts to reverse. Moments later, the blue haze
lights up in the archway and the dummy reappears.
Off course it never actually
landed anywhere, just travelled in
the vortex. I think my point was
proven though.
Tom yawns and Ray watches him in concern.
Are you all right old chap?
It's been a long day.


It'd be nice to go back to this
morning and catch up on some
sleep, wouldn't it?
Time Travel is not for that
purpose and you know it. It's too
observe only. That's what the
regulations myself and the
Government agreed to are for.
I'm well aware of the dangers. I
know that interfering with time
can have dire consequences if it
goes wrong.
If I allow this merger to go ahead
those regulations will be followed
to the letter.
Does this mean you're prepared to
offer some concessions this time?
Tom yawns again, louder this time.
Maybe we could use your...your
technology, but...I'll have to
talk to...talk
Tom's POV.

Ray's face seems to split into two before seemingly splinter
further and suddenly the faces start to circle each other.
In the distance, he can hear Ray's voice.
Tom...Tom...what's the matter?
Tom collapses to the floor, unconscious, his glass falling
to the ground and smashing beside him. Ray kneels down and
feels his pulse as footsteps can be heard from behind the
archway. Mike walks over to join him, looking down at the
body in contempt. Ray sighs in relief.
Why the concern? I told you the
drugs would take a while to work.
They certainly took their time.
How long will he be out for?
Long enough for our purposes.


Mike takes a pouch from the inside of his jacket and opens
it to reveal a needle and a small bottle containing a red
fluid. He fills the needle to the brim as Ray looks on
Insurance if things do go wrong.
This stuff is a strong amnesia
drug. Should last for quite a
while if wakes up. Hopefully that
won't be necessary.
He was about to offer some
concessions you know. It's not too
late to stop this plan, you know.
Somehow I don't think Tom would
see it that way if he woke up. He
might be dopey for a while but
he'd soon realise he was drugged,
don't you? Something tells me
concessions would be off the menu,
We could have pulled off this deal
if we'd waited you know.
That maybe so, but I don't think
the board would have approved of
your little demonstration somehow,
do you?
I could have convinced them.
You're deluded.There's no going
back now whatever you think. Now
stop panicking and lift his arm.
It's time for Phase Two.
Ray's shoulders slump despondently but as he catches Mike's
eye, he reluctantly lifts Tom's arm and looks away
squeamishly as Mike moves the needle closer to inject.
A group of photographers and journalists are grouped tightly
together outside the gate of the Institute, a huge squad of
Police Officers keeping an eye on matters before them.
Professor Mead and the Time Travel Committee are gathered in
the reception area, standing near the entrance to the
building. A TV cameraman is on hand to observe events.


Professor Mead anxiously checks his watch as the doors at
the back of the room open to reveal Eric.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Eric, where the hell is Jack?
He isn't here yet?
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Do you think I would be asking if
he was?
Eric takes Professor Mead's arm and guides him away from the
cameraman and into a corner near the door.
Jack left the house before I did.
He should be here.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Off all days, Jack can't afford to
be late. He has a duty as Time
Controller to be here on his first
day. The Committee won't take
kindly to being let down.
You're being unfair, Professor.
Remember this place is crawling
with press. I mean, look at that
lot out there. They're like a pack
of wolves, dying to get their
piece of flesh. Even Jack would
find it hard to get through that
lot unscathed. If there's press
further up the road, he could be
held up.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Why didn't he a transmat like
everyone else?
Aside from the fact I don't have
one, Jack doesn't like using them.
He likes the open air too much.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
As key members of this project you
should have a transmat installed
at your place for both of you to
You'd never convince Jack to use
it, he's too much of an petrolhead
to give up the old ways just yet.


                       PROFESSOR MEAD
As you wish, but you'll have to
have one eventually. I insist on
Professor Mead looks at his watch again.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
You did tell him to go the back
Off course.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Then I see no excuse for the
Calm yourself, Professor, Jack
will let us know he if he needs
us, I'm sure.
Professor Mead reluctantly nods in agreement and rejoins the
Committee nearby. Eric checks his watch and looks out of the
window at the roads outside thoughtfully.
Jack is driving down the road to the Institute, his top down
on his car, his radio up quite loud. The tall building of
the Institute dominates the landscape in the distance and as
Jack reaches some crossroads, he stops briefly. The
Institute can clearly be seen on the road straight ahead. He
hesitates for a moment, then turns right onto a road running
alongside the Institute. As he drives further up the road,
his grip on the steering wheel tightens and he is constantly
checking his rear view mirror. He turns down the radio and
slows his pace considerably as he continues to look around
Mike Tyler is crouched beneath the bushes, watching Jack
approach through the view of a rifle. Beside him on the
ground is the unconscious figure of Tom, now dressed in
exactly the same clothes as Jack. Even his groomed hair is
now similar to Jack's. Mike's attention is still on the car
and he puts his finger on the trigger and smiles cruelly as
it approaches.
Jack is driving even more slowly as he looks around him.He
can see nothing. he looks at the car clock on the dashboard.
It is 9.10.


Mike's finger tightens on the trigger, ready to fire. Jack's
head is now in his line of vision. Mike starts to press the
trigger but another shot comes from elsewhere and he looks
up sharply as Jack's front tyre explodes and the car spins
out of control and plunges headlong into a tree to it's
left. Mike peers over a hedge and looks to where the shot
came from but there is no-one there. A beeping from his
watch sends him into action and, picking up Tom's body, Mike
produces a black box and aims it at the car. He activates a
control on the top and moments later, he and Tom vanish.
Mike reappears beside the car, Tom's body still in his arms.
Dumping it on the ground, he observes the car cautiously.
The windscreen is smashed, the left wing damaged from it's
impact with the tree. A small fire is moving from the bonnet
and down the side of the car towards the petrol tank.
Inside, Jack is apparently unconscious, blood pouring from a
gash on his forehead. Mike undoes his seatbelt and places a
small circular device which he attaches to his chest.
Activating it, Jack's body vanishes. Mike picks up Tom's
body and puts him in Jack's place, Placing his head against
the headrest, he steps back in satisfaction and surveys his
Pleasant Dreams!
He presses the black box in his hand and vanishes. Tom
remains unmoving as the fire continues to edge ever closer
to the fuel tank. Suddenly from nowhere, a hand flings open
the door and undoes the seatbelt, dragging Tom from the car.
We do not see who the owner of the hand is but Tom is thrown
over the stranger's shoulder and is moved away hurriedly
from the car as the fire reaches the fuel tank. The car
explodes into a fireball, igniting the trees beside it. As
we pan back to where we last saw Tom and his rescuer, it can
be seen that they have now vanished.
Eric and Professor Mead are still waiting in the Reception
Area. The clock nearby says it is now 9.15. Profesor Mead is
standing at the doorway looking outside, his attention
caught by several pressmen looking to their left. Looking to
where they are staring, he notices a large plume of black
smoke in the distance and he taps Eric on the shoulder and
he joins him at the window.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
I don't like the look of that.
You don't think...?


                       PROFESSOR MEAD
I don't know. I'll double check
with the Police, see if there's
been any incidents in the
Eric nods and moves away to an office nearby as Eric looks
expressionless at the smoke coming from over the horizon.
The curtains in the front room are pulled aside to reveal
Eric's car driving down the driveway and out of sight. The
curtains close and the figure walks over to Tom's still
unconscious figure on the sofa nearby. The clock nearby
reveals it is 8.30. The figure is revealed to be Eric, who
looks in concern at Tom, checking his pulse before looking
at his watch, the same watch Jack had earlier. He is
sweating profusely and wipes his brow with a hankie and
looks down again at the prone figure of Tom.
Man,that was close!
Eric watches unmoved as a Police Officer and Professor Mead
come out of the office nearby. The Officer leaves the
building through the front door and Professor Mead gestures
to him to join him inside.
Professor Mead sits down behind a desk and he invites Eric
to take a seat.
Well, was it to do with Jack?
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
I'm afraid so. Jack's car was
found burnt out on the back road
to the Institute. The Police found
skidmarks on the road, they think
he lost control and crashed into
the tree. The car then exploded.
Jack's dead?
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
I'm sorry, Eric. The car caught
fire on impact and blew the petrol
tank.He didn't stand a chance.
Professor Mead falls silent as Eric gets to his feet and
moves to the window to stare outside. Professor Mead joins
him there.


                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Naturally I'll halt all activities
regarding the project here until
we know for sure if was just an
You suspect foul play?
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Considering today's importance,
the Police have no choice but to
view it as suspicious.
I see.
                       PROFESSOR MEAD
Why don't you take yourself off
home? I'll sort out everything
here. I knew you and Jack were
best friends. So go home and take
off as long as you need. The
project will have to be suspended
for a while. It will still be here
when you get back and you still
have a part to play in it's future
I'm sure.
Eric lifts up his sleeve to reveal Jack's watch on his wrist
and he rubs it thoughtfully as he looks out of the window.
Thank You Professor Mead. I think
I'm going to need it.
Andy and Emma are standing in the transmat circle as Nicola
activates the controls.
Try speaking to your father again
tomorrow. Maybe after this
meeting, he'll be more focused.
If he's in the mood is tonight
I'll be out of here in seconds.
We'll see. Goodnight,Andy. It was
nice meeting you and my apologies
for my husband's behaviour.
Like you say, maybe he'll be
better after his meeting.
I hope so! Well, time to let you
both go. Night Night.


Emma and Nicola have a quick hug and Nicola sends them on
their way. Once they have gone, Nicola runs her hand through
her long hair in exhaustion and looks at Tom's discarded
brandy bottle nearby.Picking it up, she opens it and sniffs
it before turning her head hurriedly away from it in
Shame I didn't like brandy, I
could do with a drink!
A beeping from the video-screen catches her attention and
she walks over to the sofa and answers the call from the
armchair panel to see Gerry looking at her in some concern
from the lab. Looking at her clock she sees it is gone ten
and she frowns.
Gerry? What are you still doing at
work? I thought you would have
finished running those experiments
for Tom ages ago.
I never got chance to run them.
Something else has come up which I
think you should look at.
Well isn't Tom there?
Should he be?
He's not been here. That's why I
called you. Something's cropped up
on the computer that you both
really need to see.
Hang on, if Tom isn't there, where
the hell is he? The meeting can't
have gone on this long.
Gerry shrugs and Nicola sighs reluctantly.
Okay, Gerry, I'll come over but
this better be worth it.
I assure you it will be. See you
The screen goes blank and Nicola looks at the brandy bottle
and picks it up.


I might be needing you after all.
Something tells me this is going
to be a long night!
Ray is pacing backwards and forwards in his office, a
whisky glass in his hand, sweat pouring from his brow. The
door slides open and Mike enters. Ray slams the glass down
on his desk and hurries up to him.
Calm yourself, Ray. Everything is
in place and going to plan just as
I said it would.
There's no way they can trace
anything back to us?
Not at all, so sit yourself down
and stop worrying. Your anxiety is
unappealing to say the least.
Ray sits down and takes his glass of the table, his hands
trembling nervously. Mike sits before him.
The deed is done now, so let me do
all the worrying.
Nobody saw you shoot the car in
Mike pauses thoughtfully before speaking next.
I didn't get the chance, someone
beat me to it.
It wasn't me who caused the crash.
Someone stole my thunder. Someone
hiding in the next field shot at
Jack before I had chance to pull
the trigger.
Someone else wanted Jack Larner


Seems someone else had a grudge
against Jack too, which in a way
was kind of helpful.
So what happens now?
Nothing. We're going to stick to
the plan we agreed and let matters
take their natural course until
I'm ready to act.
Mike removes his rifle from under his jacket and taps it,
smiling grimly.
Meaning the next time Jack Larner
'dies' it's going to be for
Nicola and Gerry are standing in the darkened laboratory, a
solitary computer in operation before them. Gerry is
pointing at two uneven lines that run across the entire
length of the computer screen, similar to a heartbeat
These two lines are the two
transmissions the computer picked
up. Usually the longer the line,
the further the distance
travelled. You'll notice how both
lines are exactly the same length
and both are at the edge of the
screen. This indicates that either
two trips were made to an
identical time or a return journey
was involved.
Nicola points to the second line
So the first trace was at five
past eight. What time was this
second one?
Five minutes later. I wasn't
running any experiments at that
time so it must have come from the
Government Institute.
That would have been about the
time Tom was at this meeting.


Possibly. Tell me, have you picked
up these transmissions before?
No, normally short-range time
travel doesn't register. If I'm
correct and I think I possibly am,
both of those transmissions
involved a very long trip through
How long was the journey?
There was some distortion at the
end of the journey according to
these instruments. I couldn't
hazard a guess, but judging by the
size of that transmission I'd
estimate one hundred years, maybe
What? If that's the case, then the
Government have been able to
travel back further in time than
we thought. Which begs the
question, why ask for a merger?
They're clearly way ahead of us.
Maybe Tom will find that out at
this meeting, then we can finally
get this project moving. If the
Government can help us, the
changes we could make here could
be revolutionary.
Don't get too excited. He hasn't
come back yet.
What could be keeping him?
Nicola looks at her watch and looks at the computer screen.
I don't know, but he does seem to
have been gone a long while.
Tom groans as he comes to.



Tom's eyes open slightly to see the blurred face of Eric
looking at him. Eric smiles and lifts up a glass of water.
Take it easy, man. Drink this.
Eric holds the glass to Tom's lips and he takes a quick sip
before leaning back dozily onto the armchair.
My head is banging like a drum.
Have you got any paracetamol?
You take it easy, Jack. I'll go
and get you some.
Eric gets to his feet and heads for the kitchen. Tom's eyes
open wider and he sees the room around him.
He sits up suddenly and takes a full look around the room,
but the strain is too much and he holds his head in as pain
shoots through his brain. Eric gently takes him and rests
him back on the chair.
Just relax, Jack and I'll explain
Jack? My name isn't Jack,
He looks vacantly at Eric.
I don't know what the hell my name
Nicola appears in the transmat circle and steps out into the
room. It is empty. She checks her watch. It is now 11.05.
Where the hell is he?
She walks through to the kitchen. Opening the cupboard, she
looks at the pickle bottle. It still only has one pickle
missing. Putting it back, she crosses to the front room
door. It slides open and she peers into the hallway, It is
quiet and dark.
Tom? Are you here?
No reply.


She walks back into the front room and rubs her head
anxiously. Moments later, a blue light flashes above the
transmat circle and the words 'Emergency Services' can be
seen on the back wall of the circle. Nicola quickly
activates the transmat and moments later, two suited
officers appear in the transmat circle.
Good evening
Mrs Larner, my name is P.C Boaten,
this P.C Avery-
Let's cut out the niceties shall
we? This is to do with Tom isn't
The two men step out of the circle and approach Nicola and
gesture her to sit down. Rubbing her hands anxiously, she
does so as they join her on the sofa.
Mrs Larner, your husband was found
unconscious on the main road
leading out of town. Unusual as
this offence is these days, we
think he was the victim of a
Is he okay?
He's in hospital at the moment,
undergoing tests. As we said, he's
unconscious, but we know nothing
I see, I'd better get down there.
One moment, Mrs Larner. We need to
clarify where your husband was
this evening so we can trace his
movements before the accident
He was attending a meeting at the
Government Institute. I thought he
was running a bit late. How far
from the Institute was he found?
Within a mile.


Nicola walks forward, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Was he indeed? How very
Tom is drinking a cup of tea, his hands shaking slightly as
he looks somewhat vacantly up at Eric.
So let's see if I've got this
right. My name is Jack Larner.
We're housemates and we work
together on some time travel
project, right?
Absolutely. You don't seem
convinced though.
Off course I'm not. Time Travel is
nonsense. It's the stuff of
science fiction.
Man, if your memory was intact,
you'd laugh yourself silly at that
remark! At this moment in history
we are right of the threshold of
achieving such a dream. The
technology is in place, we just
need to take the final step.
I see. Well, impressive as it
sounds, it doesn't explain why I'm
sat here in your house with no
Oh it does, Jack, it does. You
see, this morning, you were on
your way to take up your position
as the newly created Time
Controllers job. A job you won by
default because the previous
occupant of the position lasted
about ten minutes.
Let me guess, he tried to get it
back by running me off the road?
Not exactly. He was arrested two
weeks ago for the shooting of his
deputy. He accused you of being in
his office but you were being
detained in a room downstairs at


                       ERIC (cont'd)
the time, at his behest I might
I was? What for?
Trespassing, which technically you
were. Simon planned to use it
against you to discredit you
further, so you'd be no further
threat to him.
Why was I trespassing?
I don't know exactly, you never
filled me in on everything you
So you suspect he got someone from
the outside to finish me off for
Possibly. Let's just assume for
now that the accident this morning
was not coincidental. Someone
wanted you dead, in my opinion to
help get Simon Linstead back on
the project. If Simon is behind it
I can't say at the moment.
Tom puts down his cup and sits back in his chair, rubbing
his head, confused.
That leaves several questions to
be answered. Why did you rescue
me, how did you know I was there
and what happens now? Surely
they'll realise I'm not there when
the fire burns out?
You're not kidding about the
questions are you?!
How about answering a few of them
I rescued you because I had the
facility to do so. The reason I
was able to it is something for
your memory to tell you and what
happens now is that you stay here
until it is safe for you to leave.
As for the car, it was so badly
burnt to a crisp, they'll be


                       ERIC (cont'd)
unable to find any evidence you
aren't in there. You are
officially assumed dead.
So you propose to keep me prisoner
Not at all. You are free to walk
out here whenever you want. The
press will be sniffing round
beyond those gates, off course,
they'll see you and they'll report
it. I'll get in trouble and
whoever tried to kill you will
undoubtedly try again. You, my
friend, are a dead man walking so
if you wanna leave, be my guest.
You can't keep me here forever.
I don't intend to. When the time
is right, you'll leave here.
That could be months. What happens
if I fall ill or something serious
happens to me.
Doctor's don't treat dead people,
Jack and I'm a qualified
first-aider. Let me worry about
all these things. Everything will
be okay, trust me.
Well I don't like it. You're not
telling me everything and on top
of that you're rather annoying
with it, I might add.
Eric laughs and gets to his feet.
All things will come clear to you,
my friend. Meanwhile, relax. You
deserve it. It's been a couple of
busy weeks. Now, can I get you
anything to eat?
Is a Cheese and Onion Sandwich out
of the question or is that
forbidden too?
Eric looks at him in surprise and Tom puts a hand to his
forehead in realisation.


I remembered something. I like
Cheese and Onion sandwiches.
Hardly. I think you'll find that
you hate onions, you always have
done. I thnk maybe your
subconscious is trying to tell you
Tom nods but he as he tries to remember he seems
Nicola is sitting before Doctor Benson, a young woman in her
late twenties who is studying her notes as she speaks.
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Physically we don't foresee any
problems with Tom. He's suffered a
few bruises to his chest and back
plus he also has a bruise on the
forehead. Mentally, however, he
has a very small swelling on the
brain where that bruise is. We
won't be able to assess any other
affects until he wakes up but at
the moment I don't see it being a
problem and I anticipate a full
I'm pleased to hear it.
                       DOCTOR BENSON
For a hit-and-run though, it seems
he got off lightly but I have to
tell you, Mrs Larner, I'm not
entirely satisfied some of your
husband's injuries relate to such
Nicola leans forward intrigued.
Really? Tell me more.
                       DOCTOR BENSON
The bruises that have caused the
brain swell is very centralised on
Tom's forehead. I've seen those
types of bruises before. The sort
that is more consistent with a car
crash than a hit-and-run. It seems
his head has been hit by impacting
something hard. All the more
strange when he was hit in front
and flung backwards to the ground.
The fall caused the bruise at the
back but by the way he fell,
there's no way he could have
sustained that injury at the


                       DOCTOR BENSON (cont'd)
Have you told the Police this?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Naturally. They're looking into
Well, I'm sure if there's any
wrongdoing, they'll sort it out.
Did you find anything else that
aroused your suspicions?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Not relating to the accident, no.
I have found, however, that Tom
has had his appendix removed
recently, but there appears to be
no sign of it on his medical
records. Do you know anything
about that?
Not as far as I know.Are you sure?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
I know my job, Mrs Larner.
I'm not doubting you. Tom has been
so wrapped up in the project he
would have had to be dragged here
kicking and screaming before he
let you perform any operation. I
would hardly have missed it would
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Well it's definitely happened,
sometime in the last few months
judging by the scarring still
Nicola doesn't reply for a moment before getting to her
Well the only person who can tell
us that is Tom himself. Can I see
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Off course.
Gesturing to her to follow, Nicola follows her out of the


Jack is sleeping soundly in his bed, a bandage covering his
head and a small area of his chest. Nicola and Doctor Benson
enter the room. Nicola walks over to her the bed and looks
down in pity at the figure below.
Any idea how long before he comes
                       DOCTOR BENSON
The nature of these injuries makes
it hard to predict such things but
I imagine it shouldn't be too
long. Look, I'm going to leave
you to it. Just ask some of the
nurses outside if you want
Nicola nods and smiles as she leaves the room. Taking a
chair, she sits down beside the bed and looks at the figure
and studies the bandage on his forehead. Lifting it up
slightly, she looks at the bruise underneath and quickly
puts the bandage back. She then look down at the area where
the appendix is and studies the scarring and she shakes her
head in confusion.
How the hell could you have had
your appendix removed without
anyone knowing it?
The door bursts open and Emma and Andy enter the room. Emma
rushes over to the bed as Andy keeps back, slightly
embarrassed as Nicola and Emma hug.
I heard what happened on the news.
Is he okay?
The Doctor I just spoke to seems
to think so. He's just out for the
count at the moment.
How the hell did he end up being
hit by a car? He was supposed to
be in a meeting at the Institute.
There's a lot of things not right
about all this. Aside from not
being where he's supposed to be,
your father in one evening has
apparently had his appendix
removed. Have a look at this.
She lifts his shirt and points to the scar.
Did they do that after he was
brought in?


No, he apparently had it removed
in the last few months.
This is insane. How could he have
had it removed without our
It's not the only thing about your
father that's suspicious. That
bandage is covering a bruise. It's
caused him some small swelling on
the brain. The Doctor I spoke to,
she's told me it's not consistent
with his accident as he fell over
This doesn't feel right. He
attends a meeting then he ends up
on a road a mile away. Surely he
would have transmatted back home,
or at the very least, back to the
Exactly. I thought it was a bit
strange Ray organised a meeting so
late in the day. The impression I
got was that they were about to
give in to his demands. It all
sounded too good to be true and
yet, here he is, like this.
You think the Government Institute
were involved in all this?
Not at the top level, this
involves Ray, I'm sure of it.
Have you got any proof?
Not exactly, though saying that,
Gerry did pick up some
transmissions last night. Time
travel transmissions, two of them,
shortly after 8, that's when your
father was there.
If you have your suspicions, why
are you still here? Surely you
should be getting over there
demanding answers?
What good would that do? The
Police are probably there as we
speak. They know about the bruise


                       NICOLA (cont'd)
on his forehead, they'll have
questions of their own. We can't
just rush in and accuse them
without absolute proof. They can
easily pass of those time traces
as experimental. No, I don't think
we should do anything just yet.
I disagree. I say we get over
there right away and start getting
Emma walks determinedly towards the door but a cough from
Nicola makes her turn round as she gestures her daughter
That's all we have, Emma, just
suspicions. If you go rushing in
all guns blazing you'll get
Then we should at least tell the
I want to handle things my own
way.This situation has to be
handled delicately. If there's
anything to be discovered, I'll
find out what it is, believe me.
Sunlight streams into Eric's front room, covering Tom in a
bright glow as he sleeps soundly on the sofa. On the other
side of the room, Eric is reading a newspaper on his chair,
the front cover depicting details of Jack's accident. Eric
seems totally engrossed and he shakes his head in disbelief
and tuts.
Cretins! What do they know? Bloody
conspiracy theorists, it's not JFK
who's got assassinated, you know!
A beeping from his watch drags him away from his newspaper
and he jumps to his feet, grabbing a white lab coat from
where it is draped over his chair and puts it on. Nearby,
the beeping has stirred Tom, who is half-awake and starts to
mutter quietly.
Who the hell are you...how did you
get in here?
Jack, wake up!!!!


Tom doesn't seem to hear and he continues to mutter.
How did you get hold of the access
Eric shakes him vigorously and Tom slowly wakes and looks
blearily at Eric.
I'm surprised you know what time
of day it is. You've been asleep
since the middle of yesterday
I don't feel any better for it I
assure you.
No sign of any memory returning?
Well I had some very vivid dreams,
not sure what was real or what
wasn't though.
You were talking in your sleep
lots. None of it made any real
sense, though.
Maybe you shouldn't eavesdrop so
much then.
Eric pats him bemusedly on the shoulder and gets to his
feet. He puts on his white lab coat and picks up a briefcase
from a table nearby. Tom looks at the time. It is 8.30.
I see you're not mourning my death
too much then?
I'm about to put in a great acting
performance today, worthy of any
Oscar winner!!!. I think I'll tell
them the best way to cope with
your death is to get back to work.
Not only that, I need to know
exactly what the mood is out
there. Whether there's any
suspicions over your death and
all that. I'm more likely to find
that out at work rather than here.
What about me? You can't expect me
to be cooped up here all day like
some chicken in it's pen.


I don't expect you to like it
Jack, but you must stay here and
out of sight for the next few days
at least until everything has
calmed down a bit.
How long for? It'll drive me nuts
if I have to stay in this place
all day, especially on days like
I told you yesterday what would
happen if you leave the house.
If I'm to get my memory back, it
won't help being stuck here.
One week, Jack. Give me just one
week, see how your memory is, how
the situation out there is, then
we'll see what we can to move you
somewhere safer. Is that fair?
I suppose so.
Eric picks up his briefcase and heads the door.
I knew you'd see sense. I'll see
you later. Help yourself to
whatever you want, but leave me
some alcohol, I like an evening
Giving him a mischievous wink, he leaves the room. Tom looks
at the closing door in disgust. As he moves, he feels the
pillow behind him dig into his back and he throws it to the
floor angrily as the sound of Eric's car is heard driving
away into the distance.
Ray enters his office, a cup of coffee in his hands. The
transmat is beeping and he looks at the monitor to see
Nicola on the screen at her house. Wiping his sweating brow
with a hanky, he operates the transmat and Nicola appears
moments later. He rises from his seat to greet her.
Nicola, I'm so glad you've come to
see me this morning. How's Tom?
He's fine, thanks.


He gestures to her to sit down and she calmly takes her
So how are you bearing up?
Let's cut the small talk, Ray, you
know why I'm here
Well I've already had the Police
around here this morning. There's
nothing more I can tell you than I
did them.
Tell me anyway. I'm curious. What
happened last night?
Well we invited Tom here to give
him a demonstration of our time
machine. We hoped it would
persuade him to give some
concessions if he saw what we were
doing here. After the demo, he
decided to go outside for some
thinking time, I really think he
wanted to give in but he just
needed some time to work out how
without losing face. When he
didn't come back after nearly half
an hour, I was going to go search
for him, but then I heard on the
news abiut the accident.
So why didn't you inform me
straight away?
I assumed the Police would contact
you and as the accident was not on
the premises I didn't see the
necessity to call.
I see.
Forgive me for speaking out of
turn, but I'm detecting a hint of
suspicion coming from you.
Only those with something to hide
would think that.
Ray moves uncomfortably in his seat as Nicola continues to
stare unflinchingly at him.


Why would I have anything to hide?
I've told you the truth.
Have you?
Why would I lie? I want a
resolution to this problem as much
you and Tom did.
Ah, now that's where I'm a bit
confused. The impression I got
when Tom agreed to this meeting
last night was that he was getting
offered exactly what he asked for.
Quite excited about he was too.
Ray's face begins to sweat profusely again and he wipes it
away with his hankie.
I'm sorry if I gave him that
impression, but that really wasn't
the case.
Tom would never have come here
Look, I told you what happened
last night. Anything after that
was out of my control.
The hit-and-run was quite close to
this Institute. The driver has yet
to be found.
      (Slightly panicked)
I'm telling you it has nothing to
do with me.
Then why are you getting so
I don't like being accused of
things I haven't done, that's why.
I haven't accused you of anything.
Ray looks at her, stunned, as he realises she has caught him
out. He gets to his feet and points to the transmat circle.


Look, Nicola, I'm sorry about what
has happened to Tom. I can
understand why you are suspicious
but what I've told you is the
Nicola nods and stands up to walk to the transmat. Ray wipes
his brow again and cowers slightly as she turns back.
Okay, Ray, I believe you. Guess
the Police will have some working
out to do to find out how my
husband, in three hours, had an
appendix removed and oh, how those
time traces we detected come into
this situation.
Ray's face goes pale.
Nicola walks back towards the desk as Ray sits down slowly.
She leans over him, slightly menacingly and he shrinks back
in his chair.
Now I'm a fair person, Ray. I can
see you're a bit shook up. It
might be because you're hiding
something or you're just
unintentionally incriminating
yourself. Now I'm going to go home
and let you compose yourself. When
you're ready to talk, call me. You
have until eight tonight and if I
haven't heard from you by then,
I'll be back.
She steps into the transmat and activates the controls and
moments later she is gone. Ray wipes his brow once more and
dashes over to his drinks cabinet, pouring himself a whisky.
He downs it quickly as Mike enters the room.
You fool. I told you to keep calm
yet you gave her every reason to
be suspicious.
I'm a fool all right. A fool to
believe you had every thing under
control. Did it not occur to you
to check Jack's medical records,
to see if his appendix had been
An oversight, I agree, but it's


How is it manageable, Mike? You
tell me that?
Don't get clever with me, Ray.
Remember this was an idea you
participated in. If I go down, you
go down with me so keep your head
and let me do all the thinking.
You do realise the Board has got
wind of this? Thanks to your
carelessness, I've had to admit I
invited Tom over here to see the
equipment as a last ditch effort
to get him to change his mind. You
know that wasn't part of the plan.
Yes, I know, a right pig's ear you
made of it as well. I had to go in
there and smooth things over after
you left. They aren't happy but
they've accepted the story we
concocted that Tom left the
building of his own accord to get
some thinking time.
You think your troubles are over,
don't you? Well I disagee. Nicola
will soon realise that man in the
hospital isn't Tom, and when he
recovers his memory, he'll soon
drop us in it. There's no way out
of this, Mike and you know it.
There is a way out of this, Ray
and if you used your brain once in
a while, you'll realise that we
can kill two birds with one stone.
All you have to do is follow my
What do you have in mind?
Mike smiles grimly and Ray shudders.
Simon Linstead is reading a book on his bed. The sound of
the door being unlocked distracts him as a warden enters the
room and gestures to him to the door with his finger.
On your feet Linstead. You have a


Me? Who is it?
What do you think I am. Psychic? I
just got told to get you. Now move
Shrugging, Simon puts down the book and follows the warden
out of the room.
Simon enters the room and the guard gestures to an old man
sitting in the corner. Frowning, Simon joins his visitor at
the table and looks at him curiously.
I hate to be rude, but who the
hell are you?
The visitor leans forward and peers through his glasses.
Simon gasps and looks round to summon a warden, but a kick
on his leg turns his attention back to his visitor.
I have a very small dart hidden in
the sleeve of this shirt. It's
enough to kill you, so I advise
you to keep quiet.
You wouldn't dare. You'd be
arrested on the spot.
The poison in this dart is minute.
You wouldn't feel anything for
quite a while, but it'll kill you
eventually. I'd be gone long
before then. So it all comes down
to how much you value your
miserable life, doesn't it?
Simon holds up a forestalling hand.
What do you want Bobby?
The trouble you've caused me I
seriously want to kill you here
and now. However, what takes
greater precedence is to get you
out of here and back on that Time
Travel project.
Ah yes, Jack. Your work I take it?
I had him taken care of, yes, but
there's trouble. My sources in the
force tell me Jack's remains were


                       BOBBY (cont'd)
never recovered in the wreckage.
There's an outside chance he could
have survived.
From what I saw, that's not
Nevertheless we have to check this
information out.
Well it doesn't help me much if he
is alive does it?
You wouldn't be here at all if you
hadn't let Larner get the better
of you.
How many times do I have to tell
you that he set me up?
So you keep saying but we both
know he was under arrest at the
time of the shooting, under your
instructions. You gave him an
When will people start to believe
me? He had a time device, a
wristwatch of some description on
him. It enabled him to be in two
places at the same time. He got
himself deliberately arrested so
he'd have an alibi. That's why he
came to the Institute in the first
He crosses his arms defiantly and Bobby rubs his chin
The Police checked out Eric
Dawson's place to confirm your
story. No such device, if it
exists, was found.
Then he must have hidden it,
mustn't he? He'd hardly leave
around to be found, would he?
Not many people feed me duff
information and live to tell the
tale. I know such a device is
impossible. It's against
Government Regulations and I'm not
sure Larner would have the


                       BOBBY (cont'd)
knowledge to invent such
You know I wouldn't bluff over
something as important as this,
even without a poison dart at your
Bobby pauses for a moment to consider. He takes his arm of
the table and Simon sighs in relief.
Even under the threat of death,
you're one selfish, arrogant
bastard, Linstead. I'll take your
word at face value...for now.
Thank you. What happens now?
Firstly, if Jack has survived that
crash, we have to find him before
the authorities do. Maybe in a
weakened state, we can force a
confession out of him.
What if didn't survive?
Then we have to find this
so-called time device you say Jack
had. It's your only hope of
getting out of here and back onto
the project. What does this device
look like?
It's actually a watch, a black
digital watch but it you have to
open a cover on the top to see the
technology underneath, something
you wouldn't find on your average
Well that shouldn't be too find to
hard if it's as sophisticated as
you say. There's only so many
watches someone can keep in their
Where will you look if Eric's
place has already been searched?
Like you said, Eric Dawson
anticipated a search and hid the
watch. This time we can catch him


                       BOBBY (cont'd)
out cold.
Then what? I'm still stuck in this
Then you'll just have to hope we
find either one or both of them,
won't you?
That watch is the only way of
proving my innocence. I've tried
to convince them I had no reason
to shoot Derek. They won't believe
That disc recording they found
doesn't exactly back you up does
Jack put it there. I told you he
set me up.
The King Of England could have put
it there for all I care, the facts
on there remain the same.
Simon falls silent, fury etched on his face and Bobby gets
to his feet.
As I said, Linstead, you're a
fool. We were in the perfect
position to create out own time
machine for our own purposes but
without those materials, we can't
even begin. Thanks to you, my plan
is in jeopardy.
Then I suggest you get out there
and find him and that device
rather than bleating at me in
I intend to do so, right away.
Bobby leans forward slightly and lowers his voice
Understand this, though. If we
don't find Jack or the device,
you'd better hope your sentence is
a lengthy one. One way or the
other, one of you is a dead man


Bobby glares angrily at him before leaving the room, leaving
a shaken Simon behind him as he rubs his hands anxiously
through his hair.
Tom is sitting on the sofa watching Eric's enormous TV
screen,sipping from a cup of tea. On it at the moment is the
same news report that Tom saw in his office the previous
How this accident happened is
still a mystery. Police have yet
to identify the cause of the crash
but are treating the accident as
suspicious due to the timing of
this tragedy. Jack Larner was due
to start work at the Time
Institute today in his capacity as
Time Controller, a role he
attained following the arrest of
Simon Linstead two weeks ago.
Tom gasps and drops his cup, spilling tea all over his lap.
His face creases with anguish.


Tom sees himself in a big office watching the same news item
from a similar sized screen.

Flashback ends.

Tom looks back at the screen.
Many conspiracy theories have
developed as to whom may have been
behind this crash, ranging from
supporters of Linstead to
opponents of the Time Project
itself. The Simon Linstead
connection is the Police's
prominent lead as Linstead himself
was heard threatening Jack on the
day he was arrested, but they have
not ruled the other theory out.
All we know for certain is that
Jack Larner is dead, but who will
replace him seems more unclear.
Sources from inside the Government
have indicated a three month
suspension of the Time Travel
project may take place to let the
investigations into this accident
to take place, where upon a review
will be undertaken and a new Time
Controller will be appointed.
Tom's hands grip the side of his head fervently as the
picture before him melds with the image he has seen in his
mind. The sounds from the television seems louder as a


thumping enters his mind before the image before him becomes
clearer and the television comes back into view. He lets go
of his head and slumps back in his chair, gasping as he
takes huge sigh of relief.
Nicola is sat at her desk, finishing of her explanation to
Gerry, who is sat before her.
There's no way Tom would have gone
for a so-called walk to think
things over. He would have come
back and discussed it with me
Are you sure you're not being
overly suspicious? Tom has been
under a lot of pressure lately,
especially from you. Maybe he
really did need some thinking
What about those time traces you
detected last night? There may be
a connection.
From what you told me, they gave
Tom a demonstration last night.
That fits in with what we saw.
Ray denied offering those
concessions, but Tom told me he
had. Do you still think I'm being
You can't prove anything and from
what you've told me, Ray isn't
going to confess all that easily.
He was on the point of cracking
before I left. When I go back, I
need something to tip him over the
edge completely, but I need some
positive evidence to do that, so
how do I get it...?
She taps her table thoughtfully before a big smile crosses
her face.
That idea of yours to get rid of
the capsule. If you did it, how
much extra power would it give us
and how far would it boost the


It's hard to be sure, but
considering the worst case
scenario, a couple of days at
most, I imagine. Why do you ask?
How long before you could get your
idea of a protective time field up
and running?
If I have carte blanche to do as I
please and had every technician
available, probably this
That quick?
I've had the plans of standby for
sometime. It only needed Tom to
agree. Am I take it your want me
to go above his head and put my
idea into action?
When Tom's not here, I'm in
charge. Therefore, what I say,
Why are you prepared to run the
risk? Tom could easily change it
back again.
Ray told me Tom's stubbornness
could be melted if he's shown
proof of success. If you're
successful, you get to prove him
wrong and not only that, we can go
back in time to last night and
find out what happened to him.
What? That's incredibly dangerous.
I have to run tests and make sure
it's safe before you can even
think of travelling. You know as
well as I do the procedures have
to be followed to the letter. Not
only that, you know even if you
did go back and find something
untoward happened to Tom, you
can't interfere, you have to let
it happen.


Who said anything about
interfering? I just want to
observe and see if Ray is telling
the truth. That isn't illegal.
What if you're caught? You'd
really be in trouble if it's found
out you're in two places at once.
I'm in charge, I take
responsibility for my own actions.
Now I want you to go to the
laboratory and implement the
changes you suggested immediately.
Gerry gets to his feet and looks back at Nicola, annoyed.
As you wish. I just hope you know
what you're doing.
Nicola leans back in her chair and stares coldly at him.
You have work to do.
She looks away from him and Gerry strides angrily towards
the transmat and moments later, he has gone, leaving her
staring thoughtfully ahead of her.
Tom is searching inside Eric's cupboards for something to
eat but the shelves seem sparse and he turns his attention
to the fridge. This too is empty and he slams it shut in
frustration. Immediately, a fridge magnet of a semi-naked
woman falls of and falls to the floor, breaking in two.
Groaning, Tom picks up the broken pieces and hunts through
some of Eric's drawers for something to fix it back
together. In one of the drawers is some scissors and blue
tac but no glue. In the next one, he sees several
instruction manuals and is about to close it when he notices
something black underneath them. Pushing them aside, he
finds a wristwatch. Curiously, he digs the watch out and
peers at it curiously. Around the top there is a very small
silver latch and he pressed it. The cover pops open to
reveal a sophisticated looking set of buttons with a glass
middle, which is glowing deep blue.

The sound of windows smashing in a back room make him look
up.The sound of voices and more broken plates can also be
heard Alarmed, he dashes upstairs and hides himself in the
toilet and locks the door. From below he can hear the sound
of furniture being smashed and more raised voices. The
footsteps move upstairs, closer to the toilet. He looks at
the watch again, it is still glowing blue. Instinctively, he
starts to press all the buttons in panic.

Outside the door, one of them tries the toilet door to find
it locked.


Hey, there's someone in here.
He savagely kicks the door open but there is no-one in
there. Smiling mischievously, his eyes roll behind the door
and he slams it against the wall, expecting whoever is
behind it to fall to the ground and he curses as no-one is
revealed. From the bedroom next door, he is joined by one of
his colleagues.
What's all the shouting about?
This door was locked from the
inside. Someone was in here.
The second man looks around the room. The window is shut
Are you nuts? If there was someone
in here, there's no way he could
have got out.
A third man walks upstairs to join them in the doorway. He
is quite tall and he peers at them both dismissively.
Well someone was here. I've just
found a warm cup downstairs and a
broken fridge magnet.
Have you found that watch yet
Off course not, why do you think I
joined you two muppets up here for
the search? The boss won't be
happy if we don't turn the place
over completely. I suggest we
search again.
Behind a bush near the swimming pool, a blue glow comes from
nowhere and moments later, Tom appears, the watch still in
his hand. He looks at it in disbelief. The blue glow has
faded slightly and he clutches his head in disbelief. From
the house, he can still hear the place being turned over and
he ducks down behind the bushes out of sight. Moments later,
the three men run out of the house and run hurriedly towards
the fields at the back of the house. Peeping out of the
bushes, he checks they have gone and tiptoes back towards
the house.


Tom walks through the doors, which have been ripped of their
hinges and are lying to one side. Inside the house, the
place is a mess. The television has been smashed and drawers
are strewn over the floor with their contents beside them.
Tom tiptoes over the glass towards the sofa, one of the few
things in one piece and wipes the glass of it. He looks at
the watch, which tells him it is 11.00. He looks at the
clock on the wall, it says 11.08. Clutching the watch, Tom
walks through to the kitchen and checks the clock lying on
the floor. It, too, says 11.08 and he leans back against the
wall, perplexed.
Bobby is lying next to his pool on a lounger, puffing at a
cigar as two beautiful young ladies swim in the pool before
him. He is now seen as a forty something with greying hair
and he smiles as one of the young ladies gives him a wave.
The smile fades as the three men from Eric's place appear
from inside the house.
Well, did you get it?
We turned the place right over and
couldn't find it anywhere.
Three men look for a watch and
return empty handed. Great work. I
suppose you're gonna tell me
no-one was there either?
We did find a warm cup, boss. I
think there was someone hiding in
the toilet, but if they were
there, they escaped from us.
You're certain someone was in the
Yes, Boss, I thought I heard
someone there. When I got inside,
the windows were all closed too,
so they couldn't have got out that
So let's see, shall we? You find a
warm cup, you think you heard
someone in the bathroom and find
no-one and not only that, you
can't locate the watch. What does
that tell you?
The three men look at each other baffled.


I don't suppose any of you used
that single brain cell you guys
share to conclude as I have that
the reason you couldn't find the
watch is because someone used it
to escape?
The men all look at each other and shrug their shoulders,
without reply.
I knew I should have known better
to send three men with the
intelligence of a boiled potato to
do this job. You've got muscles,
you've got the killer instinct but
up here is sadly lacking, isn't
He taps his head to emphasise the point.
We can go back and recheck if you
want, boss.
It's too late now, we've lost the
element of surprise. Whoever was
there will be on their guard. With
the press likely to start sniffing
round outside the front, it'll be
more difficult second time round.
Incidentally, whoever was at the
house, it wasn't Eric Dawson. He's
been at the Larner Institute all
Who could it be then boss?
It's possible Eric used the watch
to get back to the house but I
doubt it. My men have seen him
about the Institute several times
today. If there was somewhere
hiding, there's every chance it
could have been Larner.
What do you want us to do?
I want that place put under full
surveillance. If Jack Larner is
alive, Eric will soon lead us to
him and through that, to the


Emma is watching Jack sleeping uncomfortably in his bed. He
is twitching uncontrollably and his face is contorting in


Jack sees himself driving a car into a hedge, which melts
into a different scene of a man aiming a gun at him in some
office. The man lifts his gun as if to fire-and he sits up
straight in his bed and shouts out loudly.
Emma gently takes him by the shoulder and leans him back on
the bed.
It's okay, you've had a bad dream.
You're safe now.
Who are you?
I'm Emma, your daughter. Don't you
Jack shakes his head in bewilderment and he stares at her
wild-eyed, the dream still playing on his mind. He lays back
on the bed, shaking visibly.
The dream, he was going to
Just relax. There's no-one here to
harm you.
It was so unreal...
Maybe it wasn't a dream. Maybe you
were experiencing a memory trace.
If it were for real, why would
anyone be shooting at me?
Only you know that.
How can I? I can't remember a
thing. I mean, you say you're my
daughter but how come I can't even
remember that?!
Emma takes his hands in hers and holds it gently as Jack
visibly relaxes.


Don't worry about that for now.
It'll come back to you I'm sure.
If you're seeing things in your
mind you can't explain, maybe it's
your memory trying to recover.
The door opens and Doctor Benson enters the room and joins
Emma at the bedside.
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Morning, Mr Larner. How are you
Still not feeling myself, whoever
that is.
Well at least he's gained a sense
of humour whilst in here!
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Well here's some news to cheer you
up even more. We've done another
scan this morning and the swelling
has completely subsided.
Therefore, I believe we here at
the hospital have done what we can
for you, so I think it would
better for you if you go home.
That would be nice if I actually
knew where home was.
Are you sure about this? What
about his memory?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
I think your father has answered
your question for you. If he's at
home, the familiar things there
may jog a memory. Physically
there's nothing wrong with him.
We're still trying to determine
his loss of memory but for the
moment, home may be the place to
start jogging it a little.
No clues to what caused it at all?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
Well it wasn't the hit-and-run,
neither is it connected to the
swelling on his brain. I think
there's a third factor involved.
We're going to run some further
tests on him before he goes home.
If we find anything further, we'll
be in touch but for now, see if


                       DOCTOR BENSON (cont'd)
his memory does return. Maybe what
happened to him will give us some
How long will that take?
                       DOCTOR BENSON
As we're uncertain as to what
exactly has caused his memory
loss, we can't tell. Could be
days, could be months. That's why
taking him home is necessary to
his rehabilitation.
Does this mean I get to see your
Mother as well? It's seems I made
quite a catch. I can't wait to see
I'm sure she'll be equally pleased
to see you. The news should cheer
her up no end.
The Capsule is being removed from the platform by several
technicians. Nearby, Nicola watches Gerry working at the
Computer Console. As she watches the message PROGRAM DELETED
flashes up upon the screen. He opens a disc drive from
beside the computer and brings out a small, square disc and
slaps it harshly in her hand.
That's all the Capsule software
backed up just in case Tom doesn't
like our idea.
Okay, Gerry, you've made your
point, let's just leave it and
move on, shall we?
I can move on but I am beginning
to feel very undervalued. First
Tom ignores my ideas, then you
decide you want to go ahead with
an experiment without proper tests
first. Tom I can live with being
awkward but I thought better of
I understand, but you can
appreciate I'm giving you the
chance to rectify one of those
problems now, can't you?


As Gerry starts to speak, the video-screen on the console
buzzes and Nicola switches it on to see Emma staring at her
somewhat awkwardly.
Emma? What's up?
You're not going to like this but
Dad's being released from hospital
this morning. They think being at
home will help recover his memory.
What? Surely he's not ready?
They were quite insistent, I'm
You'd better get him home then.
Confine him there until I get
back. I've some things to sort out
here, I won't be too long
Okay, Mum see you later.
The screen goes blank. Nicola runs her hand anxiously
through her long hair.
That's a complication I could do
without! It was better for all of
us if he had stayed in hospital.
Well here's some more hassle for
you to worry about. I was about to
tell you before Emma rung. That
new equipment I ordered, the
factory's transmat system has gone
down. They reckon it won't be up
and running until teatime at
That's just great. How am I
supposed to get the proof I need
now? Going back in time was the
only answer.
There are other ways of dealing
with this, you know.
There is?


I was going to suggest this
earlier but you were intent on
your time travel idea. You say you
need to have proof, but what about
if you implied you had the truth
to Ray? Do you think he'd listen
Nicola looks at him, puzzled for a moment before a big smile
crosses her face.
Are you suggesting what I think
you're suggesting?
Oh yes, definitely. All you need
is to wiggle a little bait before
Nicola grins and nods as she reaches for the videophone.
Darkness is falling over Ray's Office. Ray himself is sat in
the fading light, sipping a glass of whisky, his forehead
sweating once more. A beep on his video-screen alerts him
and he switches it on to see Nicola smiling at him. Seeing
his glass of whisky, she smiles mockingly.
Come on, Ray, the day hasn't been
that bad, has it?
What do you want, Nicola?
I said if I found any proof, I'd
call you. I now know what
happened. Tom's recovered enough
to tell us everything.
That's impossible. You're
Am I? Do we talk or do I go to the
Police first?
If you're telling the truth, why
haven't you gone to them already?
There's two sides to every story,
Ray. I want to hear yours. I'm
going to give you five minutes to
compose yourself and then I'm
coming over. You'd better be there
or I'm calling the Police straight


                       NICOLA (cont'd)
The screen goes abruptly blank. Ray fumbles on his desk and
the video-screen shows Mike at his desk.
This better be important. I'm
There's trouble. You need to get
over here fast.
Mike watches Ray wiping his brow with his hankie on his
What trouble?
Nicola. She reckons she knows
Does she now?(Pauses momentarily)
I'll be down there in a second.
Try to control yourself before I
get there.
Ray nods and the screen goes blank. Mike pulls his pistol
from inside his jacket and looks at it thoughtfully for a
moment. Tapping it, he pauses for a moment and places it
back inside his jacket and heads for the door.
Nicola steps away from the video-screen and smiles
I think that went rather well.
You should have gone straight
there, while he's still in a
Hopefully making him sweat a few
minutes will prove far more
productive. This way we may get
all the answers we need.
Ray is standing by his window, his whole body trembling as
Mike enters the room and looks dismissively at him.


Okay, what did Nicola say to you
that's left you quivering like a
lump of jelly?
Tom's memory has recovered and
he's told her everything.
If you were to calm yourself, you
would realise she's bluffing. If
Jack had told her everything, she
would not have referred to him as
Tom, now, would she? Not only
that, the amnesia drug is still
going to be effective for a day or
so yet. There's no way he could
have recovered in so quick a time.
You can't be sure of that.
I gave Jack enough of that drug to
repress his memory for two, maybe
even three days. It's barely been
24 hours, there's no way he could
have recovered so quickly.
If that's true, why is she
bothering me with all this crap?
She has nothing. She knows you're
weak, that's why she keeps
pressurising you.
Ray turns and marches angrily up to Mike, shoving his face
in his aggressively.
If I was weak, I'd have never have
let this experiment go ahead. It's
caused more trouble than it's
worth and sooner or later, Jack
Larner will recover and tell them
I have my own plans for Nicola and
Jack will be dead before he
remembers anything significant,
I'll make sure of that.
Fortunately, I've heard on the
radio that he's was released from
hospital this morning. That plays
right into my hands.


Murder? You said nothing about
killing Jack.
As you say, if he recovers, he
will tell Nicola everything. I
can't take that risk.
If you're resorting to murder,
then I want no further part of
this. Count me out.
I've already told you, if I go
down, you're coming with me.
I don't care. I won't see anyone
else hurt. When Nicola arrives
here, I'm going to tell her
everything myself.
Ray heads back towards his desk as Mike reaches for his
pistol and aims it at him. Ray sits down his desk to find
himself staring down the end of the barrel and he starts to
tremble again.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Killing twice in one day would
barely prick my conscience so
don't you move an inch.
Killing me won't help you. They'll
still find out eventually.
I don't think so. You see, you
were just a pawn in my game, just
as the Larners are and like them,
your usefulness is over.
Terrified, Ray holds his hands up in a futile gesture as if
about to be hit.
Mike, please-no-
Mike raises his gun, ready to fire.
Nicola enters the transmat and looks worriedly at Gerry.
Wish me luck.


As if you need it. Let's hope you
get to the truth this time.
I hope so too. See you later!
Crossing her fingers, she activates the transmat and
disappears from the transmat circle.
Ray's office is once again encased in darkness as the
transmat lights up and Nicola appears. She blinks for a
moment as she adjusts to the darkness in the room.
Recovering, she manages to make out Ray's chair with it's
back to her.
She puts her hands on the desk and leans forward but there
is no movement. Looking nervously around her, she walks
around the desk and gasps as the light suddenly comes on and
she sees Ray sitting lifelessly in his chair. Blood pours
down his face from a bullet wound in his forehead. She
gasps, holding her hands to her face, turning away in
horror. As she does so, she sees Mike standing near the
doorway, his hand on the light switch, his pistol aimed at
Good evening, Nicola.
Who the hell are you?
Mike Tyler, Ray's deputy. Or
should I say, was his deputy.
You killed him?
It was necessary. You signed his
death warrant by sticking your
nose into my business.
If you are involved in what
happened to Tom here last
night,then it is my business.
Your husband, like your entire
time travel project, is
      (Looking quickly
       at Ray's body))
As was Ray by the looks of him.


He served his purpose. Now you
must serve yours.
Are you going to shoot me too?
If you fail to do as I ask, your
idea can be quite easily
incorporated into my designs.
What is it you want?
Mike reaches inside his pocket and produces a clear plastic
bag with a pistol inside it. He throws it at her and she
looks at it in uncertainty.
Don't get any ideas, I'll cut you
down long before you ever pull the
trigger. Just take the gun out of
the bag and put it on the floor
near the desk.
You're setting me up for Ray's
murder? Why would I kill him?
You help set yourself up, All I
have to tell the police is that
you have been harassing Ray all
day and they'll have their motive.
Now do as you have been
Taking the gun from the bag, she places it on the floor,
trying not to look at Ray's dead body in front of her. Mike
clicks his fingers and she hands the bag back to him.
This is madness. If I killed Ray,
I wouldn't be stupid enough to
leave the gun behind.
That's true, but you see, I caught
you red-handed but you escaped
into the transmat before I could
stop you, dropping the gun as you
So what's to stop me telling the
Police the truth?
Oh you won't be around to tell
them anything. You're going on a
journey, to join your husband.


I see. Another little accident
where I wake up with memory loss I
How stupid are you, Nicola? All
those clues you picked up on this
morning and you still couldn't
work it out that man in the
hospital isn't your Tom!
If that man isn't Tom, who is he?
Just an ancestor of Tom's with an
incredible likeness. It's amazing
they look so similar don't you
think? It certainly fooled you!
Not completely. I knew something
was amiss the moment I learnt he'd
magically lost an appendix. Now I
know why. So, what have you done
with Tom?
I'll show you. Move into that
transmat. And no tricks, I'll have
you covered at all times.
The Laboratory is dark and deserted. The transmat lights up
as as Mike and Nicola arrive. As they step out of the
circle, the lights automatically flicker on and Nicola
stares around her in fascination. Seeing the archway in the
middle, she starts to walk over to it, but Mike thrusts the
gun in her back and she stops abruptly.
That's far enough. You'll have
plenty of time to observe our time
machine at close range very
That's it? An archway?
Off course. We learnt very rapidly
that extensive time travel could
only be achieved by using the
simplest devices, that of the
human being himself. It decreased
our power outlay by several
thousand units.


If you had all this, why were you
so keen on a merger?
There was no need for a merger.
The whole thing was a ploy to lure
Tom here and the only way I could
do that was to sabotage several of
my own experiments. When they
thought things were going wrong,
all I needed to do was convince
the Board the only way forward was
to propose a merger with the
Larner Institute.
Was Ray in on this?
He knew about the swap but not
that I'd sabotaged the
experiments. He was just part of
the game. All he was in interested
in was lining his own pockets, it
didn't take much to convince him.
His pathetic attempts to try and
get concessions prior to that were
laughable. I knew Tom wouldn't
accept any concessions, he was too
stubborn to accept anything less
than full control. Hence Ray
accepted my plan. They both acted
precisely as I predicted.
Then where is he if not at the
hospital? Why have you done all
this for? You must have a reason?
That's my affair and you'll find
out where Tom is shortly. Now, you
wanted to know how our time
machine worked. Go and step in
that archway.
Can't I just watch?
Mike thrusts the gun harshly in her back and she winces, but
remains calm.
Okay, okay, I get your point,
quite literally.
The machine, now.
Nicola walks reluctantly inside the archway and and looks
around her curiously.


This looks sound enough but surely
you don't send people through the
time vortex unprotected?
Off course not. Allow me to
demonstrate an update of Simon
Linstead technology.
Still covering here with his pistol, Mike moves over to the
panel of computers nearby and starts to manipulate some
controls with his spare hand. A loud humming startles Nicola
and she looks around nervously, her calm composure beginning
to slip a little. On the screen before Mike, the words,
activate 'Time Field' can be seen. Mike looks up and smiles
mockingly at her. Nicola struggles to move as a blue haze
materialises around her from nowhere, but is unable to do
Allow me to congratulate you on
being my first female subject. I'm
sending you exactly where I sent
Tom but you may have a problem
finding him though, he's dead!
She is unable to react as she still can't move. Mike's
mockingly smile turns to pure hatred and he slams his hand
down on the screen nearby and Nicola slowly disappears. As
the blue haze clears, he starts laughing mockingly at her
Gerry is putting his coat on, ready to go home when a
beeping can be heard coming from the console. On the screen
before him, a blue line can be seen passing across the
screen before vanishing abruptly. Frowning, Gerry takes his
coat back off and flings it on the top of the console and
studies the screen in alarm.
The wreckage from Jack's accident has now been cleared. From
inside the hedge from just across the road, Nicola is lying
unconscious. Gradually, she starts to come round. Opening
her eyes, she is nearly blinded by the sun and she shields
her eyes instinctively before looking away and opening her
eyes again, adjusting to the daylight. She looks at her
watch. It still indicates it is 8.30 P.M. Rubbing her head,
she sits up and looks around her and peers through the hedge
to the road on the other side. She immediately sees a
procession of cars following a huge lorry driving down the
road. Gasping in shock, she sinks slowly back down onto the
No, it can't be, he can't have....
As she starts to gather her bearings, Mike's words come back
to her.


Don't try to find Tom...he's dead!
Nicola puts her face in her hands and takes several deep
breaths as she talks to herself to calm down.
Come on, come on, you can deal
with this. Must deal with this...
She takes her head out of her hands and takes a deep breath
before composing herself. Getting to her feet again, she
sees a small path leading out off the field onto the main
road. Walking to it, she walks out onto the main road and
has to jump aside when a car hoots loudly for her to get out
of the way before soaring off up the road. Cautiously, she
looks around her before noticing the burnt marks and
scorched tree on the other side of the road. She runs
quickly across it and bends down to have a look at the skid
marks before moving to the side to inspect the tree. A hoot
from behind her makes her jump hurriedly out of the way and
she stands up to notice some signposts at a junction nearby.
Walking up the road, she sees one sign points to London, the
other to The Larner Time Travel Institute. She looks down
the road where the tall institute dominates the skyline and
whistles in admiration.
Seems that's one place I need to
Taking a deep breath, she sets of down the road. The sign
says it is five miles away, noting the difficulty of her
Tom is sweeping up the last of the glass from the floor with
a dustpan and brush. A set of footsteps can be heard coming
from behind him and he spins round and sighs in relief as
Eric enters the room and looks around him in alarm.
I'm sure you're about to give me a
good explanation for all this.
Does it need explaining? You've
had visitors and they've wrecked
the joint. Does that cover
everything for you?
I see. How come you're in one
Well they came here looking for
something. I suspect this is it.


He lifts his sleeve to show him the wristwatch. Eric tenses
on seeing it and holds out his hand.
I'll take that.
He watches as Tom slips it off his wrist but as he reaches
out for it, Tom holds it back from his grasp.
This watch has properties I've
never seen before. It saved me
from eating hospital food tonight.
I think you are the one owing
How do you know you haven't seen
it before? You've lost your
Then perhaps you'd like to remind
Eric plucks the watch from his grasp and holds it before him
to emphasise it's importance.
This is your watch. Only you know
how to use it, though you showed
me how to use some of it's basic
Is this what you used to rescue me
from that crash? I mean, I never
did get round to asking you how
exactly you knew I'd be there at
that exact time?
You were well aware something
could happen on the way to the
Institute. You programmed most of
the data in the which, I simply
had to enter the time. I couldn't
do it again if I tried. Once the
programme is complete it needs
further input for it to work
I see. I certainly seem to be very
clever, and wary come to that.
This watch, though, is way ahead
of it's time. How can it be mine?
How do you know that?
Tom scratches his head in wonder.


I...don't know. It just doesn't
feel right; doesn't fit in with
everything I've seen so far.
Maybe your memory is returning.
When it does, you will know more
about the watch.
There is a beeping from the wall nearby. Eric opens a
cupboard to reveal a bank of monitors showing the grounds
outside. Tom whistles in wonder.
Your security system? Why didn't
it warn me about these intruders
Where were you when you heard them
breaking in?
In the kitchen initially, then I
ran upstairs to hide.
That alarm is faulty, you can only
hear it from in here. Been meaning
to do it for ages, but didn't bank
on all this happening. Now then,
let's see what's happening
He watches as the camera pans round. In the rear of the
field at the back of the house, it zooms in on three burly
figures hiding behind a hedge. Tom taps the screen in
Those are the same three men who
were here earlier.
Are you sure?
If that's the case, why aren't
they coming back in for a second
Maybe it wasn't the watch they
were looking for earlier? What
about if it was me they were


They wouldn't go looking for you
in a drawer would they? However, I
take your point. It's possible
they were looking for you and the
watch. Maybe they think you'll
lead them to it.
Why would they hunt for me?
Everyone thinks I'm dead.
Clearly not. Someone's got wind
that you may have survived the
crash. What better place to hunt
for you here where the watch may
be also?
Why are they so determined to find
the watch? How do they even know
about it?
You remember I told you Simon
accused you of being in two places
at the same time?
Tom glances at the watch in realisation.
I used the watch?
Yep. Now they're trying to find
one or both of you to corroborate
Simon's story before he goes to
Why are they waiting there for?
Why not just come in and get what
they want? They did before.
I don't think they will. They're
on a different mission this time,
to see if you're here. Plus
they've lost the element of
surprise. There's a small press
presence outside and they also
know I could have the Police here
in minutes if they try to break in
So why don't you?
And risk them finding you and the
watch? What do you think they'd do
with me, eh? You wouldn't exactly
be popular if they found you alive


                       ERIC (cont'd)
and kicking either.
Why not use this watch to escape
Because you need your memory to
return fully before we can use it
any further.
You used it to rescue me, you can
operate it again.
Waiting here is the best option,
man, trust me.
Why are you so determined to keep
me here?
Eric smiles enigmatically and turns of the monitor.
Everything will come clear to you
in good time, Jack. Now, I'm
having a shower, then I'll cook us
some dinner.
Clutching the watch, he moves past him and upstairs, leaving
Tom looking forlorn behind him.
The transmat in the corner of the laboratory lights up to
reveal Emma, who rushes out to join Gerry at the controls.
This better be important, Gerry. I
don't like leaving Dad at home by
himself at the moment, especially
as his memory isn't right.
Sorry to have disturbed you, but
the computers have picked up
another time trace from the
Government Labs.
And you're telling me this
I would have asked Nicola, except
she went to see Ray two hours ago
and she hasn't returned yet.
Why the hell did she go there for?


To try and bluff Ray into
confessing. She's convinced he has
something to do with your father's
Hit-and-Run last night.
Am I to assume you think the two
events are connected?
Well don't you? Last night your
father didn't return and there
were time traces and now.....
Emma holds her hand up to forestall him.
Okay, okay, I get the picture. If
she ends up in hospital in the
same way, we really do have a
The door to the room slides open and two men appear, dressed
in grey suits, two Police Officers behind them. Gerry
strides forward angrily.
What is the meaning of this? This
area is restricted.
The first of the two men waves his Police badge in his face.
Before you start getting all high
and mighty, sunshine, have a look
at this. I'm Detective Gary
Rogers, This is my colleague
Walter James
What's going on? Does this concern
my father again?
You are?
Emma Larner.
Ah, Miss Larner, perhaps you'd
like to tell me if your Mother is
here at all?
Should she be?
Please answer the question, Miss


Perhaps I can answer that. She
went over to see Ray Stone at the
Government labs some two hours
What was the purpose of this
As I've just been explaining, Mrs
Larner thought Ray had something
to do with her husband's
hit-and-run last night.
And she hasn't returned?
Gerry shakes his head
What's this all about? Why all the
Ray Stone was found shot dead in
his office an hour ago. The
information we have is that she
was caught red-handed and done a
runner in the transmat. We also
have a fingerprint match for her
We have a warrant to search both
here and your house, Miss Larner.
You could help us a lot if you
told us where she went.
Three things. To start with, My
mother doesn't own a gun,
secondly, she's not a murderer and
lastly, I don't know where she is
and may I add that if I did I
wouldn't tell you.
If you are hiding her, you can be
arrested for obstructing the
Police and harbouring a suspect.
Do you know where she is Miss


Off course I don't. I do know she
isn't the sort to do a runner
That may be so, but we still have
a murder to resolve. If she's
innocent, we need to talk to her.
Why would she kill Ray? She
certainly didn't leave here with
that on her mind, I assure you.
Ray's deputy at the Institute; he
told us Mrs Larner has been
harassing Mr Stone for most of the
day, trying to put him under
pressure for the hit-and-run last
night. So you see, she had a
He also told us she was in a state
of some anxiety before she fled.
Now you are joking. My mother
doesn't do anxious. She's well
versed in the art of keeping calm.
That's as maybe, it still doesn't
explain her present whereabouts.
Tell me, don't you find it a bit
strange that the night after my
father is nearly run over that my
mother is now conveniently
suspected of murder?
You suspect foul play?
Don't you?
You have evidence off this, of
No, but believe me, my mother's
innocent. There's too much
coincidence in all these events of
the last 48 hours and I'm
determined to get to the bottom of


Jack is wandering around the front room of Tom's house. He
stops at the video-screen, whistling in disbelief. Andy is
sat watching on the chair, somewhat nervously tapping his
fingers together.
Nice place.
Do you remember any of it?
Jack wanders over to the transmat circle and looks at it and
Not a bit of it. Everything
seems....surreal. All this
technology...I've not seen the
like of it ever. My memory can't
be that bad.
I'm sure it will come to you in
Jack nods in agreement and sits down beside Andy on the
It was very nice of you to help me
home...Andy, isn't it?
That's right. Emma looks as if
she's going to be busy at the labs
for a while. Best I could do was
to help out.
Well thanks anyway. You can tell
me more about this transmat
system. Looks boring to me.
Where's the fun in it? No sense of
adventure at all!
Emma did say you prefer using your
car. Maybe that's something you
can remember?
Jack nods and peers at the video-screen.
That's your videophone.
I can see that, thanks Andy.
Jack peers at him inquisitively.


Do I make you nervous or
something? You've been treading on
eggshells with me since we met
Emma did say to look after you.
That's as maybe, but there's
making an effort and making too
much of an effort.
You don't remember but when we met
you had an issue with the age
difference between myself and
I can see you care for her. The
age gap thing still shocks me a
bit but Emma is old enough to make
her own decisions and she
obviously chose you for the right
That wasn't your opinion the other
Oh? Is there a reason for that?
You're not a druggie or a convict
are you?
No, it was just the age thing that
concerned you.
Strange, why doesn't it bother me
now? In fact, why doesn't anything
I've seen or heard in the last
hour trigger any emotion? I
thought coming home would do
something but it's like being in a
stranger's house as far as I'm
Maybe you just need to relax.
anxiety can cause lack of
concentration you now.
So you're a psychologist as well
as a helper, mmm?
Well, I mean, I don't know-er


Jack holds his hand up to stop him.
Okay, okay, I make you nervous, I
get the message. You shouldn't be,
though, you're not some teenager
on a first date, you're nearly my
age, so we should be able to get
on.Just relax, okay?
Yes, off course.
Andy nods. Jack holds out his hand and they shake quickly.
As they disengage, Jack points to the kitchen.
Maybe a nice cuppa will help my
Andy nods and walks into the kitchen, followed by Jack. As
Andy puts the kettle on, Jack opens the cupboards, looking
for something to eat and his eyes settle on a jar of pickled
onions.He lifts it out of the cupboard and studies it
Do you want a cheese and onion
sandwich with your tea as well?
Emma tells me you love them.
Jack doesn't reply for a moment and hastily puts the pickle
jar back in the cupboard. He stares out of the window
thoughtfully, lost in thought. Andy puts the two cups he is
holding down on the kitchen table in concern.
Jack suddenly takes a deep breath and turns to face Andy.
That would be nice Andy...if I
liked Pickled Onions.
Abruptly, he turns and walks out of the room, an astonished
looking Andy behind him.
A blue haze appears from nowhere in the darkness outside
Tom's house and Mike appears from nowhere, a pistol in his
hand. Holding the gun near to him, he peers through the
window to see Jack walking out of the kitchen. Looking ahead
of him, he can see a light further round the corner and he
moves towards it.
Jack wanders into the main room from the kitchen, studying
photo's of Tom and Nicola on the walls.He stops and studies
it intently, before moving onto a picture of Emma beside it.


Mike has moved round to the window with the light on it. He
now can see into the front room where Jack is looking at the
picture of Emma and he raises his pistol, ready to fire.
Jack is continuing to look at the photo of Emma. Without
showing any emotion, it seems to fascinate him.
Mike's finger tightens on the trigger.
Andy enters from the kitchen, with two teacups on a tray.
Jack turns round to face him as the sound of shattered glass
is followed by a bullet whistling past where he has just
been standing, knocking the tea tray out of Andy's hands.
The tea hits the floor as another bullet follows, hitting
the wall. Andy dives on top of Jack, throwing him to the
floor behind the sofa as several bullets fly over the top of
them and into the sofa itself.
Running out of bullets, Mike kicks the wall in frustration.
Grabbing a black box from his pocket, he hits a button on
the side and he disappears.
Jack pauses for a moment as the firing stops, followed by
several seconds of silence and he puts a finger to his lips
to indicate they shouldn't move. When no further bullets
follow, he peers over the top of the chair. Andy crawls
alongside him, keeping his head down.
Has he gone?
Jack peeks above the top of the sofa once more before
kneeling back down beside him.
I think so. I think he ran out of
bullets. Probably didn't expect
you to be here. Thanks. I owe you
Why would anyone want to kill you?
I suspect whoever tried to run me
over last night didn't expect me
to survive. Clearly they've come


                       JACK (cont'd)
back to finish off the job.
Surely they will try again?
Maybe. It seems we need to be on
our guard from now on. Whoever it
was, it seems we haven't heard the
last of them.
Nicola is sitting on a small rock on the side of the road,
wiping the sweat from her brow as the sun continues to beat
down on her. With a weary sigh she struggles to her feet,
grabbing her lab coat tightly as she walks further down the
road. Ahead the huge building of the Institute is now firmly
in her sights. Several cars pass her, most of them ignoring
her but the car at the back of the group of cars stops and
the owner pulls down a window to reveal a young girl in a
lab coat peering over at her.
Need a lift?
Well I was trying to get to the
Larner Institute but you appear to
be going the wrong way.
No chance of you getting in there
today. There's a bit of a flap on.
I see.
Is there anyone else I can take
Nicola pauses for a moment then leans back into the car to
speak to Rachel.
I don't suppose you've seen a man
called Tom Larner around here
Larner? You a relative?
In a round-about sort of way, yes.
I'm sorry to hear about the
accident. Is that why you were
going to the Institute, because
that's the reason for the flap-on?


Nicola gasps for a moment and lowers her head. Rachel looks
at her concerned.
      (In dawning
Jack Larner? No, he couldn't have.
I'm sorry, I thought you knew,
this Tom being a relative and all
Has Jack any family in the area?
I'd like to speak to them.
I thought you were family?
It's a long story. Can you help
Well I thought you'd have known
Jack doesn't have any family round
here. As you probably know, his
parents died when he was young. He
was living with a mutual colleague
of ours, Eric Dawson. I can take
you there if you like. I don't
live that far from him.
That would be most helpful, thank
Nicola gets in the car and Rachel drives off up the road.
Rachel looks down at the lab coat she is carrying.
Do you work at the lab or
something then? Not seen you about
No, I'm a scientist, but not
So what were you doing there and
who's this Tom Larner, don't
believe I've heard of him. As I
said, thought Jack was the last of
his line.
And as I said, we're very distant
So what do you know about the
accident then?


I'm not sure of the full details.
What happened exactly?
He lost control of his car and
crashed into a tree. The whole car
exploded, don't think he stood
much of a chance.
Nicola winces and Rachel glances at her, groaning inwardly.
I'm so sorry, I forgot he was
It's okay.
Rachel falls quiet and Nicola looks in the side window and
sees her teary reflection. Taking a small tissue from her
pocket, she tries to regain her composure as she wipes away
her tears.
Tell me something. Jack Larner,
has he had any time off for
illness in the last few months?
Not as far as I'm aware. Too much
stuff going on for him to be ill.
You're positive he hasn't been
Well...hang on...thinking about
it, he did get rushed to hospital
a few months ago, I think he had
his appendix out. Wasn't in there
long, he was back at work within a
week. Why do you want to know, is
it important to you?
Nicola's tears start to run again.
More than you could possibly
As Rachel turns into the road leading up to the front gates
of Eric's House, there is a small posse of press and
photographers outside. Nicola looks at them in surprise.
What's going on?


There's a rumour going round that
Jack survived the accident. From
what I saw it's impossible.
However, you know the press. The
slightest sniff of a story and
they're there like a shot.
Look, I need to speak to this
Eric. How do I get in if not from
the front? I can't afford to be
seen by the press.
Are you in some trouble or
Trust me, you wouldn't believe me
if I told you. Now can you get me
in there or not?
There is another way in the press
might not have found yet. Leave it
to me.
Nicola nods and Rachel backs out of the road and onto the
main drag, before driving out out of sight up the road
The three men are hiding behind the hedge still, watching
the house patiently. The sound of a motor car approaching
from the road behind them forces them to scurry hurriedly
into some bushes nearby. As they watch, they see Nicola get
out of the car and wave to Rachel as she drives off. The
three men watch as she walks cautiously towards the house.
Who the hell is that?
I don't know but she looks
important. She might have some
information about Jack.
Looks as if she's a scientist. She
may have something to do with that
watch. We should take her, the
boss might want a word.
Good plan. It'll get us out of
waiting round here pointlessly all
day. Let's go!
Charlie creeps out of the bushes, and, followed by the other
two, starts to head towards Nicola....


Tom is in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich as Eric
glances at the monitor and sees Nicola approaching the house
from the rear. He suddenly notices the three men approaching
her from behind and he leans forward anxiously. As he
watches, he sees Charlie clamp his hand over her mouth and
start to drag her away towards the path before with the aid
of his two colleagues.
Oh no, man.
What's up?
As Tom walks into the room from the kitchen, a plate of
sandwiches in his hands, he quickly covers the monitor and
Tom looks at him in concern.
What are you upto?
Nothing, you frightened me, that's
Tom moves him aside and sees the three men have gone from
view and Eric sighs quietly in relief.
Where've they gone?
I don't know, maybe they've given
You don't sound very convinced.
Why try and hide it from me? More
Eric sniffs as Tom munches into his sandwich.
The only secrets round here are
just how many pickles are left in
my jar.
You sound like my missus, she's
always going on at me about my
pickle sandwiches!
Tom's smile vanishes as Eric peers at him in bemusement and
he puts down the sandwich slowly.


Your Missus? Another flashback?
Tom's rubs his forehead thoughtfully.
It must be, I don't know why I
said that.
Eating pickles is surely helping
you, which is strange for someone
who didn't like them before!
Maybe. However, I feel you're
using the pickles to distract me
from the bigger issue.
The bigger issue eh?
Well forgive me for pointing these
things out but you've got
problems. We don't know if those
men will return, we have press
outside the front gates and it's
only a matter of time before they
get round the back and grab a
picture of me. We can't afford to
wait any longer, you have to get
me out of here and somewhere safe.
Eric pauses for a moment to consider before reaching for his
briefcase. Opening it, he plucks a black address book from
within and flicks through it. As he does so, Tom picks up
the sandwich and starts eating it slowly, his mind
elsewhere. Eric continues to scan his book.
You're right. Now those guys have
gone, it might just give us a
chance to get you somewhere safe.
If I can find someone I can trust
to look after you, I can
concentrate on finding out whose
these guys are and what they want
and more importantly, who's behind
them. Maybe it'll give you a
chance to try and remember
something about that watch, get it
working again.
Tom puts down his plate and picks up the watch and studies
it carefully. He looks up and a wry smile crosses his face.
I don't think that's a problem.
With a bit of patience I'm sure I
can fix it.


Tom picks up the rest of his sandwich and polishes it off.
Never underestimate the power of a
cheese and pickled onion sandwich,
my friend.
What are you wittering on about
Not Jack, Tom.
He holds out his hand to Eric.
Tom Larner
Eric is stunned as he Tom grabs his hand and shakes it
Emma and Gerry are watching patiently as several police
officers search the room and several adjacent ones in the
corridor outside. Emma leans over to Gerry and talks quietly
to him under her breath.
Do you think it's possible my
Mother could have been sent back
through time as well?
Those time traces were off the
scale, just like before. Someone
made a long trip through time last
It can't be her. From what you
said, she surely would have
reported back here to you and the
only other place she could have
gone was home, and she didn't go
Maybe Ray's death was accidental
and she went on the run for fear
of being blamed.
How long have you know my mother?
You know she wouldn't hide from
this, she'd confront it head on.
Hiding isn't in her nature.


You do realise if she did travel
in time, she may be too far back
for us to retrieve her?
Why isn't it possible? This is
supposed to be a time travel
institute after all!
I've only just finished installing
the new equipment as Nicola
instructed me to do this morning.
I don't know if it even works yet,
I've not had the chance to test it
with all this stuff going on.
Then maybe it's time you did...
but not just yet, it looks as if
our not-so dynamic duo are back in
the room.
She nods behind him and Gerry turns round to see Gary and
Walter walking to the computer consoles to join them.
Well we've searched the building
from top to bottom, and we can't
find your Mother anywhere.
If you'd listened to me in the
first place, you could have saved
yourself the trouble of looking.
With all due respect, Miss Larner,
if we took every person's word at
face value, we'd get nowhere,
would we?
Well you haven't exactly got
anywhere so far have you?
You could help us help your mother
by telling us where she is.
I've told you already, I don't
The longer she remains in hiding
the more suspicious things will
look for her. If you do know where
she is, maybe you could tell her


If I find her, I'll be sure to
pass that on.
We have to go now. Thanks, Miss
Larner, for your most...invaluable
help. If she should turn up,
here's my card.
Emma takes the card and nods. Gary, Walter and several
officers enter the transmat circle and moments later they
are gone. Emma screws up the card and aims it at a nearby
bin and with precision.
Right, to work. How long before
you get this equipment up and
It will be morning now, thanks to
our Police friends. I did warn
Nicola it would be a risky
business. I might have to run some
test runs first.
We've no time for that. I'm
offering to be your guinea pig. I
want to travel tomorrow.
What is it with you Larners that
you can't wait for anything? You
know I can't guarantee I can get
you to the time your Parents are
in and worse still, I'm not sure I
get you back. I don't want to lose
all three of you, two is bad
Emma pats his face playfully.
I have every faith in you, Gerry.
That is why you are Chief
Scientist, after all!
Patting his face again, she moves to the transmat and giving
Gerry a cheery wave, she disappears.
The Transmat lights up and Emma appears. She stops dead as
she sees the mess before her, Andy sweeping up the broken
glass whilst Jack is tidying up the furniture.
What the hell has happened here?


We've had a visitor
What visitor?
We don't know, we couldn't see who
it was. Suffice to say, Andy here
saved my life or I would have been
a corpse by now.
Oh my God. Are you okay?
Well I'm not a corpse, so yes!
Have you informed the Police?
We were going to, but we heard
about that man's murder on the
radio. With your Mother on
suspicion of murder we thought it
best to keep it to ourselves. We
don't want to get her into further
You done the right thing. They've
just been sniffing round the
Institute looking for Mum. Whoever
killed Ray Stone, it looks as if
he's trying to cause her further
grief. I suspect they'll be paying
us a visit sooner rather than
later, so we need to get this
place cleared up pronto.
I agree. However, we need to move
to a safer place. Our would-be
attacker might well try again and
I don't want to be here if they
You're sure it was you they were
Jack forms his fingers into a circle.
The first bullet was that close to
my head. Is that proof enough?
Jack thinks there was a connection
to what happened last night.


There's a connection between
everything that's happened in the
last two days. This is just one
more part of it.
I agree. To totally misquote Oscar
Wilde, one tragedy is a
misfortune, two stinks of utter
I will ask one question, the
person behind all this. Do we have
any clues as to who he is?
I think I have some very firm
ideas on that one, the only thing
I can't work out...is why?
Nicola is gagged and tied up to a pipe beside her. Max is
standing guard over her, his gun pointed in her direction.
Nicola is staring stonily ahead as the door slides open and
Bobby appears, dressed smartly in a black suit and puffing
away at his cigar. A chair is provided for him and he sits
down before her. He nods to the guard, who rips her gag
harshly away from her mouth.
My apologies for the rough
treatment, but my men can be a bit
heavy-handed at times.
Who the hell are you?
Bobby reaches in his pocket and holds up an Identity Card
from his pocket for her to see.
I could ask you the same question,
Mrs Larner.
He flings down her Identity Card at her and peers
unsmilingly into her eyes.
When I asked my boys to stake out
Eric's house, I thought they might
at least bring Jack back with
them, I didn't expect them to
bring back a wife.


You have me at two disadvantages.
I still don't know who you are or
what you're talking about.
My name is Bobby Drake I'm in
charge round here and I expect you
to answer my questions accurately
whilst you still have a tongue to
do so. Now, tell me how Jack has a
wife and no-one knows about it?
You assumed I was his wife just by
reading my I.D?
It is an established fact that
Jack is an only child whose
parents died when he was very
young. Therefore, you can't be a
blood relative.
I could be his cousin.
No. Jack's parents were only
children, too.
Bobby picks up the I.D card and shoves it in her face.
As for this, it's made of
circuitry I've never seen before.
It;s the sort of I.D only Jack
could create. Not only that, I ran
a check on you. You don't appear
to exist, anywhere.
It's nice to be unique.
And that is why you are so
valuable to me.
Oh? Why?
I have heard rumours in certain
circles that Jack may have
survived the crash this morning.
If he did, he's keeping himself
very well hidden. Now we have you,
we will flush him out and finish
off the job. My men don't make the
same mistake twice.
Nicola allows herself a small smile at this news before
turning her attention back to Bobby.


What if he is dead? Kidnapping me
would seem a bit pointless don't
you think?
As you are no doubt aware, Jack
has in his possession a certain
wristwatch. When my men went to
search Eric Dawson's place this
morning, they found no trace of
it, but someone had already used
it to escape from them-and it
wasn't Eric, I checked. He's been
at work all day.
Your point being?
If Jack is alive, where else would
he go but back to Eric's? He did
live there after all. And then
there is you. My men found you
outside his house. What were you
doing there? Was it Jack you were
looking for?
Why would I? Jack's dead.
If that was so, you went there to
see Eric then.
I don't know him.
Well if Jack's dead and you didn't
go to see Eric, why were you
Maybe I just like looking at big
Bobby hits her on the side of the face with his gloved fist.
Nicola takes a deep breath for a moment before looking back
at him defiantly.
Don't make me do that again. That
you're a woman makes no difference
to me. My only concern is to find
that watch and kill Jack. You may
be useful to us in that regard,
but don't think I wouldn't harm
you. Is that clear?
You're wasting your time, Jack is


We should kill her, boss. She's
playing with us.
He raises his gun but Bobby pushes it down again and leans
I don't think that will be
necessary. She's too useful to us.
She plays the cool card
exceptionally well, but not the
grieving widow role. If Jack was
dead, she would be in a lot worse
state by now.
That's because you keep assuming
I'm his wife.
I saw the look on your face when I
told you Jack may still be alive.
He means something to you.
Guess work.
Let's put it to the test then,
shall we?
He snaps his fingers and Charlie, standing behind him,
passes him his mobile from the desk nearby.
Time for a little call to Eric's
house. Let's hope Jack's there,
for both your sakes.
Nicola looks away in alarm and he smiles cruelly at her
Tom is studying the wristwatch carefully through a small
eyeglass as Eric watches on.
Jack Larner was very ahead of his
time with this device. It's almost
the same as the watches we use
back in my own time. Appears to be
a few things missing from it
though. Seems he must have spent a
lot of time and effort on it.
He never really talked much about
it. He'd made it before I met him.
Tom puts down the eyeglass and looks in puzzlement at Eric.


Tell me something. Why didn't he
use this to aid his application
for the Time Controllers job? He
could have wiped the floor with
Simon Linstead with this at his
I don't know. He was very precious
about it. Insisted no-one ever saw
it but me.
How very odd.
He picks up the watch and uses the eyeglass to examine it
The time element of this watch is
damaged slightly. It's okay for
short range use as you know but I
swear if I had the right tools to
fix this, it would be identical to
the watches we have in my time.
Except they only came into
creation a hundred years from now.
I knew Jack was good at his job
but he's never been credited with
creating these watches as far as I
know, so how did he get hold of
He never mentioned anything about
that to me.
Very strange that a man who helped
create Time Travel didn't fix the
damage of a watch a hundred years
before it's time. Wonder why he
The telephone rings and Eric answers it cautiously, putting
a finger to his lips for Tom to remain silent.
      (On Phone)
Hello Eric.
Who is this?
A friend. A friend who knows Jack
Larner is with you at the moment.


Is this some sort of sick joke? If
you'd read the news, you'd know
Jack Larner is dead.
Cut the theatrics and put him on
the 'phone. I know he's there.
I'm telling you he's dead.
Very well, tell Jack that we have
his wife Nicola as a hostage. If
he doesn't come to the 'phone in
one minute, she dies.
Eric cups a hand over the receiver and looks at Tom.
Do you have a wife called Nicola
in your time?
I do, yes.
Then you seriously need to take
this call, man.
Eric passes over the receiver to Tom.
Jack, how nice to hear from you.
You sound very well for a dead
Who the hell is this?
Let's just say I'm an old pal of
Simon Linstead's and I have your
wife here with me.
I haven't got a wife.
Eric gives him the thumbs up to show he doing the right
If she isn't your wife, you won't
be upset when we shoot her, will
Tom hesitates briefly and looks at Eric before resuming the


Okay, say I have got a wife. What
is it you want?
I'm willing to do a deal with you.
Your wife for that watch you used
to help set up Linstead.
What if I should refuse?
I think we both know the answer to
that one Jack. Let's just say if
you refuse, you won't be
celebrating your next anniversary
or any others after today.
Okay, okay I get the picture.
Where do I meet you?
A car will be sent to meet you in
one hour round the back of the
house. You will get in it calmly
and come to me. Is that clear?
I also hardly need to remind you
what would happen if you call the
Police or try any other tricks do
You've made your point.
Good. One Hour. Don't be late.
The line goes dead and Tom slowly puts down the receiver.
So what's the deal with this guy?
He wants the watch or Nicola dies.
Linstead. He's trying to get the
evidence so he can get him back on
the project.
That cannot happen. Simon Linstead
spent twenty years in prison, he
never got back on the project.
That can't be allowed to change.


You are here, your wife is here.
Surely history is already being
Are these events part of what has
already happened or am I changing
history just by being here? I knew
Time Travel would be a risky
endeavour, but it only takes one
person to ruin everything. Every
action he takes he puts the whole
of Time at risk and if Simon
Linstead is released, it could
create further ripples and affect
even my own existence here. Even
having Nicola sending Nicola here
could create havoc.
That maybe so, but these things
haven't happened yet. You've still
time to rectify matters.
How? I can't see a way out of it.
If we don't do as this man wants,
Nicola will die. Boy I could do
with another Cheese and Onion
Sandwich to help me think.
Eric walks over to the desk and picks up the watch.
Maybe there is a way out of it.
He passes the watch over to Tom, who looks at him in
Several technicians are milling about the laboratory under
the watchful eye of Gerry, who is working at the console.
Before them, the capsule has been removed to be replaced by
a circular area on the floor, not too dissimilar to the
normal transmat circles. Four light beams circle the area at
varying points above the area. Emma arrives in the transmat
and joins Gerry at the console.
Morning Emma, I heard about your
trouble last night. Is everyone
They're fine. Had to move them
round Andy's house so that they'd
both be safe, at least I hope they
will.Andy has certainly gone up in


                       EMMA (cont'd)
Dad's estimation I tell you!
Any idea who it was yet?
I have, but proving it is another
matter. That's why it's important
to get this experiment up and
running. How's it going?
At the risk of sounding smug, it's
going really well. All tests so
far have proved successful, but
there again, I knew they would.
If you prove to Dad it's worked,
you have every right to be smug.
How far have you managed to travel
Gerry grins and waves his hand invitingly over the console.
As far as you like. It's all
You done it? That's amazing!
Gerry produces a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it
to her. She looks at it and raises her eyebrows in surprise.
With this new equipment, it was
simplicity to locate where both
your parents went.
Emma drops the piece of paper in astonishment.
2188? Both of them?
I'm afraid so. Why the big
Emma runs her hand through her hair in confusion.
Jack Larner. He died in 2188.


You don't find it coincidental
that were sent back to that year,
when the one man my father
admires, was killed?
Regardless of what you're
suggesting, it doesn't explain
what happened to your father does
it? If you remember, there were
two time traces on the night he
had his accident. I thought both
of them were for journeys back in
time but they weren't, the second
one was a return journey back to
this time, made a very short time
If it was him who made the
journey, it would explain why he
lost his memory, maybe travelling
through time affected him. Doesn't
explain how he ended up being
involved in a hit-and-run and
Ray's involvement in it all.
I don't know, but there is one
more thing I can tell you. Last
night's trace came not long after
Nicola left for the Government
Labs. If Ray really did die at the
time it's been claimed, he
couldn't possibly have have had
time to operate the machinery.
Someone else was in on the plan.
I sort of suspected that. This
deputy of Ray's, how much do you
know about him?
Not a lot. His name is Mike Tyler.
From what I've heard, the strict
budget over there meant he was
made Chief Scientist as well as a
deputy.That's about it really.
So he would have the necessary
knowledge to operate the machinery
I would imagine so.
Emma walks over to the Circle and studies the light beams
above it thoughtfully.


If this Mike Tyler is behind all
this, we've no time to lose. He
already has Mum framed for murder,
who knows what he'll do next. You
have to send me back now.
Hang on a minute, Emma, time
travel isn't like going on a bus,
you know. There are a couple of
things that you need before you
Gerry reaches inside a drawer under the console and produces
a wristwatch akin to those used by Jack earlier. Walking
over to the area, Gerry hands it to her and she inspects it
A watch?
A recall device. The top left hand
button has been altered to a
recall button. It's your only way
back so don't lose it.
Couldn't you use something better
than a watch?
The recall device has to be
disguised as something in keeping
with the period you are visiting.
In your case, a watch is
sufficient. We don't want people
finding it and inventing time
travel before they are supposed
to. It'd upset the whole time
I see. So what other thing do I
need then??
Common Sense. When you arrive, you
must be discreet. Avoid doing
anything that will change history.
Interact with as few people as you
have to as your search for your
Mum. When you find them, get back
here asap. Every single thing you
do could change history so be
Is that it? Or do I need an
instruction manual to take with


That won't be necessary. The only
other thing to note is that I've
not been able to pinpoint exactly
where your Mother arrived in 2188.
You could arrive anywhere within a
fifty mile radius. It's the best I
can do at the moment under short
Emma nods understandingly and places the watch on her
wrists. Gerry gestures her to move to the centre of the
light beams.He moves back to the console and operates some
controls. Beside him, some techicians gather round to watch.
You will experience some lack of
mobility once the time field kicks
in. It will fade once you reach
your destination.
Sounds fun
Good Luck Emma
Gerry's hands move over the screen before him. Seconds
later, Emma gasps as the blue haze of the time field kicks
in. Gerry hits the screen hard for effect and Emma gradually
disappears from view. He sighs in relief and turns to his
colleagues beside him.
Thanks fellas for your help today.
I think you all deserve a break if
you want to stay but those who
worked overnight are free to take
the day off if you wish. Thank You
again for your time.
Behind a tree in a park, Emma groans and opens her eyes to
see a wall in front of her. Blinking, she looks hurriedly
around her and sees on the other side of the tree some
swings and seesaws with children playing nearby. Getting to
her feet she dusts herself down and looks around her in
bemusement. On the other side of the park, traffic is
congested and she raises a surprised eyebrow. Seeing a path
leading out of the park, she nervously avoids the looks of
some parents and heads towards the path outside.
Gerry is alone in the laboratory, studying the screen before
him. Several items of data are showing up on the screen and
he nods in satisfaction.
She made it!


Engrossed with his the information on the screen, he fails
to notice a blue haze behind him as Mike suddenly appears
from nowhere. A hand chops him on the neck and he falls to
the floor unconscious. He looks in contempt at the equipment
and archway before him. Grabbing Gerry's chair, he throws it
into the console. Sparks fly from the console before small
flames start to flicker from the screen. Picking up the
chair once more, he runs over to the light beams and smashes
all four of them in turn, laughing manically as he does so.
The Larner family. You're all
history. Literally!
Throwing the chair to the floor, he takes the black box from
his pocket and quickly disappears from view.
Bobby is sitting in a barely lit spotlight at a table in the
middle of the warehouse. Beside him on each side are Max and
Charlie. Max is holding Nicola around the throat, his spare
hand aiming a gun to her head. She is still calm and relaxed
but gasps slightly as she tries to cope with his
uncomfortable grip. Bobby is puffing away at a cigar and
looks up sharply as the sound of a car is heard outside.
Shorty, standing near the door, instantly raises his gun.
Suddenly it swings open to reveal Tom in the doorway.
Welcome Jack, come in.
Tom closes the door and stands in front of it. Bobby lowers
his cigar in surprise.
Won't you join us?
I'd rather stay where I am thanks.
I feel safer with a door behind my
back than a bullet.
I advise you to do as you are
told. As you see, my word is my
bond. Your wife is here and
unharmed, but that situation can
Yes, life has been rather quiet
without her, no-one to moan at me
about eating all the pickles!
Tom quickly looks at Nicola and a wry smile crosses her
Aren't you going to come and say
hello then?


Don't get me wrong but I feel
safer with my back against the
Bobby looks suspiciously at him and nods to Shorty, who
quickly feels Tom's pockets and trousers. He is unsuccessful
and he nods in confirmation at Bobby.
Very well, Jack. I'll play your
game. Even you wouldn't be so
stupid as to cross me.
I know the terms and I'm keeping
to them.
I'm glad to hear it. Now then, you
look well for a dead man, Jack.
How did you escape that accident?
Can we cut the crap and get this
over with please? You asked me
here for reason, let's stick to
that shall we?
As you wish. Have you brought the
Off course, my word is my bond,
He reaches in his pocket and holds it in the air. Bobby
holds out his hands.
Give it to me.
Nicola first.
Max raises the gun sharply to Nicola's head and Bobby holds
out his hand again.
I won't ask again. Give me the
watch or she dies here and now.
Tom holds the watch out reluctantly and looks at Nicola
before throwing it to Bobby, who studies it carefully. Max
moves the gun away from Nicola's head slightly.
Is this it? I was expecting
something more sophisticated. I
feel almost disappointed.


That's because it's disguised. Why
are you so interested in in it
anyway? What possible value could
it have to you?
Oh Jack, please don't be stupid.
We both know this...watch is how
you got in Simon's office that
day. It enabled you to be in two
places at the same time. I also
suspect it played a part in your
escape from that car crash. My man
informs me there is no way you
could have walked out of that car
unharmed, but here you are.
Maybe you should teach them to
shoot better.
You will tell me how this watch
works and what it's function is,
otherwise next time my men will
have a lot closer target and this
time they won't miss,I assure you.
It's a time travel device.A side
line of mine, just to test the
water before I started the main
It's range?
Four to Six hours at most.
Well isn't this interesting? I
think my plans have suddenly
changed. Maybe I can let Simon
Linstead rot in jail after all.
Why should I bother trying to get
Linstead out of prison if I have
the next best thing? I mean,
nobody knows you're alive, you
will take his place and work for
me. If you don't, I'll tell
everyone you're alive, you'll be
ruined. The Public will never
forgive such a deceit.
Tom glances anxiously at Nicola.


What of Nicola? You can't keep her
This is what I propose. Nicola
will be allowed to go free. You
will then act as an insurance
against each other. If she goes to
the Police, you die. If you refuse
to give us time travel, she dies.
How do you expect me to give you
Time Travel without the relevant
You only need to increase the
range of this watch and then
duplicate. That is more than
adequate for the time being.
Then what? What do you hope to
On the black market, such a device
would be worth a fortune. As for
it's potential, it'll provide a
permanent alibi for all future
crimes. The possibility of endless
wealth will be in our grasp.
Don't you realise the potential
damage you could do to history if
you go down that road?
I don't recall your little trip to
Simon's office damaging to time,
do you?
That's because the whole operation
was planned so as not to disrupt
The time factor is irrelevant, all
I care about is money, lots of
money. This watch will make me
rich beyond even my wildest dreams
and you will help me. Now, show me
how it works.
Ignoring Nicola's pleading eyes, Tom takes the watch back
from Bobby and flips open the cover to show him the
futuristic dials underneath.


Well you have to use the timer on
the front here like you would a
normal watch. Your departure is on
the top left hand corner.
So how does it operate? Show me.
I was just coming to that. Let's
try a demonstration. What time is
Bobby looks at his watch.
From behind the Guards, a voice speaks.
                       TOM 2
Bobby spins round to see another Tom right behind him. With
a mighty shove, he sends Max and Charlie sprawling. Tom
kicks the gun out of Shorty's hands and in the confusion, he
grabs Nicola by the wrist and they flee out of the room. The
other Tom quickly activates his watch and vanishes. Bobby
quickly regains his composure and gets to his feet, kicking
out viciously at Max and Charlie.
Get up you fools. After them!
Max, Charlie and Shorty grabs their guns and run out of the
door. As they leave, Bobby kicks the table over in anger.
You haven't heard the last of this
yet, Larner, that, I assure you.
Max and the others see Tom's car standing empty and idle.
Two more guards are standing nearby on duty and Shorty
shouts angrily at them.
Where did they go?
Where did who go?
The prisoners, you idiot, they've
escaped, they must have come this
We've not seen anyone.


They must have escaped round the
side to the woods.
Shorty points to one of the guards.
You, come with me, we'll search
the woods and the entire area. The
boss wants them found. You'd
better stay here in case they
return for their car.
The other guard nods and stands near the car on alert as
Max, Charlie and Shorty head for the trees in the front of
the warehouse. As they vanish from view, a blue haze appears
from behind the guard and Tom and Nicola appear. Tom chops
the guard on the back of the neck and he collapses to the
ground unconscious.
Where the hell did you learn to do
Stop the yakking and and get in
before they come back!
They both jump into the car and get in. Tom starts the
engine and it attracts Shorty and the others in the woods.
Hearing the sound of an engine, they run back to the
warehouse. As they open fire, Tom swerves dangerously to
avoid them. Nicola ducks as a bullet smashes the side
window. Tom struggles to keep the car on the road as the
shots continue. He manages to exit the drive and out onto
the main road. As they do so, three Police Cars shoot past
them, their sirens blazing loudly as they pass. Nicola looks
in disbelief out of the window as they turn into the drive
leading to the warehouse.
What the hell..?
A slight precaution on my part.
Bobby Drake is the most wanted
criminal in London. The Police
have been after him for years.
You called them here?
Not me exactly, friend of mine
did. Needed insurance in case my
plan didn't work. Bobby's days of
freedom are over.
Nicola looks at the watch on Tom's wrist and flips it open
to study it carefully.


So why didn't you use this to help
get us out of there rather than
dodging bullets?
This is my friend's car,that's
why. If we'd used the watch, it
would have given Bobby the perfect
opportunity to prove I'm still
alive and make life awkward for
So you used this to go forward in
time and help us escape?
Yes, that's why I had to stay by
the door. If I'd got to close to
myself when I arrived it might
have been catastrophic. It was
taking a risk as it was.
Nicola examines the watch curiously.
This watch, it looks quite
advanced for it's time. it looks
like one of our watches....how can
that possibly be?.
I can't explain it, it's a
mystery, as indeed is everything
about this situation.
Tell me about it. I should've
known that man in the hospital
wasn't you.
Tom bring the car to a sudden halt and looks at her in
What man?
The man in the hospital, he's like
you, almost identical.
Tom groans and hits his head back against the seat in
So that is what Mike Tyler done.
He swapped me over with Jack
Jack Larner? That's impossible.


I'm afraid it's true. He swapped
us over, hoping to kill me by
putting me in that accident. If
nothing else he's making sure
history runs it's course. It
explains why Jack's body was never
found in the accident.
I'm confused. Is there somewhere
safe we can talk? It seems we both
have some catching up to do.
I know a place. That friend I told
you about whose car this is? He
may be able to help us.
Would that be Eric Dawson by any
Yes, you've met him?
Not exactly. I was in his back
gardens trying to find a way in
and was pounced on by Bobby's men.
That's how I ended up back there.
So that's why they disappeared.
Hang on a moment, though, Eric
turned off the monitors quite
randomly before those men
disappeared from his gardens. He
must have seen you being taken.
Why wouldn't he tell me or stop it
I can't tell you, maybe you should
ask him.
I think I will. Eric has been less
than straight with me from the
off. He's hiding something. Time I
had some answers.
Slamming the gearstick into first, there is a screech of
tyres as he speeds hurriedly up the road.
Andy and Jack appear in the transmat, looking round the
wrecked laboratory in awe. Nearby, Gerry is sitting on a
stool before the computer console, rubbing his neck


What the hell's happened here?
This place looks as if it's been
hit by a bomb.
Somebody hit me from behind and
knocked me out. When I came to,
the place was like this.
Any idea who did it?
Gerry rubs his neck and looks at the computer. He thinks for
a moment before replying.
Has to be Mike Tyler. He didn't
use time to get in here, the
computers didn't warn me as such.
He must have used transmat
technology to get in here without
using the booths. Only he has the
equipment to do that.
Never mind all that now. Are you
I'm fine. I only came around a few
minutes ago, it isn't pleasant
being knocked out.
Where's Emma?
Gerry points at the damaged equipment.
I take it she didn't tell you. She
insisted on going back in
time..well. to rescue her mother
He looks in confusion at Jack, who throws his coat on a
nearby chair and faces Gerry sternly.
Let's not play this game anymore.
We all know I'm not this Tom
Larner. Now I'm feeling bloody
grouchy, I've been shot at and
everything around here looks as if
it's straight out of a sci-fi
film. I want answers and the first
thing you can tell me is exactly
what Emma has been up to.Now.
Eric stands before Tom and Nicola as Tom remonstrates with
him about Nicola's kidnapping.


You must have seen them take
Nicola. You were very shifty
earlier when I came back out of
the kitchen.
I assure you I saw nothing. It's
your imagination. You just
frightened me, I wasn't expecting
you to be there.
Don't take me for a fool, Eric.
You should know by the time you
spent with Jack that we Larners
don't like being messed around. In
my opinion, you're hiding
something, I don't know what it
is, but there's more to you than
meets the eye. I don't care how
long it takes but you will end up
telling me the truth.
Off that I am certain. Now, can I
get you anything? You must be
tired after your exertions today.
A cup of tea wouldn't go amiss.
I'll make us all one. I know how
Tom has his now. What about you
Nicola? I mean, you do still drink
tea in the future don't you?
Off course. Somethings never
change even two hundred years on
and I'll have milk, one sugar
Eric nods and disappears into the kitchen. Nicola takes hold
of the watch which is now lying on the table.
I still can't get over this watch.
It shouldn't exist in this time.
How did it get here?
You know, that guy has more
slither than an eel in water. He
just wriggled his way out of that
situation and got to make us tea
and we're still none the wiser!
Nicola waves the watch in his face.
Forget Eric for the moment. This
watch is far more intriguing. If
it is from our time how did Jack


                       NICOLA (cont'd)
get hold of it? Unless he created
his own watch a hundred years
No, Jack did many wonderful
things, but he never created this
type of watch in his lifetime. The
accident saw to that. Except it
wasn't him. It was me.
Jack Larner didn't die though,
he's in our time. Clearly he never
came back so what happened to him?
I wish I had the answers but I
Nicola peers at the watch again and puts it aside in
From what you told me, this watch
could hold the key to everything.
If we could get it working again,
maybe we could boost it's range
and get back to our own time.
Maybe that's where the answers
You're right. I don't understand
how, if Jack had the knowledge to
create such a device, he didn't
have the knowledge to mend it.
It's most perplexing.
So why didn't he? I wonder if he
thought it was beyond repair,
maybe he didn't feel he had the
right materials to fix it. Do you
know how it was broken?
Eric enters from the kitchen, two cups of tea in his hand
and he places them on the table.
Maybe Eric can tell us. How was
this watch broken?
It was broken before Jack and I
met. He never elaborated as to
what happened with it.
Now why wouldn't Jack tell you
that? He does seem a very strange
fellow. He doesn't use the watch
to help his bid to become Time
Controller and then keeps the


                       TOM (cont'd)
cause of it's damage a secret.
Very strange.
You Larner's are a strange lot
full stop!
Eric chuckles and puts the tea tray down beside the watch.
Tom grabs his cup and takes an angry slurp.
I'm glad you find the situation so
amusing, Nicola. You do realise we
are stuck here unless we get find
some way of getting that watch
Can you fix it then?
Tom sips his tea and picks up the watch and turns it over.
He shakes his head wearily.
I may be able to do something but
I doubt the materials for this
watch exist yet. Maybe that's why
Jack never fixed it. Six hours is
the maximum I've got out of it,
think two hundred years at the
moment is out of the question,
don't you?
Nicola puts down the watch and rubs her face in her hands
If we can't get back, Mike Tyler
has stitched us up good and
This Mike Tyler you speak of.
What's his motive? He seems to
have employed some seriously
extreme tactics to set this whole
situation up?
Well he wouldn't tell me, but I
get the impression he has some
grudge against you, Tom.
Me? I've never met the man before.
He's obviously some deranged
imbecile with ideas above his
You do have a talent for winding
people up the wrong way. I mean,
that scar on his face, that didn't
get there by itself, did it? Don't


                       NICOLA (cont'd)
suppose you recall accidentally
injuring someone in the past, at
school maybe?
What are you implying, Nicola?
Hang on a minute before you two
start a domestic. This scar, it
wouldn't happen to be under his
left ear would it?
You know him?
I know off him. Jack saw him
several times before that day he
framed Linstead. Just standing on
a street corner or on the other
side of the road. Then just after
the shooting in Simon's Office, he
saw him again as he tried to
leave. Jack told me this guy tried
to kill him but got out of there
before he fired.
Why would he want to shoot Jack
Larner for?
Maybe we've got this situation all
wrong. Maybe it's not us he's got
a problem with but Jack Larner.
That really doesn't help explain
Yes it does. If Mike has travelled
back to this time, it might
possibly explain where Jack got
that watch from. We know he can't
have invented such a device, it
had to come from our time. Maybe
Jack and Mike had some sort of
contact you were unaware of.
I don't think so. Jack told me
he'd only seen Mike on that street
corner, and in the office, no
other time.
With respect, he didn't tell you
the watch was broken, why would he
tell you if he'd secretly met


He told me most things.
Not the watch, though. Why didn't
he tell you? Why is his every
movement so shrouded in mystery?
We so need to get back to our time
so we can ask him direct.
Jack and his watch do seem central
to this whole situation.
Everything that has happened seems
to revolve round those ten or so
minutes in Simon's office. That's
where the answer lies, all these
events can't just be coincidence.
Mike Tyler has interfered with
history for a reason, we have to
find out what it is.
It would explain why he chose this
period to swap you over. He must
have known how you felt about Jack
If he was tailing Jack before the
shooting, he must have known it
was going to happen. That means he
must have planned all this long
before he sabotaged the equipment
at the Government labs. Everything
was working better than he was
letting on. Mind you, most of that
was for Ray's benefit, poor sod.
Well it doesn't help us very much,
does it? We're still trapped in
this time period whilst Mike drags
our names through the mud.
I'm uncomfortably aware of that
fact Nicola. Mike Tyler stands for
everything I've fought for in
getting Time Travel up and
running. He's broken every
regulation put in place. Every
moment we're here, we're
endangering time itself. Unless
someone helps us, we could end up
changing time forever.
I'm sure you'll think of
Mr Optimistic strikes again.


Have I been wrong so far?
Through more luck than judgement,
Well let's hope luck is on our
side and someone from our own time
can help us. It's our only hope.
Like whom exactly?
Emma. She'll know something is
wrong. Gerry will have informed
her where I am.
Like our daughter is going to use
her common sense and come after
Well let's hope she does, for at
the moment she's our only hope of
getting back to our own time.
A television screen is being watched in the laboratory. On
the screen, Mike Tyler can be seen outside a building
address reporters, surrounded by a dozen microphones.
This morning I have received
confirmation from the Police that
Nicola Larner is the prime suspect
in the shooting of Ray Stone. Ray
was a very passionate supporter of
the Time Travel project and he
will be missed greatly. In view of
the current situation, I had a
meeting with Ministers this
morning and it was agreed the
Government will now take full
control of the time travel project
until such times the outcome of
this matter is concluded.
What about Tom Larner? Was he
consulted on this matter?
The failure of Tom Larner to come
forward and make any statement on
the matter speaks volumes. Until
he does, it has been decided that
all work at the Larner Institute
will be suspended until further


                       MIKE (cont'd)
Is it possible Tom Larner's recent
accident could be a contributing
factor to his silence so far?
The only matter of relevance is
that he is married to a possible
murderer or worse still, an
accomplice to one. Until he is
found, I can confirm the
Government have put me in
temporary charge of the time
travel project until this whole
matter is resolved. Rest assured,
though, that I will be working day
and night to make sure Time Travel
is available to the people as soon
as it is practically possible.
How long will that be?
As long as it takes to complete
the project.
Mike seems to be staring into the camera at this point, as
if addressing Jack and Gerry, who are watching from nearby,
accompanied by a group of scientists. Jack shakes his head
in disbelief.
The way he goes on reminds me very
much of Simon Linstead. He talked
bollocks as well.
You say this is the man who tried
killing you in 2188?
The very same. I remember that
scar very well. What I don't
understand, though, is why he
brought me here.
Well whatever his motive, he seems
to have got his feet firmly
entrenched under the table of the
Government hierachy. He seems all
out to get us now.
How come the Government has
authority to close this place
down? The Larner Institute is a
Private Company surely?


Such is the unique nature of Time
Travel, everyone who experiments
on it has to have a licence to
practice. Costs a lot of money so
very few people acquire one. Tom
applied and got his years ago.
Under the terms of his licence,
however, Tom couldn't be stopped
working on the project unless he
done something illegal. Since
Nicola is suspected of murder and
he hasn't come forward, they have
the power to suspend his licence
until the matter is resolved one
way or another.
Bureaucratic poppycock. However,
we have to adjust to the
situation. It doesn't give us much
time to get this so-called
look-a-like of mine and his wife
back does it? I think you may well
need to tighten security. I fancy
we are going to have visitors very
soon. We have to keep them out and
give ourselves time to come up
with a plan.
What did you have in mind?
Jack wanders over to the dais and looks at the ruined
remains of the time machine, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
It's unbelievable. All my initial
ideas resulted in this, and it's
Not beyond repair, though. I've
done a thorough check. There's
nothing here that can't be fixed.
With your help we might get it
done quicker.
You forget this equipment is two
hundred years ahead of my time. I
haven't got time to learn how to
repair it.
You don't need to. Every
technician here is available to
help us and with a diagram to aid
you, it should be a picnic. After
all, you laid down the template
for all this, it's the same
equipment in principle but more


I don't know whether to feel
flattered or concerned by your
The faster we work, the more
chance we have of getting everyone
back to their right times and
places. Otherwise you're all stuck
where you are-forever.
It's a good thing I sent Andy
home. He'd have been upset hearing
those comments. Shame Emma had to
put him in that position though.He
was quite upset she didn't tell
him her plan.
Now you really are starting to
sound like Tom.
Well from what you told me, we are
As you say, time is quite
literally of the essence. We
haven't time for chitchat. Do you
think you can help us?
If you give me everything at your
disposal, yes.
That's not a problem. First thing
we have to do is to get this place
safe so we can work in peace.
You'd better stop nattering and
get me those diagrams then, hadn't
you? I have an idea that might
help you on that front.
Gerry nods and hurries out of the room. Jack taps the light
beams above playfully, a mischievous grin upon his face.
Early Morning and Emma is asleep on a bench. Before her, a
shop's shutters are being opened loudly, stirring her from
her slumber. As she awakens, she sees the shop worker look
at her in contempt and she glares back angrily as the worker
disappears inside the shop. She looks at a nearby clock and
sees it is half past seven in the morning and she sniffs in
displeasure as a smell reaches her and she sniffs her jacket
and groans. Getting wearily to her feet, she heads down
towards the precinct entrance, where a newspaper stall is


set up. It is attended by a fierce looking man and she is
about to walk hurriedly past him when a a headline from the
newspaper catches her eye. ARRESTED CONVICT CLAIMS JACK
LARNER IS ALIVE. Ignoring the seller, she grabs the
newspaper and reads it.
      (To herself)
After Seven years on the run,
Bobby Drake was finally arrested
at a warehouse outside London
yesterday after a police Tip-Off.
What has grabbed the police's
attention is Drake's claims that
Jack Larner survived the crash and
is still alive and living with his
colleague Eric Dawson. Eric Dawson
himself has denied this and his
house has been thoroughly
searched. As yet, Police have yet
to substantiate any of Drake's
                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
Are you going to buy that
newspaper or what?
Emma puts the newspaper back on the stand
I was just reading about Jack
Larner. Do you believe he's alive?
                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
Load of old rubbish if you ask me.
Bobby Drake is just looking for a
way to get himself off the hook.
Where does this Eric Dawson live
who is supposedly housing him?
                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
Why don't you buy a paper and find
out Lady? It's what it's there
You're just full of Customer
Charm, aren't you? I don't have
any money, that's why.
The Newspaper seller sniffs and looks her up and down.
                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
I can see that's an issue.
So do you have an address or don't


                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
Everyone knows where Eric Dawson
If I knew I wouldn't be asking
would I?
The Newspaper Seller reaches inside his pocket for a pen and
notebook and starts scribbling.
                       NEWSPAPER SELLER
Okay, okay, I'll give you the
address. If you get into trouble,
it didn't come from me, okay?
I shall be the definition of
discretion itself.
The curtains of the front room are drawn tightly shut. The
monitors are now showing a posse of press outside the main
gates. Nearby, Tom is oblivious to this as he is examining
the watch with a large magnifying glass. Nearby, Nicola is
waking up and she yawns loudly but Tom doesn't react and
continues working. Nicola looks at the monitors and get to
her feet.
I thought that visit from the
Police would have sent that lot
You haven't been working on that
watch all night, have you?
I managed to get a few hours
sleep, but you know me, can never
leave anything alone if I feel I
can fix it.
Have you fixed it then?
Would I still be working on it if
I had?
It was just a question.
I told you the parts in this watch
are quite advanced. Since we can't
replace them, I'm going to try and
bypass some of the circuitry. Not


                       TOM (cont'd)
sure if even that's possible.
Whatever he did to damage it, he
did with some force. None of those
parts are repairable.
Every minute we're stuck here,
Mike Tyler is ruining our lives by
the second. You have to fix it.
You forget, even it takes four
months to get this working, we can
still get back to the same point
that we left. That's the beauty of
time travel, nothing has to run in
a straight line all the time.
We can't afford to stay here even
four hours, let alone four months.
Every second we're here, we're
affecting Eric and we can't keep
the curtains closed forever.
If the Police come back, we'll use
the watch to escape again. It's
not a problem.
Not if it's in bits you can't.
Stop making problems, Nicola.
We'll deal with that situation as
it arises.
Have it your own way. I'm getting
freshened up, then I'm having some
Tom picks up the magnifying glass and starts to examine the
watch again.
Good, you can do some Cheese and
Pickle Onion sandwiches while
you're there. Eric will show where
the pickles are.
As long as you get your priorities
right, off course.
Nicola marches of towards the stairs in a slight huff. Tom
shakes his head in resignation.


Mike pulls up in a car accompanied by some Senior ranking
officers. As they see the building, they stare open-mouthed
as they see the building is encase in a blue haze. The
building is surrounded by reporters and photographers and a
large crowd kept back behind a barrier. Mike jumps out of
the car and quickly approaches a nearby officer.
What the hell is going on here?
It's been like this fifteen
minutes at least, sir. It just
came from nowhere and surrounded
the building.
Who's in there?
All the staff as far as I
know,sir. No-one has been seen
coming out, sir.
Mike is joined The Chief Of Police, who looks in awe at the
                       CHIEF OF POLICE
What is that stuff?
It's a protective Time Field, used
to shield time travellers from the
effect of the vortex. Someone's
adapted the technology and used it
as a protective forcefield
                       CHIEF OF POLICE
So nothing can get through it? Not
even by transmat?
We've tried sir. They've
over-ridden the controls, sir. We
couldn't get in that way.
                       CHIEF OF POLICE
Over-riding Emergency Transmat
Controls is illegal. The culprits
must be arrested as soon as we can
get in there.
There is only one culprit capable
of blocking the Emergency Channels
and adapting the time field. Tom
Larner, he must be in there.


                       CHIEF OF POLICE
How do you suggest we break
through this so-called field if we
can't transmat inside it.
Tom Larner may think he's clever
but he has underestimated me if he
thinks this barrier will keep him
                       CHIEF OF POLICE
Can you break it?
Off course I can. it's just a case
of fighting fire with fire. I
think Tom is going to be in for a
surprise very soon.
Inside the lab, the blue haze is surrounding every exit and
corner of the room but the lab itself is clear. Beside the
transmat, two light beams similar to those on the dais are
located on each side, a blue swirl surrounding the circle
itself. The laboratory is now close to being repaired as
technicians help affect the necessary repairs. Gerry is
anxiously watching Jack as he works at some open computer
banks, working from a diagram on the floor beside him. He is
looking at the beams in some discomfort.
You really shouldn't keep worrying
about that. No-one can get in, you
How did you get the idea of
setting up a forcefield around the
transmat and the whole building?
Well once I had the idea, it was
simply a case of consulting your
diagrams for the right
information. As I told you I just
changed the field from a time one
to a protective one. It should
give us time to get this up and
running and get your parents and
Emma back before they find another
way to break in, which surely they
I thought you said no-one could
get in or out.
As far as I'm aware they can't.
This Mike Tyler fellow seems to
have his wits about him. If anyone
is going to break through it, it's


                       JACK (cont'd)
We'd better crack on then. Are you
nearly finished?
Yes, I am, but I must point out
you are breaking a very cardinal
rule of time. You have shown me
knowledge which if in the hands of
a less scrupulous person could
change time completely.
What about you? Your very
existence here is breaking so many
regulations I'm finding it hard to
remember them all!
It wasn't exactly my choice to be
here, was it? Mmm?
True, but that doesn't mean we
can't rectify the situation when
the chance arises, does it?
Jack nods and reaches inside the computer to a study a mass
of circuitry. Looking back out at the diagram, he reaches
back inside and makes a slight adjustment with his
screwdriver. On the dais, the light beams spring into life.
You've done it!
Off course I've done it, I'm not
an imbecile.
He shines a torch inside the circuitry and nods in
satisfaction as he slides the cover shut. Getting to his
feet, he winces and rubs his knees before standing up
I'm too old for this sort of work,
two hundred years too old to be
Gerry grins and taps quickly at the screen before him. A
blue haze swirls around the dais. Jack stands look proudly
at the sight before him, a tear in his eye.
I was never meant to see this, but
it's right I'm here. I mean, two
hundred years, I'd never have seen
it in my natural lifetime.


Tom would be proud for you as well
if he was here. He's always been
your biggest fan.
Jack looks away sheepishly and Gerry switches of the time
Well since we've a few minutes, do
you fancy a quick Coffee?
Coffee would be great thanks.
As Gerry heads towards the coffee machine at the back of the
labs, Jack reaches over to the console, checking he isn't
being watched. His back is turned to us, but there is no
doubt he is upto something. He moves quickly back to his
position as Gerry returns with two coffees. Jack grabs his
coffee and downs it in one gulp.
Have you a tin stomach or
No, I'm just thirsty.Now listen, I
think we should try and do a trial
run, make sure everything is fixed
A Larner that puts safety first
for once? You're right, of course,
what sort of timescale did you
have in mind?
A minute should do it, just to be
safe, don't you think?
It sounds like a plan to me.
I'd better check those light beams
have been replaced properly. Your
boys were a bit hasty, I thought
they were going to break them.
I can't get used to this. Your
ancestors are always in a bloody
Jack grins and walks slowly over to the dais to inspect the
light beams carefully. Gerry continues to sip his coffee
carefully, but he is alerted by a beeping from the console.
Slamming his cup down, he looks at the computer screen in


Did you touch anything? The
computer's been automatically
programmed for a time
I didn't touch anything. Are you
Positive. You need to get off that
As the technicians in the lab surround Gerry to see what is
going on, the time field activates and surrounds Jack,
encasing him in a blue haze. As Gerry struggles to cancel
the programme at the console, the light beams spring to life
and Jack vanishes into thin air. There is a unified gasp in
the room. On the console, the lights are flashing wildly and
the screens are going berserk.
What's happened?
I don't know. The computers aren't
telling us anything. He couldn't
have done that repair properly.
We'll have to go through the whole
system again until we find the
The technician points to the dais where a blue haze is
Maybe he's coming back.
Maybe. The computer could be
trying to rectify it's mistake.
As they watch, Mike appears, flanked by two armed Policemen
As Gerry and the technicians move backwards, the Police
raise their guns and they all freeze.
You are all under arrest. Nobody
move or these men will shoot.
How did you get past the
Simple, I used my own time machine
and sent myself back here by one
minute. That way I was able to
bypass your pathetic forcefield
with ease.


He steps of the dais and heads towards Gerry. Seeing the
forcefield near the transmat, he takes his pistol and fires
and the beams explode as the blue haze fades away.
You will now deactivate the field
around this building.
The guns are now aimed directly at him and Gerry touches the
screen and after a few seconds the blue haze in the corner
of the room vanishes. Mike looks around the room
Where is Tom Larner?
You can drop the pretence, we know
what you've done to Tom.
I didn't ask you what you know, I
asked you where he is.
The guns turn towards him and he winces, scared.
Tom is still working on the watch as Eric and Nicola look
on.Nicola is now back to her calm self and is sitting on the
sofa, her arms crossed
Why don't you give up?
You want to get home, don't you?
You didn't get the time travel
project on it's feet by spending
hours at a table. If there was a
solution you would have found it
by now.
You forget, the project was
started in our time with materials
we could use. That's clearly not
the case here.
I'm sure you'll find an answer
There he goes again! I'm not a
miracle worker you know. It may
take days, even months, but I will
find the answer.


A ring at the back door of the house grabs their attention.
Eric springs to his feet and gestures them hurriedly to the
kitchen, Grabbing the watch, Tom grabs Nicola's hand and
they run out of the room.
Inside the kitchen, Nicola takes the watch from his hand and
shoves it in his face.
What good is this, you've left
half of it on the table!
Tom quickly puts his finger to his lips.
Eric's opens the door cautiously and is surprised to see a
young girl in the doorway. Eric's peers cautiously past her
but she is alone.
Who the hell are you, and how did
you get get to my back door
without being seen?.
Well I saw the press outside so I
managed to sneak in the back way.
I'm looking for Nicola Larner.
You may well be that doesn't
explain who you are.
My name is Emma. (Louder) Emma
Nicola steps out of the kitchen and walks towards the door
in amazement.
Eric quickly gestures her in and slams the door behind her
as Nicola and Emma hug. Behind them, Tom stands in the
kitchen doorway but he does not follow his wife over to
greet her. Emma notices him and stands back speechless,
clasping a hand over her mouth in shock.


Mike is pacing agitatedly around Tom's Office. On seeing a
picture of Tom and Nicola on the desk, he hits it in anger
and it smashes to the floor. Moments later, the Police
Officer from earlier enters the room and looks at the broken
picture without comment.
We've scoured this entire
building, Tom Larner hasn't been
found anywhere.
Well he couldn't have used the
transmat to get out of that lab
because I only deactivated that
forcefield just after I arrived.
There's only one thing for it, he
must have used the time machine. I
take it none of the staff have
told you for definite where he is?
They all maintain he wasn't even
I've heard all that rubbish from
Gerry. Even under the threat of
arrest he insisted Tom hadn't been
there. Stupid loyalty. It'll count
against them all in the end.
Why is it so important to you that
he's found? His wife is the one up
for murder remember?
Even an idiot like you realises
that if we find Tom, we'll find
Nicola. Now I'm going to check the
time logs from the computer at the
Government labs. I want this place
securely guarded. If Tom has gone
through time he may try and get
back here. Also extend the search
just in case I'm mistaken.
The officer nods and leaves the room, Seeing the broken
picture on the floor, Mike gives it another massive kick and
it flies across the room and he takes a deep breath as he
tries to calm himself down.
Emma, Nicola and Tom are sat around the table. Tom is
staring silently at the broken watch in his hand as Emma is
busy drying her hair and is wearing one of Eric's shirts,


having just had a bath. She looks at Eric, who is sitting
reading a newspaper next to her.
I so needed that bath. Thanks
It's a pleasure. I'll get your
clothes washed for you so you
three can talk.
Picking up Emma's discarded clothes on the chair beside him,
he disappears into the kitchen. The door closes behind
him,leaving the family sitting around the table in awkward
silence. Hurriedly, Nicola tries to start some conversation.
So Mike has me down as Public
Enemy No.1 has he?
He's done a grand job framing you
for murder. I take it he was
Mike had no further use for Ray,
so, when he found out I was
coming, it gave him a perfect
He isn't having everything his own
way. Whilst Jack is still alive,
his plan is being hampered. At
least it explains everything, why
Mike tried to kill him. Wished I'd
sussed it all sooner.
I'm glad Andy was there to save
Very heroic of him.
Well at least Jack made an effort
to like him. He's been more of a
father to me than you ever have. I
mean, look at you, I've been here
an hour and you've hardly spoken
two words.
Maybe that's because I think you
shouldn't be here.
I didn't have to come. I spent the
whole of last night on a park
bench in order to track you two


                       EMMA (cont'd)
down, and this is the thanks I
She's right. We hoped for help
from our time and Emma is here.
What's your problem?
She came here using a method I
didn't authorise. Gerry had no
right to change things without my
He didn't, I gave him permission
in your absence.
If she hadn't, I wouldn't be
sitting here now.
She takes the watch out of her pocket and hands it to Tom.
Gerry told me this would get us
all back home. Isn't that reason
enough to come here?
Tom snatches the watch rudely from her and flips open the
cover to examine it curiously before sitting back resignedly
in his chair.
You stayed on a park bench, you
What the hell has that got to do
with anything?
You had this on your wrist all
No, I took it off and hid it
inside my coat pocket so it didn't
Well if you had looked at it, you
might have noticed it's not
The light has gone out, that means
no signal is being received. It
can only mean one thing. There's
no link from the other end. So


                       TOM (cont'd)
much for Gerry's technology.
No, it can't be.
Welcome to the past, Emma. Now
we're all stuck here.
He slings the watch back at Emma, who looks at the dimmed
light in shock.
Mike is studying a laptop display of data, sipping from a
brandy he has procured from Tom's drinks cabinet. The door
slides open and a man in a lab coat comes in.
We've run the tests as you asked
and we've found a ten second
period where the machine was
working. Funny thing is, it was
automatically shut down again
straight away.
Well I've got the report back from
the Government computers. That ten
second period was just prior to my
own arrival here. Tom definitely
went through time, question is, we
can't locate where. Any luck with
the computers from here?
No, the data has been encrypted.
That's why you couldn't trace
anything from your computers
Only Larner would know how to do
that and knowing him, he'd want to
be the first to test the new
equipment so they wouldn't have
risked sending a mere technician
on a such a crucial test run.
Don't forget that protective field
field. Gerry maybe clever enough
to operate it but not to create
it. I know you weren't impressed
but it was a very complex set-up.
Mike rubs his chin thoughtfully.


Complex you say? How very
interesting. I think it's time I
had another word with him, He
seems to know a lot more than he's
been telling us.
Tom is sitting despondently at the table, looking blankly at
Jack's watch through a magnifying glass. Sighing in
frustration, he throws the watch back down and puts his head
in his hands. On the sofa nearby, Nicola and Emma view his
despair silently and he glares at them angrily.
It's no good looking at me like
that. There's nothing we can do
and you know it. Without that
signal we're as useless as a
tomato on a cheese and onion
Tom, we have to figure out a way
back. Mike's story will only hold
up as long as we're here. If I can
get back, I can present a case,
prove that I didn't own a gun or
have a motive to kill Ray. It
would be my word against his!
She has a point. Mike won't be
expecting us to return. The
advantage is ours if we can just
find a route back.
I know that. We also need to find
Jack too, he's the key to all
this. I just wish I knew how he
broke this watch and where he got
it from. It might help.
Tom sighs and picks up his magnifying glass to study the
watch again. Eric enters the room, a newspaper in his hand.
Engrossed in what he is reading, he goes to sit down beside
Nicola but Emma's watch is in his way on the arm of the
chair. Irritated, he picks the watch up and places it down
on the table in front of Tom before returning to his seat to
read his paper. Tom looks away from Jack's watch and sees
Emma's next it. Picking it up, he looks at each watch in
either hand in dawning realisation.
Off course! I'm an idiot! The
missing parts will be in Emma's
watch! That's how I can fix it!
It's a great idea but if we have
no signal, what use is it?


Oh, they'll be a signal. It won't
be ours I'll be hunting out
though, it'll be Mike's at the
Government Research Centre. Now we
have Emma's watch, we have the
range and capacity to utilise the
best of both watches.
Why not just use my watch then,
see if locates the other signal?
I want to find out everything
about this watch. The only way to
do that is to get it fully
functional. If it gets us back to
our time, it may help us find out
more about Jack.
Okay, say it does get us back,
don't you think it be dangerous to
arrive at the Government Labs?
Mike will have us arrested the
moment we arrive.
We won't be arriving at a place
where we can get arrested. I'll
make sure of that.
How exactly?
He holds up a watch in each hand.
Let me get this fixed and I'll
The office door slides opens and Gerry is flung into the
room by a guard and manhandled into the chair before Tom's
desk, with Mike sitting mockingly behind it.
Comfortable in that chair are you?
Mike gestures for the guard to leave the room.
I would worry far more about
yourself at the moment, Gerry.
What is it you want?
The truth,for starters. Where is
Tom Larner?


Don't you mean Jack Larner?
To know he was Jack, you must have
spoken to him. Therefore he was in
the laboratory. I've checked my
computers, I know he travelled
through time, the trace was
detected just before I arrived. I
want to know where exactly he
I don't know.He was standing on
the dais and the computer kicked
in automatically. He vanished into
time just as the computer broke
down again. He obviously didn't
repair the circuitry properly.
Did the computer conveniently
encrypt the information of his
destination as well?
I wasn't aware of that. You
arrived before I could run a
diagnostic check on the computers.
How convenient. If I weren't such
a suspicious person, I'd say you
sabotaged the computer before I
In one minute? You only have to
look at your time log and that of
Jack's departure to know I'm
telling the truth.
Mike nods in agreement and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Okay, Gerry, say I buy your story.
Why was Jack at the labs at all?
He wanted to see how his ideas had
advanced since his time. He was
aghast at the damage you caused,
therefore he tried to use his
limited knowledge to help us fix
I hope you have evidence to
support that claim.
I could prove it if I wanted to.


I'd worry more about yourself
right now. You are on a charge of
breaching Government Instructions
to suspend this project. I have
influence in high places; you help
me, I'll help you, it's as simple
as that.
All I can tell you is that I gave
him some diagrams to work from. He
completed the job I gave him quite
well, or so I thought. When we'd
finished, he wanted to do a test
run on the equipment, but for one
minute only. When he walked over
to the dais, the computers started
an automatic program sequence and
he vanished. Once he'd gone, they
just packed up again.
What was the plan after that, if
Jack hadn't vanished?
We never got round to discussing
Come on, Gerry, you can do better
than that. You knew we'd get
inside the labs sooner or later,
time was against you, you
therefore must have had a plan.
You wouldn't have got all your
staff in to fix the damage
otherwise. Now what was it?
Gerry looks away obstinately and Mike withdraws a pistol
from his holster and taps gently it to emphasise his point.
I've been quite pleasant with you
so far, Gerry, but if you choose
to reward that kindness by
covering Larner's back, I can
reward you in two ways. Your life
here and now or the life of that
pretty girl you've just started
dating. If I choose her, she won't
be pretty for much longer, do you
Okay, okay, Jack wanted to help me
get everyone back to their own
time. Is that good enough for you?
Mikes smiles cruelly and puts his gun back inside his jacket
and stares back at Gerry in amusement.


That's much better Gerry, except I
still don't believe a computer,
even if if repaired incorrectly,
could have run an automatic
programme on it's own without some
form of input. Therefore, someone
must have fed in the information.
It wasn't me, and it couldn't have
been Jack, he didn't have the
That's as maybe, but he did have
the diagrams, the ones you gave
him. It only takes a minute to
feed in the information. Think
carefully, did you leave him alone
at the computer console for any
period of time during the repairs?
No, I was with him the whole time,
I went to get some coffees, he was
alone then.
You don't think it's possible that
during those few moments alone
that he fed that programme into
the computer? He's betrayed you,
Gerry. He did to you what he did
to Simon Linstead. He set you up;
he was never interested in getting
Tom back here, he just wanted to
get home to his own time and you
were fool enough to let him do it.
It wasn't like that.
It's the price you pay for stupid
loyalty Gerry. He's gone home and
left you to face the music.
Never. He went back to fetch Tom
and when he does come back, your
plan will be ruined.
It would be foolish of either of
them to return here because if
they do, it'll mean death...for


                       MIKE (cont'd)
both of them.
Eric is watching the monitors closely as Tom continues to
work on Jack's watch. Moments later, he lifts it up to his
eye and sees a bright blue light shining brightly and he
hands it to Emma, who is standing beside him.
I think that should do it.
About time.
Will it definitely get us back?
I've expanded the frequency on
this so it will locate the
Government's time machine. Since
ours is dead, it's the only place
we can probably get back to.
Are you sure we're not going to
get arrested as soon as we arrive?
I can't guarantee anything, but
look on the bright side. It'll
give you a perfect chance to give
your side of events, won't it?
Eric is alerted by the sight of two Police cars screeching
into his driveway on the monitor.
You definitely have finished those
repairs, haven't you?
Well I'll need a quick test run
first, just to be sure.
You haven't time for that, the
Police are on their way up the
driveway. Bobby must have
convinced them you were here. You
have to leave straight away.
I haven't had the chance to test
this, though, anything could go
If it's ready for testing, it's
ready for use,surely?


The sound of car doors slamming can be heard from outside.
You have to go, now!
Tom slips the watch on his wrist and gestures to Nicola and
Emma to join him. There is a loud banging on the door and a
voice shouts from outside.
Open up!
Hold onto my arm, both of you.
Emma and Nicola grab his arm. Tom flips open the watch cover
and activates the watch. All three are surrounded in a blue
haze before they disappear.Eric grabs the remainder of
Emma's watch and throws it into his pocket as the banging
continues outside. He sighs in relief and walks over to the
door and opens it to find two irate policeman outside.
Good Morning, Gentlemen, what
seems to be the problem?!
Ray's Office is in a dusty and messy condition from where it
has been left following it's owners death. A blue haze in
the corner appears abruptly and Tom, Nicola and Emma appear.
They all look around them in concern. They collectively sigh
in relief as they see it is empty.
We made it.
So it seems but let's use the
transmat to get out of here before
we're discovered.
Tom nods and moves over to the transmat. He looks up and
sees the blue circular light above it is unlit.
Mike's not taking any chances. He
must have suspected we might come
back here. We'll have to use the
watch to leave, but first, we have
to know the situation.
Tom moves over to Ray's desk and switches on the huge TV on
the wall. A cartoon is showing and Tom raises a surprised
I never knew Ray had a sense of


He needed one working here.
Tom grins and continues to manipulate the channels from
Ray's desk until a picture of a reporter outside the Larner
Institute shows up on screen doing a piece to camera.
Tom Larner hasn't been seen since
this morning, but it is believed
he was here at the Larner
Institute this afternoon, but no
further details of any arrest have
been made public. Their priority
is still to find and interview
Nicola Larner in relation to the
death of Ray Stone. Police have
not ruled out the family being
together at this time and
following today's events, the
Larner Institute has been closed
down and all work suspended until
they are found.
So Mike has taken this one step
further. He's trying to get us
closed down. I still wish I knew
what his motives were, every
action he takes seems so venomous,
yet I've never met the man before
yesterday. It's so bizarre.
We have to get out of here and
find Jack. He may have the answers
we need.
What I don't understand is what he
was doing here? I left him at
Andy's to rest, there was no
reason for him to come here.
Whatever his motives, we have to
find him. At the moment, it's our
word against Mike's. Find Jack and
can expose him for the fraud that
he is.
If you're right about his
influence over the Government,
he's more likely to be believed
than us.
Then it's up to us to influence
their thinking in our favour. I
said I wanted to find out his
motives. He must have an office
round here somehow, it may contain
the answers we need.


Are you nuts? Security must know
we're here. We have to get out of
Do you want your Mother banged up
in jail?
Off course not.
Then let's find out what we can
while we are here. If security is
so great, they'd have found us by
now, wouldn't they?
Switching of the TV, Tom heads to the door and it slides
open. Peeking his head out, he sees the corridor is clear
and he gestures to the other two to follow. Almost
immediately, voices can be heard as two security guards
approach from down the corridor. They hurriedly dash back
inside the office. Outside, the two guards hear movement
from up ahead. The trio hear the voices come closer and
closer. Tom grabs his watch, as the ladies take his arm.
They vanish as the guards enter the room.The look cautiously
round and one of them passes by the telly and sniffs as he
smells some heat. He steps back and feels it with his hand.
Hey, this is warm.
The other guard looks down at the controls on the desk.
                       GUARD 2
Some of these controls have no
dust on them. Someone's been in
here, alert security.
Further down the corridor from Ray's office, the trio appear
in a blue haze. Tom grabs Nicola's hand and they run down
the corridor, Emma running just behind them.An alarm begins
to sound as shouting can be heard from close by.
That's blown it, now we're in
That watch is supposed to get us
out of trouble, not in it!
Stop stating the obvious. I just
need a few minutes to reset
things, that's all. We have to
find Mike's office.


Just operate it and boost the
power. It worked before.
The voices are getting closer and Tom grabs her hand once
We haven't time, now come on!
Chaos seems to breaking out everywhere. The alarms continue
to ring incessantly as the guards close in. Tom is dashing
between rooms, Nicola and Emma in tow.
Tom, what are you doing? Let's get
ina room before they find us!
I don't want any old room, I want
Mike's office. It has to be here
Why exactly?
It's important, that's why.
Tom dashes up to every door they come across. Suddenly he
spots Mike's name on an office door. He touches a handpad
beside it but it is locked. Grabbing his watch, Tom
activates it and instantly vanishes.
The two guards from the office appear from the other end of
the corridor and they spot them immediately and raise their
Stay where you are. Don't move!
Emma and Nicola raises their hands as the guards come
closer. Suddenly the door behind them slides open and a pair
of hands drags the two women inside and as the guards
approach, the door slams shut in their faces.
Tom taps on the keypad and a red light comes on,
Locked. They won't be able to get
The two ladies take a deep breath and Emma gasps in relief.
Was that really necessary? We
nearly got arrested.


Stop moaning, I only had enough
time to move one of us to get the
door open. You're safe aren't you?
There's a banging on the door and Nicola looks at him,
Not for much longer, I feel.
Tom doesn't reply and heads for the transmat circle and
operates the controls but as in Ray's office, it is dead.
Let's use what time we have to our
advantage. You two search all the
drawers and cupboards whilst I
programme this watch to get us out
of here.
Tom sits down at Mike's desk and starts making adjustments
to the watch. Nicola and Emma start searching through the
drawers in Mike's desk. All the time, the banging on the
doors is intensifying as the search becomes frantic.
This is hopeless. We're wasting
valuable time doing this and I
can't concentrate with all this
noise going on outside.
If you spend less time whinging,
you might find something. I'm
nearly done here.
What exactly are we looking for?
Anything you think might be useful
or incriminating, now will you get
As Nicola and Emma continue their search, Tom quickly
finishes resets the controls on the watch. Once he has
finished, he taps it like an old friend and looks up.As he
does so, his attention is drawn to a bookcase next to the
door. Several books on time travel can be seen but Tom picks
out one book in particular, labelled SIMON LINSTEAD: A
walks over to the bookcase and flicks through a few pages as
the door suddenly starts to heave from outside.
Tom, the watch, now!
One moment.
He flicks through a few more pages and stops as a shocked
expression crosses his face.


I don't believe it.
As the door bulges inwards, Emma rushes over to Tom and with
Nicola, they push the book to the floor and she presses the
button on the watch. They all disappear as the door bursts
open. A squad of security guards enter the room and look
inside, perplexed looks on their faces at the empty room.
Tom, Nicola and Emma reappear in a corridor inside the
Larner institute. Tom frees himself angrily from their
What did you do that for? I wanted
to bring that book with me, it had
all the answers we needed inside
We hadn't time for reading, we
were about to get arrested.
You're an idiot. That book could
have helped clear your Mother.
In what way?
It doesn't matter now, does it? We
can't go back and get it. We shall
have to revert to Plan A and to
find Jack. He's our only hope now.
We have to get back to the lab and
find out where he went.
Nicola looks around them in despair.
I wondered why you brought us back
here. Hardly the lab is it though?
That watch is going to get us into
trouble sooner or later. I thought
you'd repaired it.
The co-ordinates must have been a
little off. Anyway, where does it
matter where we arrived, it got us
here, didn't it?
I think trouble has come sooner
than you think.


She points ahead of them where a lone guard is pointing a
pistol at them.
Mike is studying some information on his laptop. On his
screen is a map of the Institute. From a section, there is a
beeping and he smiles. Reaching across, he presses a button
on Tom's desk and a security guard appears on the screen.
Mr Tyler?
I want all guards withdrawn from
here immediately, do you
Please don't be annoying and start
asking questions, there's a good
chap. Just do as I ask, please?
The guard nods reluctantly and Mike leans back in Tom's
chair and rubs his pistol gently.
The Guard advances towards the trio, his pistol still
Stay where you are. You're all
under arrest.
It's Jenkins, isn't it?
Yes, Sir.
Well I don't know if you've
realised it,Jenkins, I'm still in
charge here. This is my Institute,
I'm sorry, sir, but my orders were
to take you in for questioning. Mr
Tyler is most anxious to speak to
That's very sociable of him.
Up against the wall, all of you.


Jenkins gestures to them to move as he has instructed and
they back up against a wall, their hands raised. A voice
suddenly can be heard from Jenkins radio.
Jenkins, you there?
As Jenkins reaches for his radio, Tom elbows him in the
stomach and knocks him to the floor, the gun flying to the
ground. They roll over and over, fighting to get possession
of the gun. Emma manages to get between them and picks it up
and aims it at them. Realising he is defeated, Jenkins gets
to his feet and raises his hands in the air. Breathlessly,
Tom stands up and holds out his hand.
Jenkins hands over the radio and Tom looks around and sees a
door nearby. Opening it up, he sees a small cupboard and
smiling, he gestures Jenkins to get inside.
Get in
Jenkins walks slowly inside the cupboard, Emma's gun pointed
firmly at him. Tom uses a keypad on the side of the door and
it slams shut and he leans his face against the door.
By the way, you're fired!
You can't just leave him in there.
Why not? It'll keep him quiet for
a while until this has blown over.
Tom slams the radio to the floor and treads on it, smashing
it to bits.
I don't want him informing
everyone else we're here. Now
let's get to the laboratory, shall
How do we get there if the place
is swarming with guards?
The watch off course-ut oh.
Tom looks despondently at the watch.
Now what?
Tom shows her the watch, it's cover has been smashed and the
display on the inside is cracked, the light dimmed.


It's broken. No power left in it
at all. It must have happened in
that scuffle back there.
Then we have to use the transmats.
What if they've been deactivated
as well?
Then we'll have to find another
way to the lab, after all, we own
the place, I know a few routes
down there Mike and his men may be
unaware of.
Mike watches as the signal on his laptop suddenly stops and
he closes it gently, pausing for a moment to consider.
Suddenly grabbing his gun, he heads for the door.
The reception area is deserted as the doors from the
corridor open slightly and Tom sticks his head around the
door. Seeing it is empty, he steps out cautiously, followed
by the others. Nicola looks around them in surprise.
Oh, I must have taken the wrong
corridor. We're in reception.
Lucky for you there's no guards
here then, isn't it?
Why though? Surely this would be
the first place Mike would put
You're right. Since we left
Jenkins we've seen no guards at
all. I thought we'd have been
spotted by now.
Tom walks over to the transmat and looks up. The light above
is shining brightly and he shakes his head in disbelief.
Now why would Mike leave our
Transmats operating? This has all
the hallmarks of a trap.He clearly
wants us somewhere, but where?


Somewhere where he can humiliate
you no doubt.
Tom rubs his head thoughtfully before looking up sharply.
The laboratory. Has to be. He must
want one last opportunity to
destroy us and get us out of the
How can you be so sure?
I'm not.If that's where he wants
us, that's where we'll be. Best
not disappoint him.
Tom operates the transmat and gestures them to follow.
Reluctantly they step onto the circle and moments later they
have gone.
The trio appear in the transmat in the laboratory. Tom puts
his hand up to stop them exiting and peeks out cautiously
but the lab is deserted and in darkness. He steps out of the
circle and the lights flicker on as he looks around at the
new equipment, intrigued at the new set-up.
Wow, it seems I was wrong after
all. Gerry really has gone to town
on this place.
He walks over to the dais and examines the light beams at
close range.
Remind me to give Gerry a pay
rise. This is amazing work.
They can't have closed this placed
completely if the auto-light
system is still functioning.
That's because we're not the only
ones here. I'm disappointed.
Thought they'd be a welcome
committee at least.
It does seem strange that we've
been allowed to wander round
freely like this. If he wanted us
here, where is he?


I don't know, but whilst we're
waiting, I'll check the computer
banks and find out where Jack
went. That way we can clear your
Tom moves back of the dais and back to he console, but a
voice behind him stops him in his tracks.
You'll do no such thing, Tom.
Mike is standing in the doorway behind them, flanked by two
guards, all of them armed. Mike points his pistol at Emma.
Drop the weapon.
Emma throws the gun to the floor in contempt and one of the
guards picks it up as Mike addresses them.
You two. Outside. I can handle
The two guards nod and exit the room. Mike returns his
attention to Tom and Nicola, looking at them in equal
disdain, his pistol hovering between them.
Well, Tom, you're looking well for
a dead man. How did you escape
that accident?
It's called having friends, you
should try it sometime.
For a man with a gun pointed at
him, you should be more careful
than to use childish witticisms on
me. Now, where's Jack?
I don't know.
I won't ask again, where is he?
Mike raises his pistol slightly but Tom stands firm.
We haven't seen Jack since we got
Gerry told me he planned to go
back to 2188 to rescue you. He
vanished into time of his own
accord to help you three
apparently. If he found you, he
almost certainly returned here
with you to give Nicola an alibi.


                       MIKE (cont'd)
Now I ask you again, where is he?
We haven't seen him. He must be
back in his own time and staying
there where he belongs.
You can't relax can you? He could
turn up at anytime and give me the
alibi I need.
If he comes back here, he dies.
Confidence with the arrogance to
succeed. How like Simon Linstead
you really are.
I didn't get the chance to tell
you, did I? That book I found in
his office, it detailed the life
and times of Simon Linstead.
Released from prison after twenty
years, he was still young enough
to start a family. One of his
great grand-daughters married a
guy called Samuel Tyler...Mike's
Simon Linstead is his ancestor?
Mike's face clouds in anger.
So you know, it doesn't change
Well if you're going to kill us,
I'd hate to go without knowing all
the facts. You see, I thought
initially your sole aim of
swapping me with Jack Larner was
so you could close down the entire
project here and take over the
time travel project for yourself.
It was always more than that,
though, wasn't it? I said to you,
Nicola, that everything that has
happened is down to that one
incident in Linstead's office two
hundred years ago, and I was
right, wasn't I?


Simon Linstead was denied the Time
Controllers job by the treacherous
antics of your ancestor. If he
hadn't been framed he would have
continued with the job that was
rightfully his.
Simon Linstead's only contribution
to the project was the time field.
The rest of the project he stole
from Jack. Not only that, he was
being used by Bobby Drake, a
notorious criminal from the 22nd
century who wanted time travel
technology for his own criminal
He would never have let himself be
corrupted like that.
That's because your viewpoint is
clouded. You're refusing to
believe he did anything wrong,
well I've been there, I know
Mike's face seems to grow angrier by the second and Nicola
puts a warning hand on his arm.
Careful, don't make him mad.
Relax, Nicola, He sent me back to
2188, he knows I speak the truth.
I saw everything that happened in
that office. I saw Jack provoke
Simon into killing Derek
Farrington. I saw him use that
watch device to go back in time so
he could give himself an alibi.
Because of Jack Larner, Simon
spent twenty years in jail for a
crime he didn't commit.
If he hadn't raised that gun in
the first place, he wouldn't have
shot anyone. You do know Jack was
his intended victim, don't you?
That poor fellow Derek tried to
intervene but paid for it with his
How could you possibly know that?


Jack's friend Eric Dawson. Jack
told him everything that occurred
in the office that day.
You believed him? Jack was clearly
spinning his lies to him as well.
Whilst I was back in that time
period, I met Bobby Drake. I saw
what he was capable off. He was a
nasty piece of work, had he got
his hands on time travel, the
consequences would have
catastrophic. Jack realised that,
that was why he took the action he
Lies, all lies. Jack was jealous
Simon got the job. If the shooting
hadn't happened, he'd have made
time travel work. Jack ruined any
chance he had of proving himself.
If my co-ordinates hadn't been a
few seconds off, he'd have had
that chance. I could have proved
Simon's innocence, but but by the
time I arrived, Derek was already
dead. Jack escaped before I had
chance to shoot him.
So when that plan failed you
swapped him over with me to
discredit the case against Simon
whilst at the same time
discrediting me here. I still what
you hoped to acheive if the
Government got sole control of the
Time Travel project. You'd still
be their lapdog, not in full
control as I susoect you want.
With this pathetic place closed
down and you two out of the
picture, I think a grateful
Government, with my financial
support off course, would
willingly let me rename and reopen
the Government labs as the new
Linstead Institute. One project
with me in control, just as it
should have happened with Simon.
You certainly went to great
lengths to achieve that aim.


How could I resist? During my
research on that period, I found
Jack Larner's picture. You are
like two peas in a pod. How could
I resist such an idea? It was
You didn't do your research very
well, did you? Nicola tells me
Jack has had his appendix removed.
Mine is still intact. Hardly
perfection is it?
An oversight, I agree.
What about the hit-and-run? Was
that a mistake too?
There was no hit and run. Jack's
injuries were sustained from his
injury in 2188. All I did was
leave him lying in the middle of
the road. It was assumed he had a
hit and run accident but in this
day and age, with so few cars on
the road, was that really likely?
Why didn't you kill him straight
away? You must have had a reason?
Jack needed to serve a purpose
before he died. To convince you
all he really was Tom, but with
his mind broken. An early death
before his memory recovered would
have given me the chance to close
this hole down due to his mental
instability. Off course he had to
die before his memory returned but
then circumstances became out of
my control.
He looks angrily at Emma, who shrugs, unafraid.
I can't help it if my boyfriend is
a hero, can I?
Seeing Mike's increasing anger, Tom hurriedly diverts his
Yes, you didn't bank on me getting
out of that accident alive, did
you? That must have worried you.


That was an unexpected
development, as was Jack still
being alive here. Neither were
part of my plan. If he has
returned to the past, there's no
way he would have stayed hidden
forever. Maybe he died travelling
through the vortex.
Maybe. Or maybe he'll come back
here and then your plans really
will go up in smoke, won't they?
He won't have the chance. Once my
business is concluded here, I'll
track him down and kill him. My
plan will be complete.
Ah yes, your plan. It was very
well thought out. It's nice to see
the Linstead family has retained
it's propensity for deviousness.
Sabotaging your own experiments to
force a merger really should've
have given me a clue.
Poor old Ray didn't have a clue
either, did he? Was it necessary
to kill him?
His death was always part of my
plans. Your interference just
brought it forward a few days,
that's all.
Tom sighs and looks at Nicola.
And you thought I was obsessed
with the past.
Mike moves closer to Tom, shoving the gun closer to his
You don't get it, do you? Whatever
his shortcomings, Simon served his
time and should have been allowed
back on the project. Twenty years
before he got parole and even then
he wasn't allowed anywhere near
it. The Government simply turned
their backs on him. No-one in my
family was interested in helping
him. They saw what happened and
didn't want the hassle. Not me,
though, I wasn't going to let all
his work just slip into history.
You had to be stopped. If you'd


                       MIKE (cont'd)
stayed where I'd left you, I would
have succeeded. By coming back
here you've signed your own death
warrants. I've come too far to let
you stop me now.
Spoken like a true Linstead. I'm
sure Simon would have been proud.
Enough! It ends right here, Tom.
Now get away from those consoles
and stand over there.
He points to the wall with his gun and with their hands
raised, they stand where he has indicated.
What are you going to do with us?
You're all going on a another
little trip through time. This
time, though, there'll be no time
field protection, so even if you
don't scatter first, you'll be
dead on arrival.
You can't be serious.
Mike brandishes his gun and aims it at her. Emma steps back
slightly as Tom tries again to divert his attention.
Does it look as if I'm joking?
Hasn't this gone far enough, Mike?
Stop now before you end up like
Simon. You don't want to do twenty
years like he did do you?
Prison is worth it if I get
revenge for Simon.
That's a very childish attitude.
Well as the old saying goes, your
family started it.
Mike moves to the console and manipulates the controls, his
gun still aimed squarely at them. Moments later he turns
round to face them all and his gun moves over to Emma.


You, move onto the dais. One wrong
move and you'll be dead long
before you enter the vortex.
Her hands still in the air, Emma moves from the wall, past
the console to the dais. As Mike moves out of earshot,
Nicola edges closer to Tom.
Why doesn't he just kill us here
and now?
If he kills us here, he
incriminates himself. Getting us
out of the way allows him to
concoct another story to suit his
We can't allow him to send Emma
through time unprotected. It'd
kill her. Shame your watch was
broken, we could have used it to
save her...
She tails of as Tom quickly nods and slowly starts to lower
his arms to his pocket. He stops dead as Mike swings his gun
round to face them and moves angrily to the controls.
Manipulating them, a blue haze appears, but not round Emma
but Tom and Nicola and he smiles cruelly.
There, that should keep you two
quiet for a while.
A loud hum rises in the room and Emma stands back slightly
on the dais, alarmed. Mike places a hand over the computer
screen and smirks at her.
Have a pleasant trip, my dear!
Inside the haze, Tom is struggling to move his hand to his
pocket where the watch is, but is unable to do so. As Emma
vanishes from the dais, he yells out loudly in distress.
Mike laughs manically and switches off the haze, his gun
pointing at them. In the few seconds his head is turned,
Tom's hand dives straight into his pockets briefly to
retrieve the watch and slip it into his hand. He quickly
raises his hands just as Mike turns back to them.
That was so much fun!
      (Through gritted
If you've killed her-


You'll do nothing, it's too late
for her now. Now get on that dais,
the pair of you.
They walk side by side to the dais, Mike covering them with
his gun as he follows. Nicola glances at Tom, who shakes his
head, indicating it is not the right time to use the watch.
They enter the dais and Mike stands at the console, looking
at them triumphantly.
So this is it then, Tom. The
culmination of a week's work well
done don't you think?
Gloating doesn't suit you, Mike.
Stop it.
Why not? Your family took
everything away from us. Now it's
finished, this project will be
closed down and the time travel
project will now be mine and my
family's, just as it should have
been all along.
You still have Jack Larner to
contend with yet.
I'll find him and as he's a
Larner, I think I can deal with
him easily enough.
As Mike heads back to the console, Tom hurriedly flips open
the watch cover and presses a button, but the blue light is
not there. As Mike looks up, he holds hands with Nicola so
as to conceal the watch. Mike operates the controls at the
console and as he quickly looks away, Tom grabs the watch
and slaps it against his leg to no avail. A loud hum can
heard as the lasers above begin to operate. Nicola holds her
face in anguish as the beams become brighter. Beside her,
Tom desperately tries to get the watch to work, but his body
starts gradually to fade away. Beside him, Nicola is
disappearing also. The watch falls from his grasp to the
floor. The knock shakes it back into life. At the console,
there is an enormous explosion from the circuitry below.
Mike is flung to one side, his gun dropping to the floor.
Tom and Nicola reappear into view. The light beams above
them start to hit random spots on the dais, creating black
holes in the floor. Grabbing the watch, Tom takes Nicola by
the hand and they jump of the dais. The spots are getting
wider and are now starting to adjoin, creating a single,
black hole. A wind blows up inside the lab. Mike tries to
grab his gun but Tom kicks it away.


We have to close down the whole
system or we'll all be dragged
into the vortex.
Nicola dashes to the console but more explosions follow, as
fire starts to creep over the computers, keeping her away.
The hole is now starting to widen on the dais. In amongst
the chaos, Nicola spots Emma has reappeared. She is lying
dazed near the hole as Mike makes another attempt to grab
the gun and she sprints back onto the dais and drags her
away from danger. Tom and Mike are now struggling to get to
the gun but both of them are now being sucked towards the
hole.Tom punches Mike hard to the floor but his adversary
clambers to his feet and vengefully pushes Tom towards the
hole. Tom tips over the edge but holds onto the spare piece
of floor in despair. Mike kicks at his hands as he tries to
avoid being sucked in himself. Nicola sees the gun nearby
and dives for it through the pull of the hole. With some
difficulty she grabs the gun and shoots at Mike. With a loud
scream, Mike falls into the hole and she crawls through the
strong wind to try to save Tom. She offers her hand as he
struggles to get out. The hole is widening still further as
the ledge Tom is holding onto vanishes and he loses his
grip. With one last desperate look at Nicola, he disappears
into the hole.
Another explosion comes from the computer and abruptly, the
laser beams cut out and the holes vanish as everything
returns to normal. Nicola crawls over to the spot where Tom
has disappeared and lowers her head in despair.
Oh, Tom.
From across the room, Emma has come to and she looks bleary
eyed at her mother.
Pulling herself together, Nicola takes a deep breath, wipes
away her tears and smiles reassuringly at Emma.
Are you okay?
Dad...what happened to him?
That watch, your father realised
if there was power left in it, it
would would counter the
timestream. Two pockets of time in
one space, caused disruption in
the vortex. He saved all our


Then where is he, Mum? What
happened to Mike?
Nicola looks away, tears streaming down her cheeks.
The two time periods clashed and
blew the computers. Mike and your
father fell through into the
vortex. I'm afraid they're either
lost in time.....or dead.
The tears flow faster as Emma struggles to her feet, and
looks at the burning consoles nearby.
Then we can't get them back.
Nicola shakes her head in despair and Emma's tears are
tempered by her determination to take action.
Then we have to use the Government
time machine to get them back.
No, we can't. Mike had programmed
an unknown destination far back in
time. With the computers
destroyed, we've no indication of
what he had mind. Without that
information we don't know where
they went or even if they arrived
Emma lowers her head despondently as the doors burst open
and Boaten and Avery enter the room, escorted by several
uniformed officers, some of them armed, their weapons aimed
straight at them.
Mrs Larner, there you are at last.
I'm afraid the game is up, you're
under arrest.....
He tails of as he sees the damage to the computer console.
What the hell has happened here?
Tell your men to put their guns
away. I didn't murder Ray Stone.
Mike Tyler did. Thanks to him, my
husband is now stranded in time or
even worse...dead.
She's telling the truth. She's
innocent as I always told you she


If you're telling the truth then
where is Mike Tyler? We should
like to talk to him.
Like my husband, he's lost in
time. Lost where we can never find
How very convenient. You have
proof to back your statement, have
Everything that has happened in
the last two days has been as a
result of Mike Tyler's actions. He
used the time machine at the
Government institute to swap Tom
with someone similar looking from
2188 called Jack Larner.
We were under the impression the
Government Time machine was having
That's because Mike sabotaged it
to make it look that way.
It's no use, Mum, they don't
believe us. Our only hope is to
find Jack Larner. Maybe the
Government Time Machine will come
in handy after all. We know where
he went. If got there safely, we
can go back and get him.
So where exactly is this Jack
Larner? We shall need to speak to
him as well.
I'm right here, Inspector.
They all swing round to see Jack standing on the dais. The
armed police raise their weapons but Avery gestures to them
to ease off as he moves cautiously of the dais to join them.
Jack, where the hell have you
been? Everyone has been looking
for you.
Well two minutes ago, I was
repairing your computer for you.
Seems to have been a waste of time
by the looks of things.


How did you end up here then?
I sent myself here.
Excuse me, but I'm asking the
questions here. You, sir. These
ladies ludicrously claim you are
from the past and a Mr. Mike Tyler
swapped you with an individual
from this time period. Can you
confirm that please?
I can confirm that isn't true.
What? Mike Tyler told me he had
swapped you, it must be true.
Are you saying the story these
ladies have told me is incorrect?
I said nothing of the sort. You
asked me if Mike had swapped me
with Tom Larner. He didn't.
Emma and Nicola exchange anxious glances as Jack walks over
to the spot where Tom fell through the hole.
When Mike Tyler was doing his
research on Simon Linstead, he
couldn't believe his luck when he
found an ancestor of Tom's with
such a good likeness. He thought
Jack was the creator of time
travel, a project brought about by
the death of his parents as a
young child. What he didn't
realise was that Jack Larner had
only been in existence for six
months in 2188. You see, Jack had
had a little accident.
He points to the spot where Tom had vanished.
He'd fallen through a hole, you
see. Lost in time, the computer
sent him to the last place
directed by the computer. Mike's
co-ordinates hadn't yet been
accepted by the computer and I
programmed the computer to wipe my
little journey from the computer
before I left. Therefore it


                       JACK (cont'd)
directed him to 2188, only this
time, the disruption in the vortex
blew him back slightly further
than expected and he ended up six
months before the point he had
visited 2188 previously.
Nicola looks at him in realisation and walks slowly towards
Tom nods and opens his arms out and both Emma and Nicola
rush into his arms. Boaten and Avery exchange confused looks
before the former rudely pulls them apart to address Tom.
Will someone please tell me what
is going on here? You, are you now
saying you are not Jack Larner?
Inspector, Jack Larner never
existed.He was an invention of
mine to get me through those six
months until time caught up on
itself and the all the events that
took place in Simon Linstead's
office occurred. I realised that
Mike would swap me over with
myself and return me home. During
that time I had to ensure all the
events that I'd known Jack to have
undertaken had to be followed
through to the letter, This
included setting up the Larner
Institute and seeking out Eric
You created a paradox. How could
you have followed the actions of
something that hadn't happened
True, but from our point of view
it did happen! It was weird,
knowing one simple mistake could
ruin everything. Everything had to
run perfectly as history had said
until Mike swapped me back.When he
started trailing me, I knew the
time was close.
That shooting in Simon's Office,
you had to follow it through? How
did you know how to avoid getting
shot when Mike got there?


Mike had already told us what
happened remember? All I had to do
was wait until his arrival, though
it still surprised me when he got
there. I used the watch to escape
before he time to shoot. That
fight with Jenkins didn't wreck it
as badly as I had thought, but it
served it's purpose and was the
key to absolutely all the events
that happened that day. I managed
to effect a repair so it could
travel from place to place and
through short distances in time.
It enabled me to be in that office
thus acting out all that I knew
that happened that day, even down
to Simon Linstead putting a gun in
my face, but I knew he wasn't
going to shoot. History said it
didn't happen after all.
So that's why you didn't repair it
properly? You had to let history
run it's course.
It's also the reason why I
couldn't use it to get the Time
Controllers job. It was far too
advanced and could have brought
transmat technology in too soon.
What about Eric? Where does he fit
into all this?
I knew when I arrived in that time
zone that I had to befriend Eric.
When I opened the Institute he
came for an interview. It was how
he met Jack, he was always going
to get the job! When I confided in
him about what had happened and
who I was, he refused to believe
who I was at first but after
events started happening as I
predicted, he started to trust me.
He used my instructions to rescue
me from that car crash and then
pretend ignorance to what had
happened to me. He then followed
my instructions to keep me safe at
the house and drop hints in where
it was needed, like putting that
watch on the table to give me the
idea of joining the two together!


No wonder he never worried about
anything, he already knew what was
going to happen! Though it would
have been helpful if you'd asked
Eric to stop Bobby Drake from
kidnapping me.
It was part of history, my
history, your history by the time
I'd gone back to 2188. If Eric had
stopped you, it would have stopped
the chain of events that led to us
being back here at this point. Not
only that, I knew you wouldn't
come to any harm.
What about your appendix?
The appendix was out of my
control. It burst a month after I
arrived, but it served a purpose
in convincing you all there was
something amiss about Jack didn't
You could have told us the truth
when you got your memory back.
No, everything had to lead back to
this point where it all started.
It's why I sent myself forward in
time to here, where it was safe
not to be Jack anymore.
All this is very well, but there
is still a matter of a murder to
Mike Tyler killed Ray Stone,
Inspector. Then he sent Nicola and
Emma back to where I was in 2188
to stop them talking. It was also
Mike who wrecked this laboratory
to stop us getting back.
He's right. Ray was already dead
when I arrived in his office. Mike
was there waiting for me, he set
me up without giving me a chance
to defend myself.
Then where is he to defend


Tom looks down at the floor where the hole had been and
scratches his head thoughtfully.
I'm not sure. Wherever he is, he's
Surely he would have followed you
through to 2188?
      (Shaking his head)
No, if he did, he would have tried
to change history and prevent
Simon shooting Derek, and he would
have tried to kill me with as
well. No, he ended up elsewhere,
I'm sure of it. Something tells me
wherever he is, we haven't seen
the last of him.
Emma is dressed in a bridal outfit as Tom sits beside her
dressed smartly in a wedding suit. Emma is breathing the air
from outside through her open window.
You're right, Dad. Travelling by
car does have it's advantages.
Well you couldn't very well appear
in church by transmat, could you?
Something tells me the vicar
wouldn't be too pleased!
I know, and I appreciate you doing
this for me.
Some things are too important to
be embraced by technology and this
is one of them. Now close that
window before you ruin your hair.
Emma closes the window and they both stare outside at the
countryside thoughtfully.
Dad, you don't think there's a
chance Mike could ruin this for
us, do you? I mean, it's been a
year and we still don't know where
he went?
You worry too much. Mike is
history, quite literally.


What if he isn't though?
Tom takes her hand and holds it gently.
Listen, this is your day, okay?
Stop fussing and relax.
Just forget Mike, okay? Now relax,
we're nearly there.
Emma gives him a big hug and behind her back, Tom looks
somewhat anxiously at his watch.
The Church is packed as Andy sits in the front row,
nervously twitching his hands. Beside him, his parents seem
oblivious of the fact and he he leans across the aisle and
sees Nicola, who smiles back reassuringly. At that moment, a
vicar emerges from the back of the church and Nicola gets to
her feet to greet him.
Mrs Larner, is everything okay?
I think the Groom's a bit nervous,
but otherwise we're fine. Just
waiting for the Bride now.
Don't worry, I'll put him at his
Shame the usual Vicar couldn't
make it, hope his flu gets better
soon. Thanks for stepping in at
the last moment.
It was a pleasure. Retirement is
so tiresome sometimes, it's nice
to be invited back occasionally.
An usher near the door indicates to Nicola and she nods.
Looks as if the Bride's arrived.
Then I must go and greet them.
Nicola nods as the vicar walks of down the aisle.


Behind one of the bushes facing the Church, a figure dressed
in black bends down and peers through the bushes to look at
the scene before him through a pair of binoculars. As he
pulls them away, we see it is Mike. It can be seen that in
contrast to his usual appearance, his hair is unkempt and
his eyes are wild and red-rimmed. The sound of a car
advancing makes him peer through his binoculars again and he
can see the wedding car pull up outside the gates. He
watches as the chauffeur gets out of the car and Tom and
Emma emerge, where they are greeted by the vicar. Chuckling,
he picks up a box beside him and as they walk inside the
church, his finger poises over the button. As the door
closes, he presses the button, but nothing happens.
Distraught, he presses it again-and the box is knocked out
of his hand. Jumping to his feet, he sees Tom standing
behind him, dressed in black like himself.
Hello Mike, long time, no see.
Mike looks back at the church in confusion.
You...I just saw you go in there.
Oh come now, Mike, you know how
this works by now.
Realisation hits Mike and he takes the gun from his holster
and aims it at Tom.
So, history repeats itself again
Tom, or should I call you Jack?
Put the gun down, Mike, it's all
You think I'd ever let you win,
Larner? How did you know I was
Call it gut instinct but I had the
feeling you'd try and wreck my
daughter's wedding day. I've had
this whole area covered for most
of the day and here you are, like
the predictable little weasel you
Off course I was going to be here.
Once I read that you and Jack were
the same, it made me even more
determined to get my revenge. To
think I could have killed you


If you know all that, you can't
have gone back in time. Where did
you end up?
I was thrown forward, three
months. I could have come looking
for you right away, ruin your life
there and then, but then I read
Emma was to marry and it was worth
it's weight in gold to lie low and
wait for this perfect opportunity
to get rid of your family once and
for all.
That's why I travelled forward in
time to this point. I knew you'd
try something like this and I was
right. By the way, those bombs
you've planted on each side of the
Church have been disconnected by
the way.
Does it matter? You've failed.
Mike notices the watch on Tom's wrist.
Have I now? Give me the that
Mike puts his finger tighter on the trigger and Tom
reluctantly slips it of his wrist and hands it over. Mike
puts it on his own wrist and smiles triumphantly.
Now whose failed, Larner? You
can't get back to your own time
zone, and if I kill you now.
there'll be a funeral planned at
that church rather than a wedding.
You have made one serious mistake
in coming here. This time, history
is definitely gonna change.
You'd know all about mistakes,
wouldn't you Mike? For example, do
you know what might have happened
if you hadn't made that switch?
I don't care. What's done is done.
This is now.
Maybe you should care. By making
that switch, you set in motion a
chain of circumstances that


                       TOM (cont'd)
resulted in me being there in the
first place to 'set up' Simon as
you like to call it.
You're lying to me again.
It's the truth. When you swapped
me you not only took me home to my
own time, you also did something
far greater. You disrupted the
original timeline. If I hadn't
been there, Simon I'm sure would
have eventually found the
necessary technology to discover
the time vortex and incorporating
the time field as well, he would
most certainly have been Time
Controller. As you interfered,
however, he had competition from
me which led him to being
corrupted by Bobby Drake and his
gang to start using dishonest
means to get the job. If I hadn't
intervened when I did, who knows
what would have become of the time
travel project? In criminal hands
this world could have been in
chaos. All because of your one
action did you cause one man's
death and nearly destroy
everything as we know it.
That can't be true. You can't be
certain that's what would have
Time is a difficult issue for all
of us, Mike. It has to be
monitored and tightly regulated
otherwise things like this happen.
You abused the process and Simon
and your family have ended up
suffering as a result.
Mike's finger continues to sit uncomfortably on the trigger.
His whole body seems to be trembling slightly as he become
edgy and Tom backs away slightly but Mike gestures him to
remain where he is.
If what you say is true, then I'll
just have to content myself with
victory for the here and now. And
this time there will be no
mistake. This time the bullet will
hit the target.
Mike fires and the bullet hits Tom in the chest. Tom
collapses to the ground. Time suddenly begins to blur.


Mike's joyous grin is swiftly replaced by terror as his hand
starts to fade and the gun drops to the ground. As he starts
to fade away, the scene at the church also changes. The
parked cars and wedding limo vanish, there is no sign of
life anywhere.
Tom grabs his bleeding chest in agony and lies dying as
death approaches. Around him, he can see nothing but blur.
He gasps deeper and deeper breaths-and suddenly his vision
clears. The bleeding stops and Mike suddenly reappears
before him. At the church, the cars and limo reappear. Tom
shakes his head and sits up straight, feeling his chest. The
bullet wound has gone. Seeing he is still alive, Mike goes
to grab his gun but a foot from behind him kicks it away and
he looks up to see Eric standing over him, his own gun now
pointed straight at him. He looks back at Tom in confusion.
What the hell just happened?
By shooting me, you altered your
own timeline. If you shot me now,
I wouldn't be here tomorrow for
Emma's wedding, neither would you
to shoot me.
Very clever. You should still be
dead though, I shot you, you were
You haven't met my friend Eric,
have you? He's a whiz at
predicting the future and not only
that, he's an ace at disabling
bombs. Not only that, he had a
Time Device on him I taught him to
use in case of an emergency. He
went back in time and warned me
what was to happen.
Tom opens his jacket to reveal a bullet-proof vest on
Nice work, Eric.
It wa a pleasure.
As Eric speaks, Mike seizes his chance. Snarling, he pushes
Eric over, attempting to get the gun but Eric throws it
away. Mike notices the watch on his wrists and grabs it.
Flipping open the cover of the wristwatch, he grins
triumphantly at Tom. Activating the watch, he vanishes from
sight. Tom and Eric look at each other and walk towards the
spot where he has vanished and Eric grins.
You were right, he went for the


Told you he was predictable. Which
is lucky otherwise none of this
would have been possible!
I'm glad he is, I have a sneaky
suspicion there were more bullets
left in that gun.
I knew he wouldn't go for the gun.
He couldn't shoot me without
humiliating me first. Once he
failed, he wanted to escape to
fight another day.
Will your device work?
Definetly. He'll end up at the
nearest Police Station, as
programmed. The watch will then
deactivate, just as I planned.
Don't want him escaping, do we?!
Some Copper is going to get a
shock when a fugitive ends up on
their doorstep.
Well it wouldn't have been
possible if it weren't for you.
How can I repay you?
Well seeing those young ladies
down there as they arrived, an
invite to your daughter's wedding
wouldn't go amiss!
You know you can't be seen there,
you don't belong in this time.
Well it is quieter and greener, I
give you that. Doesn't stop me
wanting to go to your daughter's
wedding though!
Tom grins and takes a watch out of his pocket and slips it
on his wrist, Eric holds onto his arm as Tom activates the
watch and they both disappear.
The wedding has just finished . Andy and Emma are walking
down the aisle towards the exit but Tom has hung back to
talk to the Vicar.


Thanks for a good ceremony, it was
most kind of you to step in at the
last minute.
It was my pleasure. I hope Andy
and Emma will be very happy
Well you are quite welcome to come
back to the reception with us and
have have a cup of tea if you
That's extremely kind of you but
I'm afraid these old bones can
only take so much excitement
during the course of the day.
Tom reaches in his pocket for his wallet and opens it and
produces some money. He slips a fifty pound note in his
A little something for your
troubles then.
Most gracious of you Mr Larner.
Thank You.
The Vicar takes the money as Tom holds out his hand. The
vicar shakes it warmly before disappearing through a door to
his side as Tom walks of down the aisle.
Tom walks outside to join the others. Andy and Emma are
covered in confetti and Tom joins them, Emma gives him a big
Thanks Dad. for everything.
Yeah, you've made such an effort
to make our day special. Thanks.
What are father's for eh?
Nicola walks up the pathway and joins them.
Forgive me for interrupting this
little love-in, but I think the
photographer's ready.


Okay, let's get this over with.
I'm hungry. I need a cheese and
onion sandwich pronto!
Lucky I didn't ask the caterer to
make any!
Well I might have had a little
Tom grins and as he looks, he can see Eric in the crowd of
gatherers, two young ladies on each arm. As he sees Tom, he
grins before disappearing into a crowd of people around
You look happy.
I told you nothing would go wrong,
didn't I? The sun is shining, my
daughter's just got married. All
in all it's been a perfect day.
The Vicar wanders over to the window and looks down at the
proceedings downstairs. He sips his cup of tea and looks at
the fifty pound note in his hands. As the camera pans away
from him, we see an older man in his underwear gagged and
bound at a table nearby. The Vicar slaps the money down on
the table before him.
A little tip for you father. It
was worth forty years in jail for
The Vicar starts to rip at his face as it comes back to
reveal an older, if still manic-looking Mike Tyler. As the
horrified man looks on, Mike walks to the window and sees
the happy couple walking down the pathway and he burst into
manic and uncontrollable laughter.


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From Rebekah Santiago Date 10/27/2010 ****
This screenplay is amazing. I'm going to be writing one myself soon. I hope mine is a good as yours.

From Lisa J. Dabrowski Date 10/3/2010 ***1/2
Contains quite a bit of British slang, if this is only for the UK Market it is understandable. Taken into consideration that the year is 2088, perhaps everyone speaks as they do in the UK, and we must also take the location into consideration. Excellent story and Action right off the bat. Good job.

From N. H. Date 10/2/2010 ****
This screenplay is really good. You should try to get it produced. It would be an awesome movie that I would pay to see.

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